Eating disorders?


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well i think they are a turn on to guys and i have already lost alot of weight, i aint stopin untill i losses enough weight so i can be in the 90s. i hate bein fat! i am fat and no1 can change it, i have lost alot of weight and i think that u can see the lines in my stomach where my ribs are and from wher i do crunches and sit ups, but i am going 2 lose that weight no atter what it takes

well i think they are a turn on to guys and i have already lost alot of weight, i aint stopin untill i losses enough weight so i can be in the 90s. i hate bein fat! i am fat and no1 can change it, i have lost alot of weight and i think that u can see the lines in my stomach where my ribs are and from wher i do crunches and sit ups, but i am going 2 lose that weight no atter what it takes
Okay. But if someone does say you're looking too thin, believe them, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

well no1 tells me i am skinny, EVER, so y shouldnt i try and make them
Why do you want to MAKE people compliment you? Everything isn't about people thinking your beautiful. You seem like you have low self esteem and that isn't attractive in a person because the people who want to compliment you will think 'She's just going to start saying how fat she is again..'

If your really concerened about your weight then go to the Doctors for a diet plan for a HEALTHY weight. Because starving yourself then eating makes your stomach bloat out. Not all boys think someone skinny is perfect, my boyfriend likes me better now I'm a bit heavier.

And your really are NOT fat, just eat healthy and you will feel good about yourself.

i kow that i am beautiful and i dont have low self esteem, i just want 2 be skinny! i want it so bad, and it would even make me a better dancer.

i kow that i am beautiful and i dont have low self esteem, i just want 2 be skinny! i want it so bad, and it would even make me a better dancer.
Rachel, YOUR NOT FAT. And if you weighed 90, youd weigh less than me. Your not fat, your a healthy weight, and you don't need to diet. And your weight has nothing to do with how good of a dancer you are.


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Rachel, you shoulden't say that.


I went to the hospital for not eating. I even passed out in the mall ^^


You have to keep yourself healthy. I'm pretty sure you way, weigh less then me. Im 11 and way 112 pounds ^,^

CDR come on- you aren't freaking fat! *slaps*

Just kidding about the slap, but not about you not being fat. At 90 pounds you will look like a sickly chic that needs ALOT of help. Trust me- being really skinny doesn't aways make you more attractive. If anything, losing that much wieght will turn people off to you because that will be all you can think of, it can be addictive and eventualy you can die from it.

Seriously, talk to your parents. If you think you're fat and are starving yourself they NEED to know.

CDR come on- you aren't freaking fat! *slaps*
Just kidding about the slap, but not about you not being fat. At 90 pounds you will look like a sickly chic that needs ALOT of help. Trust me- being really skinny doesn't aways make you more attractive. If anything, losing that much wieght will turn people off to you because that will be all you can think of, it can be addictive and eventualy you can die from it.

Seriously, talk to your parents. If you think you're fat and are starving yourself they NEED to know.
That happened to me when I got out of the hospital. I got scared of eating so I lost a lot of weight and got really sick. My mom && grandma where freaking out. I went from 112 -to- 80 B) .


Rachel i am scared for you. Dont do what I did just to make yourself skinny.. And at your age you shouldent be worried anyways.

gee im in Sixth grade and im only Like 76 Pounds. All of my friends say im really skinny. I eat like a pig. I dont gain any weight.

My wrist is real tiny. You know those bands for your wrist, those will fall right off of me 0.o i have to wer a child one and it still is not snug. yea im skinny

Fatness? Have you seen those skinny people with no fat? Now they look ugly. You, look pretty. You should be glad you're so pretty. There are other people who would do anything to look like you. You aren't fat. You're in a normal weight. Losinng more weight isn't the healthiest thing to do. It can hurt your body. I say I'm about 110 pounds but since I'm sort of short I do look...fat (not so fat though....just fat enough to be embarrassed of wearing a 2 piece swimsuit)

gee im in Sixth grade and im only Like 76 Pounds. All of my friends say im really skinny. I eat like a pig. I dont gain any weight.
My wrist is real tiny. You know those bands for your wrist, those will fall right off of me 0.o i have to wer a child one and it still is not snug. yea im skinny
Yeah natural skinny like that is something your body will even out as you get older. Puberty should add a few pounds on you and such so it should fix itself for when you become a young adult :D

18 is underweight - 25 is overweight. You have a rather nice weight, honestly, and even if you did have skinny bones your BMI would only be 20-21.
My bmi is like 12

If only those stupid online bmi tester thingys knew my body type. I have skinny bones, high motabolism (sp?) and I get 2 hours of exercise a day. Thats swim team. lol

When I Was 12 I NEVER Ate Anything, I SKipped Breakfast And Lunch... But When I Turned 13.5 I

Started To Eat Like A Pig

Now Im Fat...Nay!

Someone Asked Me If I Was Anorexic....v

Some Girl Asked Me If i Was Anorexic,I Found It Very Rude

But She Had Problems Like She Says How Shes Gonna Get In Some Boys Pants's (eww... REALLY Disturbing But True)

i dont eat breakfast or lunch either, and i barely eat dinner, im about to go to dance and i havent had anything 2 eat all day.

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