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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2007
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GHOSTS??? Well yeah I do. STOP UR LAUGHIN! My school and movie theater is haunted. On weekends when nobody is in the school, the bell rings and you have to pull a rope to ring the bell and when nobody is in there, the bell still rings. The movie theater, well I dont know how it is haunted, it just is.

Freaky!!! I don't believe in ghosts and I don't really know of any places that are haunted but I do enjoy reading other peoples ghost stories! :eek:

i do. our grade 4 toilets at school is haunted. i went in there with a few friends. and the toilet seat slammed shut and noone was in there. '.'

i went in again, but alone, NOONE WAS IN THERE. but then ONE OF THE TOLIET FLUSHED. o_O o_O

i ran out sreaming and my friends asked wat the matter and i told them and they belived me. :eek: :D

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I forgot to add that my house is haunted too.

Have you ever heard of the boy scout and his dad (the troop leader) that died when driving to a field trip? well that happened. They were in a car with a couple other boys and they got struck by lightning. Only the boy scout and his dad died. I found out that they used to live in my house. Then one day I was watching tv and all of a sudden, the channel changes! The remote control was far away from me and my sister and nobody touched the tv. Also it was a beautiful day that day and so nothing could have messed up the TV! One more thing. One time I came home and like always I said "I AM HOME! ANYBODY HOME!". I could have sworn-correction. I did hear mens voice in the family room. So I went there AND NOBODY BUT ME WAS IN THE HOUSE!

Creepy huh?

i do. our grade 4 toilets at school is haunted. i went in there with a few friends. and the toilet seat slammed shut and noone was in there. '.'
i went in again, but alone, NOONE WAS IN THERE. but then ONE OF THE TOLIET FLUSHED. o_O o_O

i ran out sreaming and my friends asked wat the matter and i told them and they belived me. :eek: :D
Thats weird. My school is haunted in the bathroom too. One time I went in there and I was all alone and we have those automatic dryers like when you put your hands under them, they blow out hot water to dry your hands. I was in the stall and nobody was in there. I heard footsteps and I heard the thing turn on. I looked for feet and their was no feet. I heard footseps walk out of the bathroom! It was scary!

Thats weird. My school is haunted in the bathroom too. One time I went in there and I was all alone and we have those automatic dryers like when you put your hands under them, they blow out hot water to dry your hands. I was in the stall and nobody was in there. I heard footsteps and I heard the thing turn on. I looked for feet and their was no feet. I heard footseps walk out of the bathroom! It was scary!
blimey, some boy at our school (lets call him A) says its a poltregeist. (SP?)

yeah but my school is full of ghosts. scary. no not really scary. the ghosts dont bother us................during school times. I think i will go down there today and check it out.

P.S. Please peoples! Dont let this post die!

Wow scary stories.....aren't you guys scared at all? I think the girls locker room is haunted because it was just a normal P.E day right. so then we had are 12 min non stop run routine and then a friend of mines barfed so I had to take her to the locker room and check on her. So she went to the showers to wash her clothes and body cause she was covered in barf. Then she turned off the water I saw her turn it off then after she changed and we went out through the backdoor to come back to the field while we were locking the door with the key we heard the shower waters turn on and we heard water falling down it was so creepy o_O but then my friend said it was probably just the water dripping but I was like not even because the water sound was actrually pounding down as if someone was taking a real shower..........I was so scared after that incident and I heard stories of other scary things and my classmates say that it was a cheerleader who is hauting that place because she hung herself to die in there.

Yes, I defintley DO.

Me and my dad were playing with a Ouija board (it is a board that lets you contact spirits incase you didn't know) After we were done, my dad got a mosquito bite through this shirt, the TV was going all crazy [the volume went REALLY REALLY loud and even when we unplugged the TV, it still was on!] and my TV and my computer have the same connection, so my computer's interent went out but the TV was still working.


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Ughhh..these are some pretty scary stories. Personally, I don't believe in ghosts. I believe that ghosts are a thing to scare people..but..I do have a bit of proof. I guess I'm just half and half.

My grandpa died recently, last night, my mom was walking the dog and the dog was acting like my grandpa was there..must've been his ghost :p .


Yeah, I deifnantly do! My parents don't thinks so, but I truly think my upstairs except in my room is haunted. Here's how i know:

When my mom takes a shower she locks the door, right? Well, she got out of the shower once, door was locked, and their was a handprint on the fogged-up mirror! :p talk about freaky...

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