Do you remember your first tama?


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I got my first Tama go when I was eight. It was a pink V3 with little hearts on it... eventually It got donated to charity because my mom thought 11 tama go's are too many... I have four right now

Yeeees :D i was at primary school and in my class everybody had a tamagotchi v1, so i asked my mom to buy me one, and she did it! It was fantastic: during the lessons we connected our tamas and the teacher punished us, but we didn't care abuot it, and we continued to play!

I still remember the Tamagotchi V3's being right next to the door of Toys R Us...Only one left. My sister got the last one, yay! Yeah..Just remembered my sister got it...Not me. I was like 6.

My very first Tama was one of the original ones from back in 1997. I was only 7 and I had no idea how to really care for it but I loved it so much. I wish I still had it, I have no idea what happened to it. It was one of the green ones with the yellow buttons.

I was born in 1999 and the 1st version was a fad then. When I was like 4 or 5 my sister goes to her highschool while I was already home since kindergarten is just short so I always borrowed my sister's v.1 and then ,y aunt from japan sent me 2 v.3. That's my first tama. :) ) memories...

I bought a Connection V1 when they first came out in 2004 from a department store called Cameron's. It was a dark blue one with white pawprints and I remember getting the Ichigotchi. I was devastated when it passed away. I brought it to Australia with me and a few months on they came out down under and everyone at school had one. I'm sure I still have it somewhere - swamped in boxes through several moves, I'm sure. I'd like to find it.

It was 6th grade and a girl at school had one and she showed me how to use it. (v1)

I made my Mom take me to walmart that weekend to get one. I was OBSESSED for like 3yrs. lol

We had a group of 7 (girls) and we each had like 2 tamas and we would all marry eachothers and at recess had a designated girl "babysit" so that we could go play. Lol ...

I got my first tama when I was 8 or 9 years old. I went to shop in some Saturday with my family and I had some my own money with me. I wansn't so sure what to buy, so I just bought something that seemed cool. I saw a Tamagotchi version 4.5 and bought that, and that was a great choice ;)

My first tama? hmm... That turns me back in time... I think 3rd, or 4rth grade... Tamas where very popular and everyone in school got one except me of course. It was tama's v3 sesion in Greece. I remember me return home every day and talk with my mother about it. One day I returned home and saw a tama v4 waiting on my desk!! I was delighted!!! I called it Rania and I was taking care of it perfectly without even reading the instructions!!! I still remember my friends faces when I told them I had got it. They didn't believed me until I brought them the plastic with the Mamethchi drawn up on it and they noticed it was different from v3...

I remember my first one. I got it a around 7ish years ago, and it was a green v3. And I never trained it lol, also if I got a character I didn't like I would let it die.. But I had so much fun with it, and my sister also had one which I connected with all the time. It's a shame I lost it, I would enjoy playing with it now. :(

My first Tamagotchi was this one:

I wanted one as soon as these little guys came out, but since they were THE HOT THING at the time, I could never get to the store before they were sold out. I finally got this one, and I had no color options, it was the only one left! But I didn't care, I FINALLY HAD ONE. xD

As for my first pet, I took such good care of the little bugger (obsessive, really) that it became a Mametchi! It lived for 26 days or so, and when it finally died...I'll admit it...I cried. xD

Ever since then I've been in love with Tamagotchis, although I have a special place in my heart for Tamagotchi "cousins", too!

My first tama was a v6, and I got it around 2 years ago :3

I found out about tamas when my sister's friend gave her a Tamagotchi (v4.5)

I thought it was pretty cool and I wanted one sooo badly, I begged my mom and dad almost every day XD

But then one day, my sis's v4.5 died, and then I thought "Oh no! I don't want that to happen to my tama!" I literally thought they would all die, and I was seriously scared of them for a year or so after that XD But then a few years later, I saw a tama in the store (the v6) I grabbed it and showed my dad, and he let me get it! :DDD I was happy, and still worried it would die on me, but then a week or so later, It didn't die, so I was all like :DDDDD but I still never left my tama in my room at night because I thought it would beep repeatedly (like the v4.5 did XD)

It was a clear pink V2. Wish I still had it, man I loved that tamagotchi so much!

I remember the day I got my tama pretty clearly. My mom took my sister, my friend, and I to the toy store when it was still open at the mall. We were going to buy a gift for my friend because she had gotten her first communion and they were selling Tamagotchi V3s. It was back in 2006 or 2007, probably 2007 though. My friend got the camouflage shell, my sister got the pink ice cream shell, and I got the blue waves shell. It's been 7 years and I still use that same Tamagotchi today.

yep, my darling v4.5 first one in school to have one. unfortunatly it glitched and now i always get the duck as an adult. always no matter what, even if it was a girl. so i got a v5/familichi was rubbish at looking after it always got one of the three families for the bad care. then i got a music star loved it. but i lost it. :( :( on the bright side i now have a ID L! which i adore it is my goal to have one of every version..... they better not stop making tham! ^_^ :wacko:

I was 7 years old :) I saw a tamagotchi in a magazine and really wanted one! So i went to my local toy shop with my brother and bought one:) It was a baby pink v1, that was almost 10 years ago and I still have it to this day:) however the colour has gone from baby pink to this faded minging yellow colour....

I had a Tamagotchi cousin back in 1997 or 1998-- Giga Pets Compu Kitty. Most of my friends had one of the 'real' ones, but I think I wanted a cat for one reason or another. I was a terrible virtual pet owner, but I kind of wish I could find it now... I only stopped playing because the battery died and it was more or less impossible to find the right replacement in the tiny town I lived in. RIP Compu Kitty. You were the coolest.

My first actual Tamagotchi was a v2, when they came back in 2004. I didn't have as much time to take care of it at that point, so eventually it fell by the wayside. I actually thought they'd stopped making them again and was really surprised to find out that they're still going!
