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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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new york
i wanted to noe if u other TT'ers cursed n stuff,im not gonna lie but i do curse evry once in a while but not in front of my family,like in from of my friends and in school >.> :D <.<

i wanted to noe if u other TT'ers cursed n stuff,im not gonna lie but i do curse evry once in a while but not in front of my family,like in from of my friends and in school >.> ;) <.<
I don't, but I sometimes have to try not to, if someone makes me really really mad.

mametchi ;)

I only do it when nobody can hear me. It's a habit then, but it doesn't even occur to me to swear when I'm around other people.

I curse quite a lot. But I try not to do it in front of my parents. Around my friends nearly every sentence has a swear.

I do somtimes with my friends.

Like, twice at school I called a girl the 'b' word and once when a bee practically landed on me I screamed the 's' word. xD

If I feel like I have to swear in front of my family, I usually say, ''friggin''

I used to have a swearing problem, but it was mostly from influences of a site, because before and after that I didn't curse. I don't swear anymore. The farthest I might possibly go is 'crap'.

I do rarely and it's a MAJOR secret,because if my parent's found out.I would die.But, I only curse around my cursing friends and when I'm completly alone.And even when with them i rarely curse.

Meh. Sometimes. Not so much anymore, and now I try to avoid the "f -word." I use the "s -word that also means crap" and the "b -word, a.k.a. a female dog" quite a bit, though. ;]

When I get really annoyed. Like I've called tons of people at school "A......." or "B......" And it sometimes slips out when I get really freaked out or something.

*Looks around suspiously* Me? little ol' me? Why would you think that? *puts hands up in air* OK OK FINE DON"T INTERIGATE ME IM GUILTY I TELL YOU GUILTEY!!!

Yea i do curse. In my school they don't really care if you do. They pretend to but really they don't. Even the teachers curse somtimes. When someone pisses me off i can curse them off like crazy, but if they REALLY pi** me off, to where no words can do justice, i just flip them off. That happed this week actually XD


Well, yes I curse a lot. xD!! *%$#

But I only curse around Some of my girl friends, and just about all my of guy friends. xD

But FOR SURE not around my family of any sorts! Or around young children or strangers. :eek:

xD But yet! I find it funny when some of my friends will be like..."YOU SWEAR?! I've never heard you swear before!"

Muahaha~ Makes me giggle. I HAVE A LITTLE DARK SIDE IN MEH! > :)

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Every now and then I do, only if something startles or scares me. I hardly ever swear at school either. I every now and then mutter stuff under my breath if someone is just being really rude to me.


I always do. Around family and friends.

Not around very little children though. That's just mean. O:

But if I'm around a little kid or something, and it slips...I get slapped. D:

And not around strangers either. They'd get a bad impression of me, and I really am nice. ^^;;

- xd3vilx

Hardly ever.

And the rare occasion which I do everyone says it is strange in me.

I often use eufemisms, or simply screw my face up. But in general, I have nothing to swear about - so I find no point in it. :huh:

I feel cleaner not swearing, and none of my friends swear very much either.

None of my friends swear. I do rarely but like under my breath!

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