Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?


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Michelle, I shall perform our signature happy dance if you would name your Elmo shirt after me. 8]
^^ You can be one of mine!


Sequined head band

Hair Straightner

My box of crayons

My DS. - Wei Wei

My T.V

Elmo t-shirt - Esther

Spongebob t-shirt. - Ksenia.

My mum [This one is a joke if you couldn't tell]

My treasured roller skates

I'm wearing Ksenia right now and Esthers' in the wash.

Esther is my camera.

Malinda is my DSLite.

Phoebe is my computer.

Michelle is my headphones.

My bows are named: Jaimee, Huntr, Weiwei, Starfire.

And my Reeboks are called Kat.

Most importantly, my collection of books is called Ksenia.


Weiwei! Can 1 be Kstaria?

Oh yes, and the koala mug is Maria. So, that still leaves items up for grabs! My blue hairtie is with me whenever and wherever I go. I need to name it urgently!

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Items up for grabs!
-Camera. <--Michelle.

-Blue hairtie.

-Koala mug. <--Maria.

-Tweety shirt.

-iPod headphones. <--Feebers.

-TV antenna. <--Carly.

-Fat rat keychain.


-Heart shaped sunglasses.
^^Update on items :)

Roxygirl, aka..





would loved to be named somethingg ;)

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My blue hairtie is with me whenever and wherever I go. I need to name it urgently!
Aha, my dear Ksenia, I shall save you from this burden. Could your hairtie be named after me? 8]

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