Do what you do (:


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Crossing my eyes.

Long jump.

Standing on my head.

Poetry (sometimes).


Maths (Im a bit of a maths nerd xP).

My tongue can go to the middle of my nose. xD

I can also kick a kickball at speeds of 87mph+ and make it go really far.

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I drink milk fast. xD Real fast. My friend tried to drink fast but she choked herself D:

I'm good at some Basketball, Volleyball....I'm actually kinda good with balls. [That sounded wrong. D:]

I can do gymnastics, but I usually get hurt so I don't really spend time practicing O:

I forgot one thing, softball throw. I signed up for track and field, and I forgot that I have a good arm at softball throw.

and yeah, double toe loops are pretty hard... it's 2 rotations in the air, on blades on ice. I don't like doing them that much..

.. and I can almost get my leg over my head! ^_^

I can bend the top joints of my fingers without bending any other joints.

If that doesn't make sense, I can bend my fingertips without bending the bottom half of my fingers.

I can't think of anything else at the moment XD

I can..

Roll my tongue

Make my tongue in a 3 leaf clover thing

Put my leg behind my head

Cross my eyes

Crack my wrists like.. alot of times in a row

Put my thumb back pretty far

Play Clarinets

Do math

I think I am double jointed o:

@ ilovekuchipa555 - Just milk, or other drinks too? Aha that's so cool ^-^

x.P O K E R F A C E - I'm sure you can do something :) :blink:

Ksenia and kk445 - Gah D: Maths. That is a talent, haha.

^Fine then.

Say the alphabet backwards.

Read//Speak Italian. At a Early High School Level =]

Irish Dance.

Be a loser.



Do splits.

Cross eyes.

I am good at MSNing.

Write poems.

I am a fashionista.

I am good at math.

Top english student at school =3.

Ohmygodohmygod, another talent 8D

DOODLE! I love doodling so much. Like, not proper drwing, but just drawing little hearts and random pointless objects which are completely and utterly inanimate.



Irish dancing : D Luke's Irish-ish, and his sister does Irish dancing. It's amaaaaaazaazaazazazzing.

What's rebel dancing? Sounds fun xD


Irish dancing : D Luke's Irish-ish, and his sister does Irish dancing. It's amaaaaaazaazaazazazzing.

What's rebel dancing? Sounds fun xD

That's rebelling. And i actually know all those guys. LOL i'm a beginner but just as good as them ^^

i would post a video but my camera broke wtf

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I always Irish dance whenever I'm standing and have nothing to do. Well, try to. I odn't really know how P:

and P O K E R F A C E- I can sing the alphabet backwards too! I can also do it from middle to end, but I'm a little rusty, lol. My record time is 14 seconds :)

[SIZE=7pt]EDT- typoe[/SIZE]

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I doubt any of you take classes.

I dance Irish Dancing at a Primary level (2nd Grade)

And I have only been ID-ing for a year.

I won my first ID comp.


-Can do really good gymnastics

-am a dancer

-am naturally gifted in music (apparently)

-The best person ever to play Knock a door run/rat tat ginge, because I run mega fast

-can do weird things with my tongue and hands

I want to...........

-Be a better singer sucsessful.....

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