Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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L started to slowly pull the chain towards himself, staring at Sakura.

"You just wish you had a pair," Matt said, grinning. He sat up. "When are we actually going?"

Sakura became slightly wobbly and she glared over at L. "Stop it."

Mello looked over at a clock in the corner of his room. "Eh... In a half hour. When it's about ten p.m."

L simply stared at Sakura, still pulling on the chain.

"Okay," Matt said, nodding. "Are we driving there? Because if we are, no one is driving my car."

Sakura became even more shaky and she tried her best to keep herself balanced. "S-stop!!"

"If we take your car, you can drive. Don't have a panic attack." Mello said with a smirk.

L paused, switching the chain between his hands so he could pick up another sugar cube, then pulled it sharply.

"I'm not having a panic attack," Matt said, standing up. "And if anyone throws up in my car, I'm borrowing your gun."

Sakura shrieked briefly and tumbled out of her chair, hitting her head on the desk. She sat up slowly after a moment of lying there, holding her forehead.

Mello grinned. "No problem." He then heard Sakura's shriek. "What the hell was that?"

L glanced at Sakura. "I said you'd fall." He started nibbling the corner of the sugar cube, typing on his keyboard.

"No idea," Matt said, frowning and walking towards the door.

"I didn't know you'd actually do that so me!!!" Sakura yelled shakily, still holding her forehead.

Mello hopped off his bed, following Matt.

"Why would you think I wasn't going to?" L asked, resting his chin on his knees.

Matt walked down the corridor and into the main room, then leaned against the doorway.

Near heard the bang and ran into the room "Sakura are you OK?"

"I thought you were kinder than that... Guess I was wrong." Sakura frowned at L, standing up and sitting down in her chair. She then turned to Near. "Yes Near, I'm fine.."

Mello stood next to Matt. "What'd he do to her?" he asked quietly.

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"I want to win," L said simply. "Is there any more of the strawberry cake?" He stood up, dropping the sugar cube onto the table.

"No idea," Matt muttered back, watching with a slight smile

Near looked at the scene and thought to himself "L's very mean to Sakura"

"Well, if there is, you're not getting any." Sakura told him, yanking the chain.

Mello looked over at Matt with a sigh. "Great... Sakura's pi**ed."

L stumbled sideways when the chain was pulled, falling into Sakura. "But I want the cake..." He glanced back at the kitchen door, lifting his free hand to his mouth.

"I guess we should hide," Matt said, backing out to the corridor

Sakura pushed L off her gently. "You can't have any. I already told you that."

Mello nodded. "... Sounds like a plan,"

L tried to walk towards the kitchen, his hand behind him as he attempted to pull Sakura with him.

"So, we have to take Matsuda and Light," Matt said, starting to smirk again. "Let's have some fun with them, then. Let's get them absolutely trashed."

Sakura held onto the desk, pulling L backwards.

Mello laughed. "Awwwww yeessss," he grinned, "This is gonna be awesome."

L turned to stare at Sakura, then leaned over so he could scoop her up. "I'm getting cake."

"I wonder what Light will be like drunk," Matt said, smirking. "I bet he'll go crazy."

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