Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Near then grinned "Matt I didn't know you were on THAT side of the fence" Near also heard L talk about wanting cake and remembered he had cake from the duty free shop in the airport he texted Sakura saying he has cake to bribe L with if she wants to win.

Mello let out a loud laugh from his room after hearing Near's comment.

Sakura pulled her phone out of her pocket. I think I'm just going to cut of his cake supply completely. She looked up at L. "Well, too bad. No cake for you until you say I've won.

Matt rounded on Near. "Shut up. He has hair gel. I don't." He turned back to the door and knocked.

L paused for a second, then slowly looked up at Sakura. "You can't stop me eating cake."

Near laughed and texted L "You don't need to give in! You can buy cake from me instead!" then shouted at Mello "Look who's laughing at the person they called a f****** sheep!"

Sakura grinned. "Oh, yes I can."

Mello didn't unlock his door, "You ARE a f*****g sheep."

Near then shouted back at Mello "I'm not a sheep or f****** one either! How about you and Matt don't go with Light and that Matsuda person? Because whatever club they're going too isn't suitable for you two!"

"You have to sleep at some point," L said simply, pulling the sugar bowl closer.

Matt rolled his eyes and kicked the door. "Mello, open the door."

Near laughed "Oh look who's SO desperate to get to his boyfriend! Though in all honesty I don't know WHAT Mello is!"

Sakura shrugged, a grin still on her face. "It's not like you can drag me around while I'm asleep. Also, if you unchain yourself to go grab it, you automatically lose."

Mello snorted. "No, Matt. Why should I?"

"I can get someone else to fetch the cake for me," L said, shrugging and taking another sugar cube.

Matt slammed his shoulder into the door, scowling. "Because I'm your friend and that should be enough?"

Sakura tilted her head. "You've seen what I can do when it comes to physical fighting. I can always threaten that when they try to give the cake to you."

Mello leaned against his door. "Will you stop calling me Mels?"

Near heard what Sakura said where he was standing "f*** I wanted to make money from it! Well maybe I still can.." He thought to himself but he was also enjoying the scene between Matt and Mello "MELLO JUST CAUSE I'M HERE DOESN'T MEAN YOU AND YOUR BOY CAN'T BE NAKED WITH EACHOTHER" He shouted LOUD

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"You don't know who's going to be fetching me cake," L said, still not looking up at Sakura.

"Maybe," Matt said, pushing on the door again

Sakura smirked. "I'll tell them all to not give you cake."

Mello narrowed his eye. "It's a for sure yes or I don't let you in." he heard Near and growled. "SHUT THE f*** UP, NEAR."

"Matsuda would get me cake," L said, resting his chin on his knees again.

"Okay, okay," Matt said, rolling his eyes. "Fine. I won't call you Mels."

Near whispered to Matt "Matt is it really worth giving up the nickname just to see him naked?"

Sakura turned to her computer. "Trust me, if I threatened him, he'd listen to me."

Mello put his hand on the lock. "Do you swear on your precious DS?"

"He's scared of being kicked off the team," L said, picking up some more sugar cubes and beginning to stack them up. "He'll listen to me."

Matt paused, staring down at his pocket. "Uh...I swear"

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