Do you plan on getting married?


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Dec 12, 2006
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I know some members are already married..x.x

But for the majority.. I just wanted to know.

In my English class we're writing obituaries for ourselves. We're predicting some things and my teacher wants us to include whether he are married or not. I was the only one who put i didn't want to.. I know it's stupid and most people think it's just a "phase". But ever since I was little I never wanted to get married. I REALLY don't think this is a phase..

I know some people will tell me it is. So do you want to get married?

NOTE: An obituary is a brief biography about a dead person.

I do not. I'd rather stick to dating. It's easier to split up. Marriage is like jail to me. I wouldn't want a husband that gets jealous of any male friend that gets near me. I want to be free. ;D



I don't want to.

It's basically taking care of another person and having to put up with the same person day by day.

I can barely take care of myself, and I hate dealing with the same person every day.

I hope to one day =]

It'll just be nice to know that someone out there loves you. I mean, sure you can date someone and they can say that they love you, but it's not the same as actually knowing they love you enough to want to be with you forever. You know what I mean?

I dunno. These are just my views.

I'd like to settledown with someone someday, just have to find someone first :mellow: lol.

You hear all these horror stories about marriage. If you find the right person, then its the best thing in the world. I found the right person, he is just stubborn and can be a jerk sometimes, but I still love him, its just another part of his personality, normally he is perfectly fine, but he has his moments just like everyone else.

Someday when i grow up! And then i will have twins! i have a good chance in getting some! And of coures i would have children because i am the only one in my family who could get some! And i want children too! :mellow:

Was that confussing?

Yes, I do plan on getting married, but you can never say that you will get married. :mellow: It takes a long time. Dating, boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, and then finally the proposal.

Well I want to have children when I'm older and I don't believe in *ahem* before marriage so I guess I'll have to get married. I guess I'll just have to wait until the right person comes along...Like obviously when I'm 18 or something. I want the non jealous type though because I have guy friends

Yes. I only have one man that I want to get married to, but according to some website: Only 4% of childhood relationships are likely to carry on into marriage. 50% of marriages end in divorce anyway, so only 2% of childhood relationships end in a long, happy marriage.

I can't bear to think about that, not spending the rest of my life with him. But we've made it through lots and I think we'll be that 2%.

Yes, I would like to get married. I can keep to compromise, and like bamcr says, it is probably nice to have someone who loves you and wants to be with you forever and can look after you, and you don't mind returning that care.

Still, finding a person like that is complicated, but yes, I would like to get married although it will probably be a civil marriage only.

i am actually not sure (although i put yes)

i am not even dating yet!!!

(although i am old enough to date)

so how am i supposed to know??? :puroperatchi:

When I was younger, I decided that I wasn't going to get married and I wasn't going to have kids... so I suppose a lot of people think that way :ichigotchi:

Nowadays, I don't think it's worth deciding if you're going to get married some day (or not).

If you meet someone and get along with them well, then date them.

Over time you will get to know if they are easy to get along with, the jealous type, the lazy type who wants to be looked after, the stubborn type, etc. etc.

When you know all their faults, that's when you can decide if you want to continue the relationship - or end it.

If you can't tolerate some habits in people, you are unlikely to stick with a relationship and get married.

If you get to a stage where you can look at that persons faults and decide that they are not as important to you as being with that one person all the time, then .... carry on dating them lol (jk) :puroperatchi:

Seriously, don't decide that marriage is not for you... decide if a certain person you are dating is not for you ... makes things a lot easier to handle :chohimetchi:

Nah, I'll just because a cat lady. :marumimitchi:

Just kidding [although I do want kitties!]. My friend says I'll be like... an 80 year old virgin with 50 cats. :ph34r: Man?! ATTACK KITTIES ATTACK!

Currently I'm not interested in anyone in such a relationship. Never have been and that's okay with me. I imagine the perfect person and all that fun stuff that goes along with it but then when I put real people in the picture... umno! Haha.

For now I'll just stick with maybe. :}

I'd absolutely love to one day.

Getting the chance to be with someone you truly love for the rest of your life...

Seems so wonderful to me.

When I do get married one day, I hope me and my husban stay together forever.

I don't believe in divorces! ]:

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