Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?


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I have things to be named 8D

- My Legwarmers [the ones that used to be my mom's in the 80's] A left one and a right one

-The dress I made for halloween last year

-My Cellphone

-My mp3 player

- A shirt

-Another Shirt

-and another shirt

[i found the camera. So here is a picture of the stuff 8D]

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And guess what Esteh. You are very, very lucky. Because I just bought a SILVER sharpie. Can you guess which one you are...?
Feebee, I am honoured. And I happy danced.


Oh and Feebelle, did I tell that I named my beloved iTouch after you?

Haha oh kayz.

Shayna-Phone charger

Estherberry-My neon purse

Krystal-Starwars anything I have or will get XD

Emilee-Zebra headband

Maria-Car stereo


Betheh-Cup 8D


Feebee, I am honoured. And I happy danced.I AM THA SILVER SHARPIE. 8D

Oh and Feebelle, did I tell that I named my beloved iTouch after you?

Yay :D I'm a freaking iTouch x] I was so excited random letters were typed in all the excitement.

Edit, smiley fail Dx

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Feebee. Surprise me. ;]

AHA. This is the perfect time to name my most treasuredest stuff after everyone.

Feebee, you are now officially my iTouch. 'Tis my most prized possession.

Ksenia, you shall be my bright pink hoodie. Because you mentioned you wanted it in your dedication.

Katie, you shall be my giant bright pink fluffy slippers. I'm in love with them.

Maria, you shall be my tall stripy colourful lamp. Because I love it, and all its many colours.

Krystal, you shall be the talking Star Wars figure on my Dad's computer desk. I shall see you every time I'm down here.

Michelle, you shall be my tub of colourful sharpies. They are pretty epic, if I do say so myself.

Huntr, whenever my parents buy a lemon, which they often do, I shall name it after you. Because of your username.

Kat, you shall be my tree swing. It's bright yellow and very cool.

Weiwei, you are my webcam. Not entirely sure why, but it's the first thing that sprung to mind.

Starry, tonight I shall look out my window and name a star after you.

Anyone else?
I just had a OMFG yes! Moment then bit myself. Ouch. I love sharpies!

Everyone else who named something after me I love you!

I remember I already gave a crayon a name for most people I couls think of at the time.

They are: [in order of what I randomly picked up]

FeeBee - Orange.

Katie - Red

Maria - Violet

Ksenia - Dandelion

Krystal - Green Blue

Esther - Yellow Green

Wei Wei - Blue.

I love them!

I already had my cellular device named Maddy. Hers is named Michelle =]

Now these are things you can put your name on. Claim away.


Sequined head band

Hair Straightner

My box of crayons

My DS.

My T.V

Elmo t-shirt

Spongebob t-shirt.

My mum [This one is a joke if you couldn't tell]

My treasured roller skates

Oh wow, naming festival 8D

Complete list of stuff I named:

Desy: Black skinny jeans cuz she's awesome.

Emilee: Squishy pink pig cuz she likes pigs.

Weiwei: My computer (most prized possession) and bouncy ball cuz she's awesome too.

Starry: My drink bottle cuz she's happy like the colours.

Feebee: Pink crayon cuz there were no other crayons D:

Esther: Green crayon cuz green is a wacky colourrr.

Maria: Toy koala and purple crayon cuz she's amazing.

Lara: Toothbrush cuz she's epic.

Tess: My aqua coloured hairbrush cuz she likes light blue.

Skadi: My pretty lamp cuz she's awesome like it.

Carly: My spongebob jumper cuz spongebob is cool.

Michelle: My iPod cuz music is her life.

Shayna: My TV cuz it reminds me of her.

Krystal: My crystal cuz it's the same as her name <3.

Katie: Right converse shoe cuz she has a Pi shirt which matches my shoe.

Acid: Left converse shoe cuz she's just cool.

Beth: Orange smiley face sticker on my bed. I see you whenever I sleep 8D.

Vivienne: The tap at school which is next to the tap I named Pete Wentz.

Tarryn: My grey umbrella cuz you're just cool like that.

Alice: My cute hocus pocus toy cuz you like Cute Is What We Aim For.

Storms: Purple hair tie cuz she's amazing.

Huntr: Computer mouse 8D cuz I can't live without you.

Now, I have two items to be named after someone. My camera and my blue hair tie and if I lost any of those I would die. Who would like to be themmmm?

And Emilee- could I please be orange? And Feebers, there aren't any more markers D: So, can I be your invisible marker that no one's ever seen apart from you? And Michelle, may I be the spongebob shirt cuz I am seriously in love with that sponge?

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Michelle, I shall perform our signature happy dance if you would name your Elmo shirt after me. 8]

Items up for grabs!

-Camera. <--Michelle.

-Blue hairtie.

-Koala mug.

-Tweety shirt.

-iPod headphones. <--Feebers.

-TV antenna. <--Carly.

-Fat rat keychain.


Yeah, and even if I named you after something already, you can also be named after one of these things (just not Weiwei cuz she already is my computer and bouncy ball, lolio). Then your first item would be -name-1 and your second would be -name-2.

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Okie dokie :)

Carly, you are my BROKEN tv antenna. Well, its almost broken.

Michelle, you're camera. Now you are two of the items I cannot live without 8D.

Huntr: The phone charger is a great pick. I give people life, like cell phones give cell phones life. 8D

Ksenia: I am honored to be your T.V. I wuv you <333333

Also, I'm not naming my things after people, since I would probably forgot what is what, a couple of months ago I decorated a paper with all your names on it. I keep it in my school binder. 8D (Yes, Jamie your name is on it, I put it on it even before you were well known)

I'll see if I can find my mom's camera and take a pick of it. I added some pics on it like, FeeBee's thick eyeliner, Ksenia's purple crayon, and Esther's fluffy pink slippers. I'll make a light saber next. (Hint, Hint)

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