Do You Plan To Have Kids Someday?


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I took a quiz (it's reeeally random and inaccurate tho) and it said I'm gonna have 2 boys... interesting. That would awesome. Baby boys are the best :]

I would laugh if that really happened.

Sure I think it would be nice to have kids, but then, I don't even know if I wanna get married.

I've always pictured myself with an adopted child and as a single mother. But having a husband, carrying a baby in there for nine months? It just doesn't feel like my kind of thing.

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Also, some people have kids just so they can get their welfare check and live in horrible conditions.
Not everyone on welfare goes and has a baby just to get more money. Some do, but not everyone. There are a few people around where I live who do that, but its not like everyone does.

And Not everyone on welfare lives in Horrible conditions, sure money is low, but its not like their houses look like crap, and its not like they live like homeless people. :|

How would I know that? Because.

My Mom and I are on Welfare. We're not like how everyone thinks how welfare people are. We aren't "Poor Losers with hardly any money and when We do get money its just checks" Wrong.

People on welfare are just as normal as anyone else. The only difference is Money.

People can get so ignorant when it comes to people on welfare.

The worst thing is, when people Feel sorry for welfare people.

Alot of people do that around here. Its like "Oh, look at that poor dog, What the heck, I'll throw him/her a bone" Half the time I want to tell a few people in the town I live to Shut up "Yeah, You have more money. Should I care?"



Anyway, yeah. I already posted about how many kids I want to/will have/whatever in my other post.

I'm not sure yet. I am in love right now, and I know I will get married. But, I don't know if I want kids or not. I mean I really don't want to put up with all the screaming and whining. Although, it would be nice one day, to be a mother. :furawatchi:


Temari Nara

YEP! I definitely want kids 2 or 3 at the most :p

I love kids, being around them, playing with them.

*EDIT: In like a LONG time. I don't have ANY plans to be a mom right now! :)

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YEP! I definitely want kids 2 or 3 at the most :p

I love kids, being around them, playing with them.

*EDIT: In like a LONG time. I don't have ANY plans to be a mom right now! :)
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