Do you ever make up little skits?


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Rainbow Cat

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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I've made up 2 little skits (both in class when the teacher was giving a boring lecture! :D ) Here ya go!

1. The Unicorn And The Monster

*Unicorn neighs*

*Monster growls*

*Unicorn neighs again*

*Monster growls*

*Monster coughs*

*Unicorn neighs*

(Basically, a unicorn is eaten by the monster. It's like its saying help and the monster's all, "SHUT UP!" The unicorn neighs once more and the monster repeats, "SHUT UP!" The monster then coughs. The unicorn is out of his stomach, even though I don't know how! It neighs freely!)

2. Cookies

There is a man who comes home from work. He is a very rich doctor. He is eating dinner when someone breaks in the house. "I'm gonna take your flatscreen TV!" The burglar cries. The man says, "Okay." The burglar replies, "I'm going to take your laptop!" The man says, "Go ahead." The burglar says, "I'm going to take your Cadillac!" The man says, "If you want to." The burglar finally says, "I'm going to take your Chips Ahoy!" The man drops down onto his knees, claps his hands together, and cries, "Not the cookies! Anything but the cookies!!!"

Tee-hee, I'm weird! :D So... post your skits. Please?

I don't really have any...

Your stories are weird!

I did one for a couple 4 year olds on Wednesday o_O This Zebra got his appendix taken out XD

Yeah. just like, comic skits though.

The place is falling apart, and A guy is trapped in a mirror, and his friend save him. She gets all flustered when he hugs her in appreciation, then runs off, saying they should leave before their crushed.

Well I have one about my Keronians ^.^

Larara the dentist.

Fufufu (Boy): Hey Larara what's shakin? * smiles *

Larara (Girl): Fufu your tooth is loose!

Fufufu: Wait I can't see it!

Larara: * grins * That's because I haven't had a chance to knock it out! * moves close to Fufufu *

Fufufu: That won't be necessary! * backs up *

Larara: Let me be the judge of that! COME HERE YOU BRAT! * chases *

Fufufu: Ahhh! Why must you do this my love!? * runs away *

END! -_-

Lol, I made a knock knock joke the other day..

Tick tick tick..

Whos there?


Click click who?


(basicllly its a guy who opens a door to a time bomb!! LOL!)

Skit I'm making up as I go along:

(Strange) Man: Hi!

Women: Hello..... *suspicious look*

Man: *Shoves knife down throat and lights match and throws it in mouth too* Wanna go out?

Women: Ummmm.......*runs*

Man: Come on! *Takes knife out of throat and call someone on cell* I told you knife swallowing wouldn't get me any ladies!

(Gay) Man through phone: Sorry...wanna come over to my place? *Has nasty thoughts about knife swallowing man*

Man: No! *Hangs up phone*

(Gay) man: Don't worry my day you shall come to my place. And when you do I will NEVER let you go.

Lol, I was in the mood to write something about a pervy gay guy. XD

My one friend and I did that on AIM about a year ago. (Sadly, she moved, and now I hardly see her. D: ) She was really bored and we almost just started roleplaying. x3

I wish I could find some of them. Hers were really ridiculous and funny. If I dig deep into my AIM logs, I might find them.

Me and my friend on MSN did some pervy one about Demi Lovato and Sackboy (I was sackboy) I can't really remember it and it wouldn't be suitable for TT anyways xD


Deoxys:IM COLD AND NEED A UNBRELLA!!!!!!!!!!!! :(


Sumi:Wats His Pr-

Deoxys:I HAVE NO FREINDS!!!!!!!

*Piakchu And Sumi Walk Away And Were Like O_O;;*

Deoxys:FINE DONT HELP!!!!!

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