Do you wear your seatbelt?


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
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Well do you?


I don't think there's a topic like this, but I'm just curious.


I always wear my seatbelt, it's a habit now. Although there has been times when I forget to <.< I'm afraid that one of these days we're gonna crash and I'm gonna end up flying out the window o.o'


Well do you?^^

I wonder why they don't have seatbelts in buses though. They're just as dangerous.


Well, at least here they don't have seatbelts.

ummm YA!! I always wear a is the LAW!!

so obey it (that's wat I say)

U never now when you'll get in an accident

I always wear mine, except for the 10 second drive to school. xP

It's the law, and I like to to obey it!

I wonder why they don't have seatbelts in buses though. They're just as dangerous. 

Well, at least here they don't have seatbelts.
The only buses I've seen with seat belts are the nice coach buses.

Otherwise, they don't.

Not sure why exactly.

I always wear my seatbelt.

The only time I don't is when I'm in the Philippines and I only go there every two months ^^;


Unless it's an ultimate short car ride, then I find no point in it.

Yes, always.

No matter how short the ride, you could still get in a car crash. I've heard of too many people dying over not wearing their seat belt, and I personally don't want to be one of them.

Plus, as this has already been said, its the law. I tend to obey that... lol.

But yea, I do. Its a habit for me, and how I was raised.

I wonder why they don't have seatbelts in buses though. They're just as dangerous. 

Well, at least here they don't have seatbelts.
In busses, the seats are desined so that the back or any seat is not parallel to another one. So if you fall sideways, you hit the back of someone's seat. The bus driver obviously needs a seatbelt tho lolz.

In buses, the seats are designed so that the back or any seat is not parallel to another one. So if you fall sideways, you hit the back of someone's seat. The bus driver obviously needs a seatbelt tho lolz.
That's only in school buses. City buses some seats are parallel to each other, and some are facing the front.

They also have poles and handles for the people who have to stand when there aren't any open seats.

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I hope no one vote for, 'No, never.' because that'd be freaky. 0.0

Anyways, I always wear my seatbelt, but I didn't use to all the time in my mom's car when I was 12. I didn't buckle when we were going from my house to a short distance away from it. Something like that. If I was driving with no seat belt and I crashed then I'd go flying. xP

My older sister doesn't wear her seatbelt ;P

I'm always scared that we'll get in an accident and something will happen to her but she never listens >.>

My mom or dad has to yell at her to get her to listen.

But me and my younger sister always wear our seatbelts.

(Except I don't in the Philippines, like I said before)

Yep wear my seatbelt since it's to save my life and to NOT get a fine. Here in Ontario if you are caught not wearing a seatbelt, you can get a ticket and I think some demerit points.

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