Do you remember your first tama?


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Yes a v 2, it was yellow with little sparkle thinigies on. I got it after a good friend of mine got one. After that I took it to school, before I knew it the whole school had them. XDD

But yeah my sister had a pink v 2 my older sister had a awesome black and gold v 2 as well. I also got another v2, it is blue and see through and blue. I still have that one. <3

Wow. I feel kinda old. My first one was about 10-12 years ago when I was in 5th grade I think. It was from the very first generation and had a white shell with greyish color around the screen.

Way long ago I was given a white shelled first gen. When I say long, I mean something like 12 years ago when I was in grade school (wow I feel old). My friends and I would all buy our own (ask our moms) and boast about getting "the cute one." At the time, absolutely no one knew this was Mametchi. I also had a couple of Nanos too.

Then the Angelgotchis came out and I got one. My mom let my baby brother play with it and I suffered as I watched him chew it and hit it on things. Yeah, something that could have been worth 100 dollars now-- broken.

Haven't had another one since then. However, I just ordered a plus color and found myself here.

Thanks for the post.

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Yep. It was a V4 Green shell. ^^ I forgot the name, but I know it was a female Mimitchi. ^^

I overfed her so I had to play a bunch of games to get her to a normal weight. But I stilled was way fond of her. 8D

My first Tamagotchi was the orange and yellow V1. I got it in 4th grade, 2005. I took it to school everyday, and then one day I accidentally dropped it on the softest grass ever. It sometimes stuffed up, but ya know. When I was about 10, I got the two shades of blue, V2 and I loved it like hell.

I remember that year when tamagotchis first came out - everyone had one in school. They made rules to ban them from class and at lunch ..... it was weird. I didn't have one and I begged my parents, but they wouldn't let me have one - even if i bought it with my own money.

That year for christmas I got a giga pet from a friends mother for a present (not a tama, but it was something at least) it was the Salem the cat from Sabrina.

My parents kinda cracked after that and I let my mom play with Salem for a while. I ended up going to the store and buying my own tama with my own money. I had one of the royal blue with black frame and yellow buttons. I must have bought it at a KB Toy's at my local mall in the summer of 98'.

Ahhh... middle school memories. I had that tama till I was about 21. I lost it in moving about a year ago when I moved across the country.... I had given it to my ex because it was special to me and I wanted to see how he took care of it.... Needless to say - I don't have it anymore. :( I wish I did since my fiance and I thought about starting to collect tamas.

My V1 that I got at toys r' us in 2004 made it with me to where i am now though! :huh:

I remember the craze around tamas though when they first came out - if you didn't have one in 97/98' you weren't a cool kid......

Yep! My fist Tama ever, was a blue camo V3! It was a boy named Aslan (I loved the Narnia series). He evolved into a Mametchi. All the other kids in my class ended up killing thier's, but my V3 lived on!

I only got the Tamagotchi, because my friend had a V2. Right around the time they released V3... And took V2 off the shelf.

Ahhh... Those were the days... And then, Tamas were suddenly "lame" and everbody but me de-activated them! :huh:

i remember my first Tama. it was V1. in 97 me and my brother both wanted one so one day my mom went to toys r us and stood in line. wow so many people wanted to buy one for their kids. so my mom came home and bought two of them one for me and one for my brother. he had a grey one and i had a yellow one. well we both lost them lol but right i have four tamas. from V3 to V6. we both loved our mom that day.

I remember it like yesterday :D

about 3 people had tamagotchi connexions v1 in my school and one of those poeple was my sisters best friend. So my sister wanted one and I wanted whatever my sister wanted so we bought two from ebay, a pink and a blue (mine) one.

I got mine delivered on the night ofmy very first dance concert, I was excited to open it and I was told I had to open it after the dance concert. I was about 7 and the concert ended at 12 so I stayed up and named my very first tama Roxy. I had no idea how to use it and constantly had to give it to my sister to fix (i couldnt fugure out why the time sccreen kept popping up). She was annoyed because her's hadnt come yet ( it came like 3 weeks after mine).

I remember I raised it badly, it ended up as a :lol: and I cried because I thought it was ugly, my sister persuaded me into being gullible and resetting it... I cried for an hour because roxy was gone... lol

I had no idea what the heck a tamagotchi was when i first got mine. Nobody at school had one but I always was seeing commercials for the new tamagotchi v4 connexion. My grandma always sends us easter presents in huge baskets. The first thing i noticed was the tamagotchi. Because i remembered the tv commercials i snatched it out right away my brother Carson got one too. He, being only 6 years old, immediatly opened it and pulled the little tab out with even looking at the instructions. My mom came over and noticed the unopened instructions on floor and took his tamagotchi away and read the instructions with him. I was already skimming them. It took me a quick few minutes to skim it and then i looked my tamagotchi v4 laying on the table and quickly pulled the tab. Then my mom gave me a look and said i read them, though really i didnt understand a lot and she let carson play with his. So thats how i got my tama v4. I have a v5 and im getting a v6 now.

