Do you grow up fast?


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Hah, I'm still in sports bras. xD

Someone once thought I was in 1st Grade. D: I look about 9.

I was a DD from 6th grade up until early last year. Now I'm in a DDD/E cup D:
In 8th grade I got sick of wearing bras, so I started wearing just a tight tank top under my clothes. My chest was never what you'd consider perky, so I'm somewhat stuck in strapped ones xP

I don't think they're really bad for you though. The can cause shoulder and neck pain, but nothing to hurt growth or anything. A big chest in general causes shoulder/neck/back pain.

If there was a sports bra in my size, I'd totally go for that xP
My mom said a B38 sports bra was the largest she could find. She thinks strapped bras are bad for you because she heard it from this person who's a doctor. Anyway, doctors know best. :lol: I never got a bra until grade 6(age 11) even though I could have gotten one in grade 4 (age 10). In grade 4 everyone kept on asking me if I was wearing a bra. >.< And grade 5! I wasn't! I started having breasts in grade 3 probably (when I was 9) and I got my period when I was 10. (When boys come to this topic, they could be freaked out. lol :huh: )

Someone thought I was in grade 10 before (I'm in grade 6). And when I was 11, I was taller than this 14 year old girl.
Im taller then my 20 year old cousin :/

and my mom.

Some guy thought I was 20 once o_O

I started wearing a bra when I was in fourth grade (I'm in seventh now), and I've had my period since I was 11 (the month before I turned 12 actually). I'm 13 now and 5 foot 6. Sometimes people think I'm around 17 years old because sometimes my older relatives (great-aunts and stuff) ask if I can drive yet xD.

Me being tall, yes. I'm 5'11''.

Pubertywise, I'm getting there.

I just got my period this summer, and in bras, I'm in a B.

I'd say I'm doing just fine.


- xd3vilx

Last edited by a moderator: feet grow fast. xP (From size 3-8 in two years o_O)

I'm getting taller too. (I'm 5''2 now)

I've had some puberty stuff happening as well....(Hehe...)

But thats all. I seem to be devolping less than my friends. x.x

Mileyroxursox2342, don't post three times in a row, just post it all in one post. It's annoying seeing three replys from one person in a row. >_>

I'm growing just fine, but I wish I'd be a kid forever.

I'm growing the same pace as everyone else, not to slow not to fast. I'm 12 and I haven't had "Aunt Flow" come yet, maybe because my mom was 13. I'm a 34 B and I'm 5"0 taller than my mom by an inch. Yes you heard me, my mom is 4"11. Sorry to be off topic but american idol is on!! ;) YES

Heh. Im 14 and guys don't bother me much..except the real jerks.

I'z had mah period since I was about...11? Ergh. Meh slow growing. A34 just isn't kickin it for me.


Well I havent hit puberty, But I am expecting to next year. I am starting to show signs, but not yet :D

I started to get a chest and hips when I was 10, But I am still only an A cup. :furawatchi:

I got my period when I was 12, and I have grown A lot since then... so I guess I havn't grown up too fast but not too slow either.

P.S I am 14 (almost 15)

Mileyroxursox2342, don't post three times in a row, just post it all in one post. It's annoying seeing three replys from one person in a row. >_>I'm growing just fine, but I wish I'd be a kid forever.
Thanks for telling me but that was kinda rude. :/ (no offence). And I didn't put all three of those posts on in one day you know.

I am reeeaally behind- even my doctor comments on my underdevelopement. :/
I'm okay with it, though. I don't have to have huge boobs just like not everyone has to be small chested. I haven't started my period and I'm 14- which is kind of a reliefe in my eyes! xD But it's kind of awkward because if my friends talk about it [which is rare, but it's girl stuff, we talk xP] I can't really say anything. It's just something most 14 year old girls have and go through but I'm totaly not there.

I'm pretty comfotable. At least I'll look younger when I'm in my 40s! xD
That's the way I am. Only I'm 13. I was at the mall this summer in August, just before school started. I was at Sears Auto with my mom getting the car tires rotated. I was wearing a light pink spagetti (sp?) strap, denim mini and flip-flops. The lady at the desk, and I quote:

Lady: "Are you excited for school to start?"

Me: "Not really."

Lady: "What grade are you going into? 6th?"

Me: *inward sigh* "No, 8th."

Lady: "Oh."

Yesh, I get that a lot. :angry: I remember it quite clearly, because I was so annoyed.

Almost everyone in my grade has had their period (13/14 year olds) so I'm kinda left in the dust. My doctor isn't worried though- I'm not expected until I'm 14 or 15. Which I guess I'm okay with. Because I dance competitavly (we're talking tights and leotards here people!) a few times a week, I'll have to start using tampons as soon as I start. :eek:

My mom always tells me that I'll be thankful later - that I look younger when I'm older.


EDIT: Some boys in my grade are rude and immature still. :angry: This kid (boy) who sits behind me in english constantly bugs me. Once he kept raving about how I was so flat-chested; that his 10 year old sister has bigger boobs than me! Luckily, my friend Kayla stuck up for me. She was all like, "Oh, so you're checking out your sister?" xD I must admit, it was pretty funny.

Last edited by a moderator: know my post about me being annoyed for not growing fast? I take that back.

As somebody called it...'Mother Flow' paid me her first visit today. And I wish she hadn't.

I'm being really self concious and it's AWFUL!!!!

Although I wish other parts of me grew faster. My friend once spoke about how this boy was being all weird because she has a big chest. And my other friend was like 'Most girl's chests are bigger at our age." And of course, everybody stared Becuase...I guess I don't qualify as 'most girls'.

So kinda in the middle now.

Thanks for telling me but that was kinda rude. :/ (no offence). And I didn't put all three of those posts on in one day you know.
Tried to make it as nice as possible, don't see how it was rude.

And sorry, usually you post them all in one day.

I'm going through a growth spurt. :mellow:

Thanks for telling me but that was kinda rude. :/ (no offence). And I didn't put all three of those posts on in one day you know.
They were all within 4 minutes :/

The first at 3:00pm pst, the second at 3:01 and the third at 3:04.

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