Current Mood!


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Happy.. I haven't drawn anything for a while so I guess I should go do that, also I'm starting to work on my HUGE wolf project..

Bored out of my mind? xD

Hey pyonchit, I drew a wolf and I decided to do a poze like yours and I actully was able to draw it good! X.X And then I tried to draw Inkblot, I failed miserably. XD Well my first try wasnt THAT bad. XD

I'm mad right now.

I was just at the dentist to get a crown for my tooth but I got another temporary and I need to go back next week

I'm feeling pretty good, considering I'm listening to my ipod. ♥Teh Ipod-ness♥

In massive amounts of pain. I just had four shots in my upper arms.

-edit- Kind of anxious... o.o; I feel as though I've angered somebody. No, make that a certain.

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I hope you feel better Rachelgotchi. :blink:

Happy, because I just re-downloaded Mulitmeda Fusion the new version with new features it's a game maker, and I download some Sonic the hedgehog sprites so I can make my game! SQUEE! Also there's one called Games Factory..


Bored out of my mind, hoping that the kid down teh street wil magically show up so we can ride bikes or SOMETHING!


Ooh, I wanna go ride my bike! :D I might go do that, seeing as I just finished making my Dad's b-day present. (Or at least the box X3 I'm going to make a clay bike to put in it because we're getting him a bike for his birthday.)

Hehe! Cool! Heh, *Stares at picture of wolf that I just drew* Pyonchit draw better than me! ^.^

Happy yet mad. Happy because I went school clothes shopping today, and got some pretty cute stuff! But I'm made because someone rolled (or TP'd) my house last night, and me and my best friend CDR (CuteDancerRachel) had to clean up THEIR mess!And, it rained on us. But someone had to clean it up before the paper got all soggy. And everyone in my house is havbing a "lazy day" today. >_<

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