Dream Wedding? xD


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=) *blushes* I want to design the dresses for my wedding because I love drawing wedding dresses. Get ready for a long post!

My outfit: It will be sleeveless and have spaghetti straps. The dress will be crimson and it will be silk, no train. The veil will also be crimson silk and the dress will have gold velvet tassel-type things by the straps on the front and back. My shoes will be red heels but not too high heels. I'll have a rose in my hair and it'll be beautiful.

The location: Here!

The bouquet: Beautiful, blood-red roses.

I'll post back maybe with some pretty wedding dress sketches I've done.

I want to own a wedding dress company called A-Z Wedding Dresses and every dress has a name, like Amber then Becky or something like that...

Is that cheesy? (The wedding dress company name)

And would that wedding be pretty?

^ You're going to have a lovely wedding, Esther!! Can I come? xDD
Of course!

I would be offended if you didn't. xD

That goes for all my other lovelies too. You must all be there, in a reserved row.

I'd love to come Esther :)

I want a traditional wedding. In a Church or an outdoor gazebo (like the picture Esther posted). I want a strapless dress with a long train, fairly plain, without all the bells and whistles. Well, that would be the dress, unless I restore my grandmother's wedding dress. My grandmother and I are very close; she saved the dress and told me it's mine if I want it. She was married in the fifty's, so therefore it is a fifty's-style dress. It's white and strapless, with a full skirt. The full skirt falls just above her knees. I want my hair down in long, spiral curls, or possibly up in a bun with curls. I want a medium sized wedding -- Not a small wedding, but not overly expansive.

That's all I have planned now. I want to plan it in cooperation with my fiance :)

Three words purple,dark pink and black :p the men wear black and dark pink the girls wear lavender dresses. I want it at Disney world lol (or at least my honey moon like my parents did -^^-) I'd have it at my parents house probably.

My dream wedding would be at a beautiful garden.

My wedding dress would be white with sparkles.

The colors of the brides made dresses would be cotton candy pink or pink.

The guyz would wear Black tux.

And the wedding rings on the inside would say Matthew & Ashley forver

And after the wedding the party is going to be at 5 star hotel ball room..... so ya

Ohhh I love planning things like this <3

The Dress- Most likely black, with a long train and a black veil. And lacey, too. The dress would have sleeves that my thumb could go through so it would look kinda like a glove. Like this, but with sleeves

The Place-


Flowers-Blood-red Roses

The first dance at the reception for me and the guy I shall marry

Either this cake or this cake, but with black lace or whatever

And, yes, I DO want my wedding to be different. And, Yeah, I AM christian but I like gothy things. :] I know who I'm gonna marry <3 hehe.

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Dress- NEON GREEN c: Pastel pink? :lol:

No veil though. xP

The place- A garden.

Theme: Silver, white and pink?

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I'd want it either in a church or a Host Club-esque kind of place.

I'd be marrying a certain someone.

I think it'd be awesome if I had one of those long flowy white dresses with black rose embroidery in it. I'd have my hair in a braid with sparkly ribbons in it.

I want a bonnet veil.

Like, a veil with a little bonnet at the top.

And I want my husband to wear a black top hat with a white ribbon above the rim with a red rose tucked in it.

Theme would be White, Red, and Black.

It'd be fun to do one of those surprise 'first dance' things that they have on YouTube.

Baby Got Back or Macarena or something fun. :]

The reception would be at my house, starting with a husand vs. wife volleyball game, and ending with a Christmas tree burning, which is like tradition with my parents and I.

Here comes the girlish fantasy.

I can picture this in my mind ftw~

Well, mine would be at a theme park with scarey roller coaster rides! All reserved 4 da wedding! My wedding dress would go down to my knees so i can run in it! And the "hear comes the bride" song will be in hard/screamo rock style! The wedding cake would be lit by a pyro who was perfeshionally trained to blow fire out of his/her mouth! The wedding cake would be a chocolate four stacked aoumond cheese cake! And then we'll have pie fights! And we'll wash off with a squirt gun fight! And have fun the rest of our time in the theme park! XD

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