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well for me its a bad habit i mean i dont like cursing but i feel like its a drug once your on it its hard to get off

I don't curse a lot, and if I do it's only if I'm with my friends

I do at school with my friends,not at home.

I've only got in trouble once from it.

There is this really Christian kid that goes to my school,and to the teen center(a video game place afterschool).

Me and my friend Jon were walking on the side of the rode,and this guy in a van almost hit me and Jon. We both flicked him off-bad idea.

The other kid ran off and told his mom,and she called our parents. I got grounded for awhile, but I still sware and stuff :lol:


I used to swear alot at school, but I told my mum out of guilt, and now I only do it when:

1) It slips

2) I dont count 'Crap' As a swear word, my parents dont care.

3) Ditto for Hell

4) I swear under my breath

5) When I am really ticked sometimes I use the 'minor' words.

A**, D***, Etc, But I avoid the S word, F word, and (usually) the B words.

In my opinion I regret doing it in the first place bacause my parents tell me swearing is for people who arent smart enough to think of something else to say (I took offence to this when I heard, Its not from my lips, sorry if it hurt any1 ;_ :lol:


I do alot at school. Not really at home, though. I don't swear much except for when I'm very angry or slip... or do something stupid.

Never. And that's what makes it difficult, you see because now I have a reputation for not swearing. So, if someone were to make me boiling mad, and I accidentally swore, I'd never hear the end of it. -.- I let the word "hell" slip out once, and my friend went on and on.... :nazotchi:

ehh, i just cursed this girl out cause she was gettig on my nerves. 3FF U MAR1AJ0S3!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you and melissa BURN IN sorry. i had a moment. =D

i effin curse every other effin word. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WIT THAT?! jkjk lol. but i do curse a lot.

may-beh...may-be not >.> *supiciosly moves eyes back and forth* <.<

Umm...Sometimes. I'd be in BIG trouble if my family knew.>.> I don't often, me and a lot of friends dont, and nither did 1 girl until sh started hanging out with a cussing friend, o now she says t ALL THE *cuss* TIME!! Oops! Lolz, jk about the "*cuss*"

It's so anoying, and ppl can be fun to hang out with without foul language :lol:

I don't mind swearing. I don't like homophobic slurrs, however.

So the big bad swear words don't phase me.

Otherwise, I'm a regular sailor.

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I swear at school. Just not in front of adults. One time my teacher heard me say "Edited- the site rules STILL apply even in this topic*!!!! she didn't do anything though. I cuss frequently and colorfully. lol It's like a 2nd language to me!!!! lol

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I definetly have a cursing prob! Only in front of my friends I would never curse AT them!


Well I'll be so alone without you

Maybe youll be lonesome too

Fly the ocean in a silver plane

See the jungle when its wet with rain

Just remember till your home again

You belong to me ;)

Not a lot. I try not to infrount of my parents. I might say some with my friends a little, but nothing major. I usually dont sware though

I'm 14 and I have never cursed. Not once. I don't take the the Lord's name in vain either.

My thoughts on cursing are that a.) It shows you lack class, and b.) the world would be a better place without it.

And before anyone makes a comment, I went to school in the ghetto for 2 years. If I was going to pick up any nasty habits I already would have.

Okay, I'm done. *Steps down from proverbial pedestal/high horse*

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