Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?


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[SIZE=12pt]molly. x.x[/SIZE]

she showed up to school today with 7 of the same buttons on her bag saying twilight.

She has a twilight jacket now.

and a NEW twilight shirt.


and, of course, to top it..

she has a removable tattoo thet says Twilight on her forehead


Today, I was walking. Yes, interesting, right? But that's not even the best part. I saw a girl, wearing a shirt. COOLEST DAY EVER! Okay, I'll shut up now and get to the point. The shirt said, "Team Edward Jacob JASPER!" Ha, it pwned.

Two days ago I wore my Southpark T that says, "Vampires are so lame." With the emos from the show on it. If you've seen that episode, you'll understand. I am so mean. I saw three girls with team edward shirts, one Jacob. I walked up to every single one of them, put on an evil smirk, and told them that I loved their shirt. They just stared at me. Aw, how boring. Wouldn't it be cool if I got into a verbal showdown at Disney world?

Twilight is okay. I actually don't hate it. It was bearable. Not bad, until no one will shut up about it, then I get annoyed and start doing the things I listed above.


Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

*removed - off topic*

Anyway, I thought the books were good, but I like the series less and less everyday now. All my friends who read it, read it AFTER the announcement of the movie was made. Now they all read the book because they look at the actors and judge the book by the movie. >_>

If you were really a fan of twilight you wouldn't keep comparing it to the movie and be all


So I don't really hate the series, nor am I obsessed with it. I'm kind of in between and I hate all these sudden obsessive fans. It's scary.

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Alrighty, I shall sum up my thoughts on Twilight.

I liked it at the time, when I read it, but after a month, I started to think it was kind of... Not... Awsome anymore. It is okay, but all of the fan obsession makes me want to stab the author. So, out of a scale of ten, I'll give it a 7.

I think I'm going to read it again, to formulate an even more hateful opinion. All of my friends are reading it, and they like it, but at least they aren't all obsessive fangirly. :\

I like the series, but I just don't like how people are getting so OVERLY OBSESSED with them. It's all my friends ever talk about and it gets VERY annoying. The books are great though. I didn't like the way they portrayed Edward in the movie.

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I agree with Dictionary on Edward being a moron and Bella being to stupid to notice it. xP

I think Bella is crazy.

Also, I HATE the Robert Pattingson fangirls! Everyday I have to here this girl on my bus go "OMG HE'S SO GORGEOUS!"

Team Jacob! <3

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I love the seies. But before I'm chewed up for thinking so, allow me to explain why;

I think in a way a lot of people can relate to Bella's situation. Alone, not having anyone, just moved to somewhere new. I first read Twilight when It first came out. So AGES ago. It was just after I'd moved to Canada from England. In that way I felt like someone understood. I'm also incredibly clumsy. I'm talking blown out Bella proportions. If tehre is something to fall over, I will. My P.E teacher wil on a regular basis, ask me to sit out. I'm normally covered in at least 6 bruises. And only falling down the stairs twice is a good day for me.

But the whole Fan base of "OMG HE'S SO HOTT" really gets on my nerves. For many reasons.

1) Most of these people ahve either, Never read the book, only read it once, just seen the film

2) Although Edward is portraid as perdfect. he's not supposed to be. And he definatly doesn't see himself that way. (gives me more reason to believe that these people have never once read the book)

So all in all, there is my two cents. About Stephanie Meyer as a writer. She was a stay at home mum who decided to write a novel. With no former training I think she did a great job. I'l admit. Breaking Dawn was awful for me to gte to. I love the otehr three but I just didn't "get" breaking dawn. It just felt so disconnected from the rest of the books.

Also, I HATE the Robert Pattingson fangirls! Everyday I have to here this girl on my bus go "OMG HE'S SO GORGEOUS!"
But he is gorgeous ;) But Yes I do know your point. Fan girls annoy the hell out of me!!!!! I liked him before he did Twilight.
