Debugging A Tamagotchi V6/Music Star


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well what i think is bandi is trying to trick us so they probably did not the debug name on the board :p

I tried using a little piece of foil to connect the little dots, but the screen went all weird. Don't try the foil, I'm still not sure whether the tama is permanently damaged or not.

We're getting into the fact that the black microchip might contain the answer. The black microchip runs the entire Tamagotchi. Back up for a second.

Some people want to debug their Music Stars. Some people think the black microchip is where the money is. If you need to damage the microchip to debug your Music Star...then there would be no point in debugging, would there? :angry:

then wath is it any way i cant open the blak circle its its ....... waht is made of gosh its so hard i tried evry thing cheer and give me tips on how to open it thanks

The point of debugging is to be able to play as characters on the tamagotchi without raising them from baby form.

then wath is it any way i cant open the blak circle its its ....... waht is made of gosh its so hard i tried evry thing cheer and give me tips on how to open it thanks
Heres a tip: Dont open it!

It will ruin your Tamagotchi.

maybe it has somethin to do with the small orange thing in the bottom right corner

No, any screw driver that is small enough for Tamagotchi screws is good. Philips just happens to be a brand we recommend o-o Though I had a Husky, and it worked just fine. It had a removable tip, and a cap on the top to store different sizes.

Yar, anyway.. Just because it's a Tamagotchi doesn't mean it can be "debugged", or so it's called. Maybe the word "debug" was above/below the semi-circles just by coincidence. Who knows?

Well, you have no proof. THE OTOKITCHI LIED!!!

If you have proof, Quote this and give a pic or something.
Imma Firin' Mah Lazar!

I did not lie! Coincidentally that tamagotchi was Just sent in to BanDai to Repair!

Yes I did debugged it, even if I didn't have proof...Unless the Hyper Mode was a glitch, and the "Billion Trillion Points " -fail- Were a glitch too! Then you explain!



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Matt, we simply cannot believe something just like that without proof. I'm not saying you're lying, however. Don't flip out because of one person; if you'll get the proof eventually, then get it later

EDIT: Name calling, and "hate" :/ C'mon now.

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im blameing myslef for this

while i was trying to debug it i scrached the cirtit bored :wacko: :) :(

now one small side of the screen is black

i talked to a guy at radio shack and he said that if you cut of the end of a usb cord(the part that goes into the device) and attached the wired in side to the circet board you coul program the tamagotchi!!

i talked to a guy at radio shack and he said that if you cut of the end of a usb cord(the part that goes into the device) and attached the wired in side to the circet board you coul program the tamagotchi!!
The wires go to the speakers, there isn't really any data transferred through. I think they programmed the Tamagotchi with the infra-red..

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