Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?


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200th reply.


I think everyone knows my view on this topic, I just stepped in to view the rest of the replies since I last posted.

There haven't been many.

I was obsessed.

But I was obsessed before everyone else became obsessed.

It's a bit annoying to me how the Twilight fan base exploded this fall, before the release of the movie.

The book existed years before that, you know. :|

I read Twilight over a year ago.

And me and my buds at lunch became obsessed.

We'd verbally roleplay everyday.

It was so much fun. :]

The roleplaying always revolved around sexual relations with Edward.

And then torturing Edward.

Our favorite was ripping off all of his limbs, and then beating him with them. >8D

Oh, and we assigned all of the characters objects.

Bella was an obese orange.

Edward was an eggplant.

Laurent was a cereal bar.

Demetri was a cucumber.

Uh... I don't remember the rest. Those were the most popular ones. xD

And we designed our own Edward langerie line.

We were going to center it around dark themes - black, crimson, and silver.

And "EC" would be embroidered on every piece, in cursive and silver.

And of course, we were had, "Obsessive Compulsive Edward Cullen Disorder."

And I was the founder of the, "We Like To Picture Edward Cullen Naked Club."


But you know, after a few months we all grew out of it.

We still had all of these inside jokes we'd crack on a pretty much daily basis, but that was it.

I've read the book... uh... too many times to count. Dx

Probably around 8? 10? 12?

Something like that. x3

I went to the Breaking Dawn midnight release.

It was so much fun.

I finished BD in less than 24 hours after the release. :]

I saw the movie opening day.

But I've only seen it once, lawl.

Though I'm planning on getting it on my iPod once it's out. :(

I have one shirt.

I got it in like August though.

Before all of the 100000 other shirts came out. D:<

I abuse my Twilight books though.

At school, I throw them on the ground (In the snow outside), and start jumping on it and kicking it against the wall.

I love the looks I get. xDDD

You know what though?

The more and more and I read the book,

The more and more I love Jacob Black. :]

They're not bad.

They're entertaining.

The movie was entertaining.

I don't ask for some deep, complex book and plot.

I don't need that.

I just need something to keep me entertained.

I don't ask for more.

And that's what I got. :]

I'm not obsessed anymore.

Because I would automatically be classified as a, "fangirl." D:<

I was a fangirl before anyone else was a fangirl.

And I've gotton my enjoyment from them.

I've moved on now. :]

I do think it's gotten out of hand.

The posters, pins, key chains, necklaces, lunch boxes, etc etc etc.

Oh, and I saw TRADING CARDS at Hot Topic the other day.


I think it's a bit ridiculous.

The Twilight video game is coming. I can guarantee it. Just you wait.

So, to make a long story short.

Yes I like them.

But I think it's gotten way out of hand.

EDIT: Typos. :]

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I don't hate them, but I don't love them. Some parts I hate, some parts I love.

it's hard to pick my overall thought of them because the writing isn't always consistent.. so I just chose "Ice, you are a fruitcake :) "

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This girl I kno is obsessed w/ Twilight...0_o For her b-day she got Edward Body Lotion. It said: Scent of Edward, Honey and Lilac (and something else I dont remember) It smelled pretty sweet...Too girly for Edward...But of course, Gay Men Sparkle LOL it was on a T-Shirt!! =D

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I HATE TWLIGHT! It's all I ever hear about, Twlight this, Twlight that...Now my friend is bugging me because she likes it and most of the girls in my class are reading twlight and alway talking about it. :p

This whole Edward Cullen deal is becoming... disturbing. o_o

Thank goodness I have two cousins my age, girls. Our discussion went like this: (May have spoilers, highlight to read.)

Me to Cousin 1: Have you seen Twilight?

Cousin 1: Uhh, no. Why would I see that?!

Cousin 2: Haha! I hate Twilight.

Me: THANK GOD! You guys hate it too? What a relief!

Cousin 2: Yeah what's so great about Edward Cullen? I don't even think he's cute.

Me: He's not!!!

Cousin 2: Yeah and he like bites Bella or something.

Me: Haha.

Cousin 2: How romantic. Bite me, Edward, bite me!!

Me: XD

I got something really disturbing for you, someone I know at work just couldn't stay enough of how good the books are.(not that I asked her,I hate the woman) Shes in her 40's. I thought about reading one just to see what all the fuss was about but decided against it when some made a comment about it was written. Plus reading about vampires doesn't seem like something I'd be interested in.

Well, I don't "hate" it.

I read Twilight to find out what the fuss was about and I found the plot pretty weak and unbelievable. I'm not talking about the fact that vampires are fictional creatures - more that the style of writing just didn't engross me and didn't seem real - it was all "too good to be true" stuff.

Unbelievable in that she's a pretty girl but is unaware that almost every guy in her grade wants to date her... so clumsy and the best looking guy in the school (who could pick anyone he wants) chooses her :angry:

I just felt that the author was paying lip service to teen girl fantasies and not very believably either.

It was good for a fast, light-weight read - but nothing more.

@ Cinderpelt - I agree completely.

I read the book last-no wait- last LAST November. People called me crazy for reading such a long book. People wondered what was so special about it. Nobody cared about Twilight; it was just some book to them. But I was obsessed with it and loved it.

Now, over a year later, I am sick and tired of it. The fan base population has exploded. Everywhere I go, I always see somebody with a Twilight book. Be it in school, stores, EVERYWHERE! The sad part, people who are obsessed with it now read it AFTER the announcement of the movie. It's as if they only like it because of the movie. :|

Speaking of which, the movie is also at fault for all this Twilight commotion. The before the movie, there wasn't nearly as much merchandise and stuff. It is overly annoying. It. Is. Everywhere.

Don't get me wrong, the series is nice and simple so it kept me amused. But I'm over it. Twilight came out years ago and people were obsessed with it for the book itself. Not the movie nor it's actors. Now there are so many people obsessed with it, and I find it hard to believe it's 100% because of the book. I admit that I adore the actor for Jacob, but I loved the book before I even knew about the movie.

I feel like I've repeated myself at least 5 times this post. I'll end it here.

@ Cinderpelt - I agree completely.
I read the book last-no wait- last LAST November. People called me crazy for reading such a long book. People wondered what was so special about it. Nobody cared about Twilight; it was just some book to them. But I was obsessed with it and loved it.

Now, over a year later, I am sick and tired of it. The fan base population has exploded. Everywhere I go, I always see somebody with a Twilight book. Be it in school, stores, EVERYWHERE! The sad part, people who are obsessed with it now read it AFTER the announcement of the movie. It's as if they only like it because of the movie. :|

Speaking of which, the movie is also at fault for all this Twilight commotion. The before the movie, there wasn't nearly as much merchandise and stuff. It is overly annoying. It. Is. Everywhere.

Don't get me wrong, the series is nice and simple so it kept me amused. But I'm over it. Twilight came out years ago and people were obsessed with it for the book itself. Not the movie nor it's actors. Now there are so many people obsessed with it, and I find it hard to believe it's 100% because of the book. I admit that I adore the actor for Jacob, but I loved the book before I even knew about the movie.

I feel like I've repeated myself at least 5 times this post. I'll end it here.
Omg. same here. i read the book a few months later than you. now i'm sick of it and it's like everywhere. =(

i also love taylor lautner. he is so cute! xD
