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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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I just realized Easter is this weekend. o:

So I made a topic where we can discuss Easter, I guess....

Oh! I just got an idea, since I don't want anybody to beat me to making a 'how many eggs did you find?' topic (;P) we can predict how many eggs we will find, then after Easter, we will post how many eggs we found and compare it to our prediction.. o_O

.. as well as talk about Easter :(

what are you doing for it? Are you staying up to catch your parents the easter bunny? Post pictures of any eggs you might have decorated, stuff like that.

I don't think I'm doing anything for Easter. We're spending it here in Florida, that's the only thing special about this easter. I think I'm just going to wake up, collect some eggs and get on with my day...

..what about you?

Well, on Saturday we're boiling ad decorating the eggs. I plan on trying to make Shugo Chara ones 8D

Like these. O:

On Sunday, there'll be and egg hunt (the 'Easter bunny' hides the eggs we decorated ^^) and easter baskets. Then we go to my grandma's house and my aunt always hides these plastic eggs with candy inside. 8D

And of course Easter dinner.

Maybe I'll be going to church, too.

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Easter is always awesome.

And this year its on the day before my birthday, so I'll be eating lots of chocolate on my birthday :D

Our family doesn't do much though. We don't go on egg hunts or whatever. We just get Easter eggs that appear under our beds ;D

Easter is amazing. The bunny is cool.

We had an easter egg hunt at school. I found three eggs... YAYYYYY.

Happy Easter to everyoneeee. Orthodox easter isn't for another week... so I suppose I celebrate both. But yeahh, happy easterr!

Mummeh says that i'm too old for the easter bunny and then I gots all sad. I wants the easter bunny to comes for me.

Only egg hunting I'm doing is on gaia XD

And the number at the end will be at least 635, lol.

So far I've gotten 78.

As for Easter, I have a chocolate bunny with giant ears :3 It's sitting on the kitchen counter, and extremely tempting.

Daddy won an Easter pack yesterday and I know where he hid the big chocolate blob thing! We also got movies passes and such but I want the Cadbury chocolate milktray egg and the mini flavoured chocolate inside it. I know my nana will give me one and every year my uncle sends us a big one each. I always end up sick from over eating and one year I only ate chocolate for 3 days. Bad idea.

Today I'm reading the Passion at the Good Friday sermon, and then going to see the Hannah Montanna movie. (Might dye eggs too, dunnoo yet.) xD

Saturday I'm cleaning the house for my mom.

Sunday I'm going to go through my Easter basket, which hopefully will have IOU's for new rechargable camera batteries and a memory card, and some iTunes giftcards, along with industrial amounts of Cadbury Cream Eggs. :D Then I have church, and then I have to help my mom prepare Easter dinner, for when the family comes over.

And then I have Monday and Tuesday off, because our Spring break is combined with Easter break. ;3

Haha SK, I'm egg hunting on Gaia too. Only I have only found two eggs so far. xD rofl

EDIT: I know how old Ahlex is. O:

But my lips are sealed. :D

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I'm in Cornwall at my Uncles then! So Easter, if the weather's okay, may be spent with a barbaque on the beach

I have 4 eggs that I know about *looks at the eggs sadly* but my mum will have got me one and my gran's got me one at her house

I never get my eggs untill easter.

Countdown to easter:2 days

Merry Good Friday!

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