Do you support abortion?


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Yes. In all cases.

Personally, my beliefs are:

Each woman can do whatever she wants with her body.

If you're against it, don't get one. But don't try to stop other from getting one, because it's not going to work. :/

Sure, if I got pregnant before I knew I could financially and emotionally manage a child, I would get an abortion.

Pro Choice here.

I think that the women who have sex unprotected/condom breaks/BCP fails should take quicker measures though, such as a Plan B pill just in case so there's no question about it weeks later if they find out they're late.

I am only Pro Choice..

a) if the mother's life is at risk

B) because people would turn to unsafe & illegal abortions if they couldn't get it done in hospitals

But I don't think you should have the right to kill any human being, no matter how much you 'Don't want to have it' or how 'unfair' it is. That's more unfair to the baby ;)

I don't get it.People are always like "Save the trees! Save the whales! Save the polar bears!"

But when it comes to a human life, they could care less what happens to it.

I love you for saying that. You're really smart.


I don't really support abortion. It's not the woman's body, it's the baby's body, and the baby doesn't have a choice in it. I disagree with it in most cases, except for if the baby or mother's life is in danger. I can also understand rape cases, especially if the mother is very young. But if there is no legit reason, other than they just don't want the baby, it's not worth killing it for.

If its a teen that got pregnant, yes.

If its an adult that can cope that got pregnant, no.

I don't get it.People are always like "Save the trees! Save the whales! Save the polar bears!"

But when it comes to a human life, they could care less what happens to it.

People want to save polar bears and trees and whales because they are endangered species or they are the lungs of the planet...

unwanted pregnancies are not rare - over population is a big problem - that is why human life has less value to many of us compared to a species close to extinction - but that's a completely different topic of discussion :huh:

Honestly, I think most abortions are not just random girls or women who can't be bothered to raise a baby - decisions to abort a foetus are usually made with a lot of forethought, soul searching and sadness and stress.

There are very few who use abortion as a form of birth control compared to the many women who have to make a difficult choice (for health reasons for example).

The only, and I repeat, only circumstance in which I support abortion is when the mother and child are at risk. I do not believe in abortion in any other case. All lives have the same value.

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Guys, isn't this getting off topic? o.o
Anyway, the only, and I repeat, only circumstance in which I support abortion is when the mother and child are at risk. I do not believe in abortion in any other case. All lives have the same value.
Seems like a good reason.

However, can you explain the at risk thing? Do you mean if the mother is very ill or something? Sorry to ask this. ^^'

I like your reasons. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
Yeah, I only support abortion if both the mother and baby's life is at stake.

"EVERYONE has the right to live. NO one has the right to take that away."

Well, at my advanced reproductive age,(53), I should happen to become pregnant, there is a VERY good chance that the baby would either be deformed or severely developmentally challenged. I would not hesitate to terminate the pregnancy. I could not bring myself to give birth to a child like that. To me, that would be child abuse. However I don't have to worry about that since my time to have children has already passed. I think that if through extensive testing, if everything isn't going normally, a pregnancy should be terminated. I don't see how someone would want anything but a perfect child, but that's my opinion.

I dont think abortion should be used just if you dont want the baby, but I do think it's acceptable if it's absolutely necessary. Like if the parents are unable to support the child and give it a happy life. Also, if it's dangerous to have the baby. But if the baby were 'deformed' I dont think you should abort it.
it depends on the deformation, lets say it has hunningtons disease, which is something that strikes when you are about 40, and you slowly lose complete control of your body, and you eventually die a slow painful death. or what if down syndrome occurs? som people with down syndrome grow up to be in their 30's, but their brain stopped growing at the age of 4 or 5. i wouldnt want that for my child, i would abort, i wouldnt want to put my child into the world knowing that he/she will face a lifetime of pain and hardship.

I think that if a woman had consensual unprotected sex without wanting to get pregnant, then she should suffer the consequences. Unless they are young teenagers like 12-15, because their bodies are generally not developed enough to support a baby. She could always give the baby out for adoption to a family who would love to have a child.


If it wasn't the womans fault though, eg- she was raped, the condom broke, etc. Then it's up to her to decide what she wants to do, because It's her body and her child.


I also support abortion if the child is going to be severely deformed.




Personally, no matter what the consequences or my financial situation, I would never have an abortion, because It's just not something I'd be able to do. If I ever did, It would tear me apart for the rest of my life to know that I could have had that child.

I'm 100% pro-choice, so yes. I honestly don't care why someone is getting one. It's their body, their choice as far as I'm concerned.
Um... Hate to break it to you but, It's Not Really your Body it's God's because he gave you your life...and he is the only one who should take it away I hate abotions

Anyway, sorry to get all religiony...



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Yes. In all cases.
Personally, my beliefs are:

Each woman can do whatever she wants with her body.

If you're against it, don't get one. But don't try to stop other from getting one, because it's not going to work. :/

Sure, if I got pregnant before I knew I could financially and emotionally manage a child, I would get an abortion.
My thoughts exactly. It should be up to the mother whether or not to have an abortion, because people all have different beliefs. I'm Pro Choice 100%.

Um... Hate to break it to you but, It's Not Really your Body it's God's because he gave you your life...and he is the only one who should take it away I hate abotions
Anyway, sorry to get all religiony...


Don't argue with religion as your main point, especially to someone who doesn't believe it.

Um... Hate to break it to you but, It's Not Really your Body it's God's because he gave you your life...and he is the only one who should take it away I hate abotions
Anyway, sorry to get all religiony...


That doesn't work on the non believer.

Plus, that doesn't work on people who think babies are ugly. Seriously, I can't find anything cute about them.


Time for a story.

There is a pregnant girl at my school in my year. 15 years old. She decided she wants to keep the bab, drop out and be a full time mother. I personally believe abortion should have been her only thought. Let me explain why, she has 5 STD's she knows about, is open about but everytime she gets rid of one, she has more unprotected sex and gets more. She drinks every weekend, she got wasted even though she knew she was 3 months pregnant. She smokes everyday. She smokes weed every weekend and her entire family wouldn't be good for bringing up a baby in.

And she has said she really wants to keep it, has no intentions of adopting it out or returning to school.

Anyone else think that an abortion is the best thing in this case?

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