I don't really know for sure when I got my first Tamagotchi, but I think it was when it was Sinterklaas holiday here. I got some gifts and one of them was a Tamagotchi, I think it was a P1.

I had several after that but always lost them and neve recalled where I'd put them, very strange as it was, still today I live in the same house and never found one of them.

Now I got a really old battered up P2 which still works but has a metalic sound to it's beep. Other than that it works, and I'm keeping it of course!

Planning on buying more, got to have to wait before my bank activates my online banking, and Tama buying frenzy will begin :(

My first Tama was a V3 that was pink with ribbons, the buttons couldn't work to well :) It turned to a girl, then it turned into Tamatchi, which I thought was this living box. :( I don't remember the Adult and Teen, but the Matchmaker came and I got a boy.

Vote for AK8425! :mellow: :( :mellow: :angry: :(

Wow I got my first one in 4th grade. It was a v4. (in rather young born in 96') It was pink with white/pink/dark pink stripes and patches of dark and light pink. I remember my friend having v3s and I really wanted one so I asked my mom and she got me the pink one. My best friend got one too. He always tried getting a boy...good times. I miss him. I want a P1 or P2 tama but they are expensive on EBAY so Im going to get a v2 next week.

My first tamagotchi was V2. I still have it now. The first Gen was called Liam. I was in year 3 ( 2nd grade)

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I still have my first one.. but I remember how I got it like it was yesterday.

Summertime.. early in the morning, my older sister (cutiepuppy10), and our friend in our neighborhood got driven down to the store by my mom.. There was a huge wall of V3s. We were all so young and hyper because there were so many different shell types to pick from. I saw a sort of magenta-colored one way up high. I asked my mom to reach it for me so I could see it closer. It was magenta with a lavender border around the screen. There were pink hearts with white wings and gold halos. Yellow buttons. And of course the hot pink TaMaGoTcHi connection at the top. My friend picked a sky blue one with tropical flowers. My sister picked an orange and red one with flowers.

Later: About four days after my friend got the tamagotchi, she sold it to her older brother. She claims he 'mind-washed' her and forced her to sell it to him. I was so mad at her- I didn't talk to her for days. I still don't forgive her. I am going to get her a new tamagotchi for her birthday, I hope, though, with a special case and cool necklace & charm so her brother can't get to it. (hehheeeehhee)

Probably after more than a year or so, my sister's A button popped out. She tried poking at it inside with a pointy pencil or screwdriver. But it didn't work. It was broken. Broken, broken, broken. Sometimes that makes me cry.. I have the last surviving tamagotchi of that day. The tamagotchi connection wors are so much scratched down that it looks more like Ta COtghi GCMnECT on. Most of the heart-angels are scratched. One is disspaearing completly.. My A button is chipping a tiny bit at the side. I am thinking of wrapping clear packing tape around everywhere except for the reset button, connecting stub, buttons, and around the battery case lid.

The day we bought them, we stayed at my friend's house. We hatched the eggs together.. then they turned into toddlers at the same time! Mine was the only one out of three that turned out a pointy-head dude. The other two girls had squarish guys. We all had girls. My friend named her's something like Emily, my sister said she named her's Daisy, and I remember my girl's name so well. Angel.

It makes me sad yet happy to think of that day. We were all so joyful that we were going to get our tamagotchis.. now two are down.. and mine is the last one left.

(oh my gosh- this is long. sorry... but its just how I remember it)

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I still have my first one.. but I remember how I got it like it was yesterday.
Summertime.. early in the morning, my older sister (cutiepuppy10), and our friend in our neighborhood got driven down to the store by my mom.. There was a huge wall of V3s. We were all so young and hyper because there were so many different shell types to pick from. I saw a sort of magenta-colored one way up high. I asked my mom to reach it for me so I could see it closer. It was magenta with a lavender border around the screen. There were pink hearts with white wings and gold halos. Yellow buttons. And of course the hot pink TaMaGoTcHi connection at the top. My friend picked a sky blue one with tropical flowers. My sister picked an orange and red one with flowers.

