Do you ever feel broken inside?


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Yea, I've always acted stupid in front of people cause it's easier than acting smart. No one ever takes me seriously.

i feel broken all the time i feel like no one wants 2 hear wat i have 2 say

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Yeah, I feel that way quite a lot. I wouldn't consider myself emo though, because I do have an amazing friend I can tell my REAL thoughts too. I'm always happy and energetic at school, and sometimes that IS me. I can be a very happy, optimistic person. Then I can be very sad. But somehow, having alone time to just think and talk to myself helps a lot. I really am one of my own best friends. ^^

Oh goodness. Where do I start?

Well, my broken-ish feeling comes mostly from my issues with this one guy, who's been a complete jerk lately, and blah blah blah none of you care about the rest of that.

I also feel that way because of my current situation in school. The 'preppies' at my school like to frame the outcast kids to make them look like it was them who were littering under the bleachers, slamming lockers, etc.

Yes... But for me, this is hard to put into words.

When I transferred schools, I was depressed. And it was only because I wasn't around my friends, and felt too far away from them.

Then I transferred back a few months ago. And sometimes, I still feel the same way. x_x I absolutely hate it. It aggravates me to the point of screaming.

Since starting middle school, almost all of my friends have broken up into different groups. Of course, I still have two or three best friends to 'turn to'. But they make it seem like they have their own problems and can't handle or don't have time for mine.

Sometimes, I just feel like I'm not good enough for some people. I look in the mirror, and I want to cry. Even though I know I really shouldn't feel this way, because I do have friends... But they're the ones I don't feel good enough for.

Like I can always find a fault in myself, even if they overlook it.

I still hide these feelings. I have for about a year. Sometimes I can handle it... And sometimes I get so sick of it, I actually do feel like dying. It's strange.

[SIZE=7pt]I feel bad about myself almost always. [/SIZE]

You ready to hear me sound really emo?

Well, okay, I'm not, but I think crap about myself.

If someone tells me something good about me, I'm like "yeah right".

And "Blonde Jokes" annoy me, because the guys at school do that.

Dude, I'm a blonde, okay?

I don't like that.

Guys can be stupid.

They just don't get it.

And then later, thy come up to you and say,

"We were just joking. We're friends of course!"

I sometimes feel people are ignoring me and im ugly and i hate myself for no apparent reason.

I often bottle things up in my heart until i want to burst, the girls at my old school were really crappy and mean, my mother says boys make the best friends. Ha. I tried, boys get the wrong idea about me, they hate me, even the nicest boy in the class often laughs at me. I sometimes want to just leave earth.

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Yes, but I learn to move on.

No point continuing to make your life a misery, is there? :)

Sometimes things can leave you devasted, i've felt that more than once, but if you don't forgive and forget, nothing good will become of it.



Most of us feel like that...well a message to adults: that's teens for ya!

Anyway as I've said yeah....I only act how I am and let my feelings out on forums because nobody knows me personally so they can't really make fun of me. But when I'm with friends I bottle things up until I want to burst. Well I could just say anything at my old school but I've moved to a new school and my friends are either boys or "preps".

I feel broken on the inside rarely. I usually be myself and im not afrid to show people who i am but one time i built myself up to ask a guy out. I'd been going over and over how i would do it and didnt tell anyone anything about it but then as i approched him my friend came up to me nd told me that she asked him out and he said yes. I was bummed out and hurt but didnt tell a soul.

I dont exactly know why you would share this with people you dont know less you are looking for attention, so im keeping my mouth shut.

If you want an actual reply, here. I am more angry than that. I am not listened to at home, but I do here and at school.

I don't believe that not being listened to really should give you an excuse to whine. People have worser things they hide and not complain about.

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