Did Littlest Pet shop copy?


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
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I just saw a commercial on Littlest Pet Shop Digital pets. Naturally, i wouldn't want one because i already have a tama and the key chain for Littlest pet shop was kinda.. ugly. xP (Sry for people that like those) Well, I was wondering, did they copy tamagotchi? Because Littlest Pet shop IS from another company(Hasbro) and they did come out later(I think). Correct me if I'm wrong. :D

Yes, they did copy Bandai`s product. Tamagotchi was the very first electronic pet realeased. Ever since Tamagotchi became popular, there has been loads of Electronic pets popping up all over the market.

If you see an electronic pet made by another company then Bandai, it`s a copy.

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Unfortunatly, yes. Littlest Pet Shop wants to be as popular as the Tamagotchi virtual pets. Littlest Pet Shop if ..ugly and is a rip off. I believe that they just want money like most companies do. All of us know that BanDai actually cares if children have fun or not. They do not care about being rich one bit. They worked very hard on Tamagotchis.


No, it's not a copy. Just because tamagotchis were the first v-pet and they are your favorites doesn't mean that every other company that makes a v-pet is copying tamagotchis. Those are a whole different v-pet that tamagotchis. Those and tamagotchis have nothing in common except that they are both v-pets. There are gonna be more electronic pets in the world other than tamagotchis and none of them are copies excep JD and TS. Those companies make v-pets and sell them as tamagotchis. Hope this answers your question.


:mimitchi: :kusatchi: :D :gozarutchi: :mametchi: :)

No, it's not a copy. Just because tamagotchis were the first v-pet and they are your favorites doesn't mean that every other company that makes a v-pet is copying tamagotchis. GotchiGirl96

no offence but Gotchigirl is right, bandai may be the leading v-pet creators but everyone esle makes one right? it doesnt mean they are copying tamas, it just means bandai has competition with v-pets.

Besides, my firend has one and a tama v3 but she says the LPS (littlest pet shop) is just as good as a tama, if you bought one of those v-pets you find in the toy aisle of a pharmacy, now those are at the bottom of the v-pet chain

You cannot copy someone like that, since no one can monopolize a single market. It's called COMPETITION.

Allow me to clarify. You see, when Atari built the video game industry, they were challenged by the Intellivision and the Commodore64. Was that copying? To an extent. When Nintendo's NES came out, were they copying? Maybe a little, but they built upon the technology of the Atari to make something better. When the SEGA Genesis came out, Nintendo answered with the SNES. The Saturn and the Playstation brought about the Nintendo 64. The Playstation 2 brought the Dreamcast, the Gamecube, and the Xbox.

How is this the same? It's competition in an industry, in this case video games, that forced the market to evolve. If Tamagotchis monopolized, you'd have the same technology in your Tamagotchi for many years. Lack of competition makes companies not update as often as with competition.

So, you can look forward to a better Tamagotchi coming out. Just like how fans of video games and look forward to the Xbox 360, which is out, the PS3, and the Wii. Competition brings about the evolution of a market. Without that evolution, that market is doomed to fail eventually.

Other types of virtual pets have been produced by other companies for 10 years. I love most of the other legitimate types of vp's out there, I have nearly every kind you could find in America, and some from overseas, too. :)

[SIZE=11pt]Yaecia explained things pretty nicely there.[/SIZE]

But yeah, other companies put out their own things expanding on the ideas. They are not really copies. They are not trying to be Tamagotchi. LPS is very different from tamagotchi.

I have an entire website dedicated to the Bandai Tamagotchi family AND all those other ones that were inspired by Tamagotchi but are not especially trying to be Tamagotchi.

Other companies take the idea and put their own ideas and style in to them.

Yes, there are ones that say they are Tamagotchi. Those are those annoying fakes on ebay that say they are V5++. Ick.

Let me just say, it isn't copying!

There are a whole bunch of websites to do with tamagotchis (tamagotchi fourms). So aren't THEY considered a copying? No.

Same with gaming systems. There are lots of different ones, and were they copying? No.

No company ever has copied Tamagotchi. You can only call it "copying" when everything is exactly or pretty much the same. Do tamagotchis have a hair brush and a food bowl sticking out of the side like the Littlest Pet Shop Digital Pet does? Nope. Does LPSDP (littlest pet shop digital pet) have starwberries as charcters? Of course not! Also, they are just digital versions of the toy. Tamagotchis were digital pets at the beginning, and then they became stuffed animals. Same idea with LPSDP! :wacko:


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To tell the truth, yes... But dont you play with other virtual pets? You dont need to stick to the status quo!

Other virtual pet makers, they were insprired! Not being selfish or mean...

I saw the LPS vpets the othernight in WalMart. They're big and chunky ((bigger even than like the Giga Pound)) and have things hanging off it. Definitely not something I'd buy

I think the LPS handheld games look quite fun and cute! Because you get to play games like bouncing on a trampoline and things - and collect stamps for your friends, and the feeding/washing/games all look rather entertaining to watch and stuff - but still, not a patch on Tamas!!!

Oh, and here is a small note to TamaPATCHI; Bandai does care about being rich!!! It's what every company is all about! It's just about money and competition against the other good-selling companies! EVERY company cares about the money they are receiveing, but yes, they also want to keep kids having fun!!!! :wacko:

I dunno. The look cute though - if I was 3 years younger, I'd buy one. :furawatchi:

-wow-. I remember when Littlest Pet shops were plastic.

The new ones look unique. I dont know if it looks like its as fun as a Tamagotchi, but real kudos for originality of design. The character is a little big and it doesnt look like it has standard VP play, but I might mess around with one if it belonged to someone else.

If BanDai didnt stand to make money off of people, they would mail all of them away for free! It probably costs 3.00 to make a Tamagotchi in factory. Thats a pretty big profit margin :)

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Yes, they did copy Bandai`s product. Tamagotchi was the very first electronic pet realeased. Ever since Tamagotchi became popular, there has been loads of Electronic pets popping up all over the market.If you see an electronic pet made by another company then Bandai, it`s a copy.
Yes, I agree.

They forsure copied!!!

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