Later: About four days after my friend got the tamagotchi, she sold it to her older brother. She claims he 'mind-washed' her and forced her to sell it to him. I was so mad at her- I didn't talk to her for days. I still don't forgive her. I am going to get her a new tamagotchi for her birthday, I hope, though, with a special case and cool necklace & charm so her brother can't get to it. (hehheeeehhee)

Probably after more than a year or so, my sister's A button popped out. She tried poking at it inside with a pointy pencil or screwdriver. But it didn't work. It was broken. Broken, broken, broken. Sometimes that makes me cry.. I have the last surviving tamagotchi of that day. The tamagotchi connection wors are so much scratched down that it looks more like Ta COtghi GCMnECT on. Most of the heart-angels are scratched. One is disspaearing completly.. My A button is chipping a tiny bit at the side. I am thinking of wrapping clear packing tape around everywhere except for the reset button, connecting stub, buttons, and around the battery case lid.

The day we bought them, we stayed at my friend's house. We hatched the eggs together.. then they turned into toddlers at the same time! Mine was the only one out of three that turned out a pointy-head dude. The other two girls had squarish guys. We all had girls. My friend named her's something like Emily, my sister said she named her's Daisy, and I remember my girl's name so well. Angel.

It makes me sad yet happy to think of that day. We were all so joyful that we were going to get our tamagotchis.. now two are down.. and mine is the last one left.

(oh my gosh- this is long. sorry... but its just how I remember it)

That's quite sad :D .

I have a V3 a V4 and a V6 music star [who does choreography, dancing in other words] My first tamagotchi was the V3. its shell was a trasparent blue with letters on it as well. All of it was blue even the inner pattern although i have to also say.. It had yellow buttons.

As it hatched my sister [tama Ash. Also she already had tamas] told me that it was a girl. I wanted anya for its name but I went a bit mad and I don't know what I did . Basically, it ended up being called A. Yeah, honestly the little girl called A.LOL! :eek: I loved her I never knew a better toy than the tamagotchi. She grew for a long time and suddenly my sister said "what generation are you?" I was STILL on G1. It was an oldie because for years [metaphorically speaking..]the matchmaker never came and never did but of course I did not know about the matchmaker. I got a V4 and he was 17 and she was 18. He was an old one too and honesly I am silly he was a man called Ellie. Then I was on the next generation.


That was my first tamagotchi. Don't you think I am a little mad with those things?I am much better now you would be glad to hear. Actually, i don't think i was that bad because it was only the names.. I still have that tama. At the moment the girl is called Annie.

Cupcake Ciara :lol:
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My first Tamagotchi was a pink v2. It was a girl called Sonia Princess ( shortened into SP ). I took her everywhere with me, and I remember I quarreled with my friend, if dogs or Tamas are cuter... I wasn't allowed to have a dog, so of course I said that Tamas are the cutest... such happy memories. I remember writing my first log in a notebook, which had a seahorse on its cover... I wrote it there, because I didn't have my own computer back then. I think I was six or seven years old.

I believe my first Tama was a Green Camo American V2. I had seen the V1 commercials, and I thought they said "Tamagootchis"! I picked that one out I think out of several V2s and Minis. I remember getting a Whaletchi, and dropping it into the toilet at Grandma's house once. I have probably lost it, though, and I think I probably didn't get much use out of it. Then I got a Black with Asian Symbol American V3, which probably didn't get much use either, and is probably also lost

Then, I think my Mom allowed me to have her Starry Night American V3, and I got some pretty good use out of it, I think. It's still in my house, though in pieces since I tried to debug it and back I think. I got an Origami Birds American V4 for my birthday (I think probably 2007), and I got three V4.5s, I believe, through the years. Then, in around January/February/etc. of 2008 probably my sister and I got V5s, and around that time the next year, I think I got my first Music Star. I just got my second one, the Black w/ Headphones design, in the bundle at a Walmart.

Sorry if I rambled on, and if I appear so unsure of everything.

EDIT: Wording modified in certain parts

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ohhh yesss...THOSE WERE THE DAYS.... well actually my first tama was a v3 and i dont really remember what year it was but i watched the commercial and some of my friends had em and i REALLY wanted one badly:) sooo i searched all the local toy stores, and the ones at the beach i went to that year but couldnt find ANY so i think i eventually found one at toysrus and i was SOO EXCITED i opened it straight away (in the car)(using my teeth( ;) and i started it up and i was soo confused and i thought it was REALLY complicated to operate and i was upset..then i read the instructions and from then on i had a bestfriend:) it was a pink one with hearts-with-wings on it XD. i think all my friends were jealous of my obsession although they made fun of me for it:)

It was in 2nd Grade. My 6th Grader friend was playing with something egg-shaped and blue. I was curious. So I asked Her and she responded. Then she asked "Do you want to borrow it?". I shook my head yes. It was so much fun. But then, I lost it and never found it until she graduated. I really wish I could have found it again. :lol:
