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I'm an omnivore. ;D

I think that as long as you make sure to get all the essentials in the no-meat diet, whatever works for you is great. Just make sure to eat a variety of fruits and veggies so that you aren't lacking in any area. :)

When I'm human im omnivore

When I'm vampire I'm vegetarian

What the heck is a Peskivore? :p EDIT: Oh. xP

I'm an omnivore. I eat a lot of both.

Cecib :)

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Idk what i am. I used to be a vegetarian but kinda lost that :) . I eat a lot of seafood, i <3 seafood, so im not a vegiterian, i don't like pork, lamb, most red meat, or chicken but i will eat it if it must be eaten (which is like once every 2 months) i mostly eat fruits, bread, vegitables, anything with soy, and noodles and the like. I usualy sit down at home with a banana, vegetable stir fry, and chocolate soy milk and think, "DARN U MOM!! LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE MADE ME INTO!!!" xD my mom has made me basicly REPULCED by fried food and anything else that isn't organic xD I still think i have weight to loose, but im probably pretty healthy. :p Haven't gotten sick in FOREVER! *Knocks on wood* lol
So i guess im an omnivore.
Sound like your a confused pescitarian =]

You eat seafood and a vegetarian diet most of the time.

So you are a pescitarian who only a few times a year caves

Wow. A lot of people are vegetarians. I'm not. =o

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