Do what you do (:


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia.
Hi :)

My brother and I were talking earlier about odd things we can do. He can make like a flower kind of thing with his tongue... I can put my feet behind my head.

I want to be able to make that "Brrrrr" noise that you do in vocal warm ups haha, I can't do that without poking my cheeks in :\

I'm good at writing, and kind of singing, but music isn't really my forte. I just like to listen to it.

I am complete rubbish at playing any instrument, or playing any kind of sport (Apart from softball, that's fun : P)

So, what strange things can you do? What do you want to be able to do?

What are your talents, and what are you just really rubbish at?

Do what you do (;

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My talents:

-Standing on my head.

-Long jump.

...and that's about it...

Oh, and I can do cartwheels. And, I can eat really disgusting things without spitting it out and hating it... which helps alot cuz my mum's cooking is real bad.

And everything else I am horrible at :)

Haha, I get hurt easily, so I don't try...

Flips, cartwheels, handstands, standing on my head, or anything else they may land me in a hospital bed, aha.

I like living, thanks :)

Long jump? That's no surprise, cuz you're really tall, aye? Cool, though, I always sucked at it, haha.

^^I cannot do flips. That is the one thing which lands ME in a hospital bed...

My school is a gymnastics school. We do gym every week, and there's a gym class which does big gym and actually does competitions.

I suck at PE. Well, most PE. I cant shoot basketballs, or netballs, or kick a football. I had a really bad injury in soccer the other week, and am afraid of soccer now :)

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im double jointed so theres some stuff i can do but i havent had the skills to do them , its like i can do them but i dont know that i could do it

for example :

i never knew i could put my arms from my back to the front holding my hands without letting go and i started to do it .

and i can do weird stuff with my fingers and knuckles

i used to do the split but i dont know what happen after now i cant do it :[

and my tounge i can fold it in the air and makee circles

yeahh, kinda weird. thats why i never do it that much.

I often amaze people with my immense clumsiness. And I am known for having the spaz factor.

As for my actual talents, I can sing and act and write and swim. And ace the high jump events.





High jump


I learn REALLY fast

That's about it.

I can memorize totally pointless things like the llama song or the sailor code but I can't remember my math. XD

~Llama Song~

Here's a llama

There's a llama

And another little llama

Fuzzy llama

Funny llama

Llama llama


Llama llama







Llama llama



Llama llama


I was once a treehouse

I lived in a cake

But I never saw the way

The orange slayed the rake

I was only three years dead

But it told a tale

And now listen, little child

To the safety rail

Did you ever see a llama

Kiss a llama

On the llama

Llama's llama

Tastes of llama

Llama llama


Half a llama

Twice the llama

not a llama



Llama in a car

Alarm a llama



Is THIS how it's told now?

Is it all so old?

Is it made of lemon juice?




Now my song is getting thin

I've run out of luck

Time for me to retire now

And become a duck

So what are things you can do?

I can play guitar, sing, be loud, listen, and be decent at track.

What do you want to be able to do?

I can kind of sing and jump at track, but I want to improve a lot.

Other two questions are sort of the same, so... :]

I'm good at track and field.. I do high jump, standing long jump, and short distance races.

I can impersonate Steven Hawking.

I can do all jumps up to a double toe in figure skating

I'm a goalie. (soccer) I was a goalie for one of the 4 Ontario teams

umm... I'll have to think about this one a little bit.. :D

[SIZE=7pt]EDIT- wrong smilie[/SIZE]

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L O L That's awesome :gozarutchi: I'd love to see that xDHow many jumps are there?
There's....... 9 jumps, it doesn't seem like very much, probably because it takes a few minths just to get one of our jumps :gozarutchi: plus like a bajillion spins.

..if you're really bored you can seach 'double toe loop' on youtube, it's the best i can do 8D

and I just tried putting my feet behind my head like you can do, I got it equivalent to my head. So when Ican do it I shall post here!

-Cross my eyes

-Curl my tongue

-Do both at the same time

-Impersonate a chicken

-Sing the Banana Phone song

-Lick soap (yum)

-Hold things in my mouth, like flowers, a chocolate bar still in its wrapper, a present etc.

And lots of other weird things.

I can put my legs behind my head too! I also have a long tongue lol I can do voice impersonations of almost everyone on cartoons really well. I can memorize the spectrum song on my profile page lol and that's all for now x3. I can cross one eye without moving the other and really I don't know how to explain it =O! I'm known for being random too. "YAYZ FOR PIE!" =D! I also talk alot lol look at my icon it describes me -^o^-!

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Yay for feet behind headness... 0_o

@ Mazeay, is the double toe loop hard? x3

@ !Crux! HOW DO YOU CROSS YOUR EYES?! I cannot do it, no matter what I do, it looks normal.

xD So many odd talents ^-^

I'm good at falling over when I'm standing on a flat surface...well, I'm good at anything that involves falling, really. I'm good at reading in my head...not out loud. I don't really have any positive talents...I can curl my tongue? I just remembered one, well it probably isn't a talent, but out of six or seven of my friends I can walk on my knees without falling over for the longest time.

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