Do you grow up fast?


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Hm..I was one of the early bloomers. I was 9 when I was wearing a bra and got my period on my 11th birthday. Surprise! Happy Birthday to me! :)

I have always looked older than my age, which always attracted the (much) older guys, which was usually not so good. :)

Fast or slow, it will get there and then there is no going back. ^^

Iunno, I'm slow in some parts and fast in others.

Like, when I first hit Puberty it was slow at first. My breasts and

Pubic hair grew slowly. But for some weird reason, out of the blue I started growing a huge

bush of pubic hair. X_X" But nooooo~ My breasts still continue to grow slowly on me. (Only a B cup ;_ ;)

Grroar~ I despise Pubic hair. D:~

I guess I did. =] I got my period when I was like 14 (which is kinda late maybe, oh well), and I'm 16 now and in 11th grade. I'm a 34D cup right now and have been for like a year. ^^ I hope I don't grow much more in the chest department, I'd trade my chest for some height, lol. I'm 5'1''. So short. =[

I've always been -mentally- alot more mature than other people my age..and some who aren't my age. Physically, not too much. I have as any physical 'growing up' as a girl my age does. Except for my height. xD I'm 5"8, size 10 shoes. o_o'

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I was tallish growing up, and add the fact I sounded few years older, some older students in grade 6-8 would pick on me when I was in grades 2-3 thinking I was their age...and I bet they felt really good when they picked on someone much younger than them :D I know one kid my mother literally told them I was only 8 and they were like 11-12 and they made a O_O;;; face lol.

I am in 6th grade, and a girl in my class has bigger boobs than my teacher. (Who is pretty young) It's awkward, figuring she acts like nothing is there and bounces around and that sort.

(Yes...I was held back -.-)

Anyway, I consider myself normal. However, I'm 13 and I don't have much on my chest. My guy friend commented on that just today. -.-


Im 13, Ive had my period since I was 11. Actually, I had it the day after my 11th birthday. & bosomalwise, there's nothing there. ;)

Okay, there is a little, Im still size 12-14 in "Bonds".



I'll bet you, that there's guys keeping an eye on this forum...

Im 13, Ive had my period since I was 11. Actually, I had it the day after my 11th birthday. & bosomalwise, there's nothing there. :)
Wow that must have been a fantastic late b-day present!!! erm NOT :wacko: .

Ugh the part of growing up I hate most about periods. It's ALWAYS painful and I have to go home from school when we're doing something fun like art and one time it made me puke. Yuck! :)

Wow that must have been a fantastic late b-day present!!! erm NOT :mellow: .
Ugh the part of growing up I hate most about periods. It's ALWAYS painful and I have to go home from school when we're doing something fun like art and one time it made me puke. Yuck! :D
BAHAHA. It wasn't. <_<

I was the first of my friends to get it.

And then a couple got it eventually.

Mine aren't painful at all.

How's that?

Periods suck. B)

Puke, like, IN ART?




Yes I am. I hit puberty when I was nine so I got all the hips widening and chest stuff. I'm twelve now but I look about 13 or 14. The part I'm most worried about my...chest. It seems to get bigger every day, I hope it doesn't get much bigger...
How about you?
Ok, ok.

Today, I got my sports bra/under shirt today, even though my chests aren't that big!

mametchi :)

To be precise I got my period when I was 10 and a half. I was freaked out at first but then I got over it. :unsure:
Yeah I was ten when I got mine...I thought I was going to die then my mum told me about it and I was like "Whew...NOT"

When I was around 13/14, I was about 5'3 / 5'4 (About 168cm?) Which was above average for my age. Which I found cool x]

Yeah I was ten when I got mine...I thought I was going to die then my mum told me about it and I was like "Whew...NOT"
That's why my mom talked to me about that stuff early.

So when I did start I wouldnt be like "ZOMG CALL 911!" :]

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