did anyone think you were a 'natural' at something


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I'm not really a natural at anything.. Well maybe swimming, I was swimming since I can remember, but it was probably just practise. I used to be a good writer, and won this contest thing in grade 2, but not so much anymore. My imagination was pretty awesome then...

So I don't know, I'm not really a 'natural' with anything right now really..

I used to stink at the Alto sax.. and when i switched to the tenor.... our band teacher was like "omg, you are a natural at the tenor!!!!!" (tenor sax*

A lot of people have freaked, because I go into stores (like WalMart) and go straight to the electronics area, find a keyboard, and start playing for fun while my family looks around. Usually I play FurElise, and people think I'm just pressing keys and it's a setting on the keyboard, but then I stop and start again and they want to show their friends, family, and want me to play it again. xD (I can play it my memory, with my eyes shut, and sometimes really fast ^^) So they say I'm a natural at keyboarding.
If someone can play the piano at a store they usualy play Fur Elise. Crazy! xD

That's cool. Can you play the middle fast section too?

I know, I found that weird too, but all the other songs I play are pretty short..

Well, I can pretty much play the entire song in under... 15 seconds, maybe?? I'm not sure. I haven't timed myself. :) (Of course, it's the single note version. I play one nore at a time, with no combos.. I daresay it's just about impossible to memorize the entire song, play it by heart, with the origional. :D )

People think I'm skilled, because I can play it that fast by memory (and with my eyes shut xD). I wanted to learn it, but I didn't have any sort of book to show me the notes, so I learned it by myself, by picking the notes out by sound and memorizing the pattern. Heh.

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I dunno. I'm good at math. One of my friends said I was a natural at giving advice and another said I was a natural at knowing what's up/wrong.

Sorry, edit.. yes, I play the origional, only single-note. I play this, only cutting out some of the extra notes, and sticking to the main.. it quite easy for me. Sorry for the confusion. :)

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Sorry, edit.. yes, I play the origional, only single-note. I play this, only cutting out some of the extra notes, and sticking to the main.. it quite easy for me. Sorry for the confusion. :)
Oh, ok. You scared me there for a little bit! xD

I'm quite good at knitting and crocheting. All my female relatives have knit and crochet, it's very easy and fun to me. I've only been crocheting for two months and I'm already very good at it. I also knit a whale sweater :)

My mom says I have plenty of natural talents.

Drawing, drums, writing, reading. I just can't list them all right now.

Yeah, not too impressing.

Uhhhh... Singing... I guess.

I'm currently with the Australian Girls Choir and have done 3 concerts so far.

I think I suck though.

I'm a natural at baseball. In my first year, I was one of the top batters on my team :D I still am.

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Rockclimbing. My teacher siad she could swear I was part mountain goat LOL.

I was born smart. I learnt how to read upside down (age 2) before I could read the right way up (age 3 1/2)

Skiing. Got up and just went.

i'm natrual at alot of stuff but you gat bored reading it all

I've been considered a natural singer.

I remember rehearsing a song with my friend in music. She sang the first verse and then I sang the second verse. When I looked up the whole class was staring at me.

Then they started clapping. I was just like: O.O It was funny.

The ping pong ball thing where it has a pattle and a string with a ball on the endanyways it is so weird because one day i one like at chuckie Cheese or something and I realized I could do it really good

Reading/English. I could read by the time I was three (and I didn't discover that most people at my school couldn't read until they were five until last year. I thought three was the natural starting to read ago. I could also do basic math too.) My teachers say I'm one of the best writers in the class, too. I've also never found a spelling/vocabulary test hard. I can also read easily at college level.

I'm not good at much else without practicing, except windsurfing. When I first started, I only fell down once (I wasn't paying attention when the teacher told us how to stop) when I ran into a sandbank.

I have been able to read really fast since I was little, and I've always been good at spelling and writing.

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