Do You Tell Your Friends That You Like Someone?


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Yeah, actually, now that I think about it, I'll usually blurt it out to the guy.
Guy: So, what's your favorite color?

Me: I don't discriminate.

Guy: Oh, well, do you go to the park often?

XD Exactly. Being subtle just isn't in my nature. Or yours.

It's the best way to roll.


but molly will just tell that person.

plus why should i be honest with her if she wont be with me D:<

annie, maya, and amanda...i dont trust them that much.. .___.

idk. I keep it in

Sometimes. My friends get mad at me and I'm always afraid that they will spill.

But right now I think everyone is updated xD

My friends go around shouting who I like. There like "WELL EVRYONE KNOWS HUNTR LIKE DUSTIN."

Its true. Everyone does know x3

i do but my friend brissa walked up to him and said that i liked him talk about embarssing(sp?) and behind my back and i told her not to and hes my best friend!

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No I always get so shy I can hardly confess it to the guy I mean I trust my friends but I'm just too shy to let them know let alone the guy I like.

Sometimes. My friends get mad at me and I'm always afraid that they will spill.
But right now I think everyone is updated xD
My friends freaked when I told them I liked this total a** wipe. (At the time, I didn't call him a** wipe. xD)

I'm weird when talking about Stalker, my friend has all of her classes with him, so I always ask her "Who do you sit with?","Who's in your gym class?",etc,. .______.

Erm, sometimes. Its hard, because when I told my bestfriend about my last crush, she suddenly liked him too.

And now, I'm not sure if I like this one guy, and I couldn't tell anyone, cause he's always been.... just a boy.

I used to do it, but my friend

keeps on telling that person

I like I don't do it

any more.... :(

I've done this once. I told my friend that I had started 'falling for' a guy again, and she just looked.. Disgusted. And then even more disgusted when I was devastated after finding out that he had started drinking and smoking Mary Jane and self harming.

Anyway, she has a boyfriend that is completely devoted to her and that she practically has tied to strings just for her to play with, so she doesn't really care.

Everybody now knows that I don't like him at all anymore, but I did make myself a promise - no dating. It's my main cause of stress and apparently everybody elses', so I figured there was no point in wasting my time on anybody anymore.

At the moment, I have seven gentlemen callers. They keep bugging me. Dx
And I pretty much hate every one of them.

Yeah. I tell almost everyone. XD

Why? Because if you end up going out with the guy, why would you want to hide that?

If they don't like me, Ehh. No skin off my back.

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