Eating disorders?


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i cant help it, i think that i will get fat and i am dying 2 be skinny! i just cant eat i get sick when i see food and i dont eat at all, if i am shaking and about 2 pass out beacause of my low blood sugar, which makes it even worse, then i will have something sweet, but then my whole bodyu will just colapse. no1 knows that i am dying 2 be skinny and i want 2 be so bad. i dont know i am not skinny.
If you are really thinking that way, you need to see a doctor. You are starving yourself, not a smart move...

If you are really thinking that way, you need to see a doctor. You are starving yourself, not a smart move...
Agreed. Please go see someone about this problem. The thoughts and negativity will go away in time when you go talk with a doctor or a counselor. The first step is to tell your parents about it and admit you need some help.

Lily, no one ever chooses an eating disorder. It's a mental illness. Do depressed people choose to be depressed? Do autistic people choose to be autistic? No, no one ever chooses these things. They just happen. Usually the person is in such denial about their problem that they don't even know what they are doing. Please, never call an eating disorder a choice.

Unfortunately it can be a choice of sorts.

With media and the image of uber skinny girls in movies and magazines looking perfect everywhere, it can intimidate young girls into thinking they aren't beautiful and in turn, go to methods that can be very harmful.

It's a choice to start, but once started, it is a way of life which is a form of addiction. Now I'm not saying every girl with anorexia chose to be that way or that girl is throwing because chose that. It really is the situation. It can be both choice and it can be something that "just happens".

So really what I'm saying is it's a bit of a choice and a bit of something else. I will say though someone with any addiction, it is them who has to decide when they need the help to get better.

weight 112hieght 5 3'
The result of your BMI is 19.8.

18 is underweight - 25 is overweight. You have a rather nice weight, honestly, and even if you did have skinny bones your BMI would only be 20-21.

It's all in your head.

my friend is 4 9' and she weighs 110 ad she is 13, what about her. i still have a big problem on my hands that i cant fix, do u think it is a disease

Not skinny??? CDR, are you out of your mind???? That's dang skinny for Butt's sake!! Please, please, don't become anorexic. You're perfect just the way you are.

i jiggle 2 much
I doubt that. :rolleyes:

Listen, if you're really concerned you should do some crunches. Just 30 everyday when you get out of bed. It'll help tone your stomach muscles.

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