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Yes :D It's actually kind of a funny story.

It was in like 1st or 2nd grade. It was recess time, and me and my best friend Bryanna (she lives in NYC now) rolled down this huge hill all recess time. All 30 minutes we repetitively rolled down it, it was so much fun. When we got back to class, me and Bryanna felt really sick. She didn't throw up, but I did. I was running to the trash can, but I didn't make it, so there was a long trail of vomit on the carpet. I was givin and lollipop and the teacher called my mom to come and get me.

I can safely say I didn't feel too well the rest of the day either.

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nope, Ive only thrown up once in my life o.o'
That just seems nearly imposible I mean everyone gets sick

at least twice or so in their life time.

but if that only happened to you once wow is all I can say.

You are lucky.You must be very healthy then to not

get sick alot.I have gotten sick a couple times before.

~Tropical :D

the one time i throw up in the hallway, i was skiping down the hallway after lunch and a throw up a little in my mouth when i got to class i spit it out in a papper towel!

That just seems nearly imposible I mean everyone gets sickat least twice or so in their life time.

but if that only happened to you once wow is all I can say.

You are lucky.You must be very healthy then to not

get sick alot.I have gotten sick a couple times before.

~Tropical :D
Yah it is possible.

My moms friend is 46 and she has never thrown up in her life.


I don't remember ever being sick in school, but one of my friends in the early years of High School was sick all over this girls back and shoes. It really was disgusting even though it wasn't her fault.

;;I remember being sick a couple of days after I'd turned 16. I rung my dad to come pick me up from my boyfriend house because I felt awful. I really did think it was my boyfriends cooking because he had just made me pasta and I started feeling sick after eating it. I felt like I couldn't walk properly and was really faint.

Then when I got into the passenger seat of the car and my dad started driving and I was sick out of the window, I felt a little better after that. But because I felt so hot I rested my head near the window and kept the window down. I don't really get sick though even though I had to have a week off college because I'd gotten the flu really badly. I'd never had the flu before but I think it was all the bugs going round the Primary School I was at.

I can only remember getting sick twice at school as a kid.

I was in the teachers building at this private school I went to and I threw up in their tiny little trash can they had at their desk. They weren't very happy about it either. xD Sorry but I don't remeber the grade but I do know it was in elentary school

I was in the fifth grade when I started feeling sick and I went to the nurses. After spending a while in there. I was sent back to class. Well on the way back I ended up puking on the hallway floor. The jantior was sickened by it and was covering his mouth. I was sick for about a week. x_X After that I was afraid to vomit and thats how my vomiting phobia began. Last time I vomited was when I was in the nineth grade which forchantely I was at home.

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ur afraid of vomit??? so am i! every time someone or me does i, i freak out! it's called emetophobia. :( :(

I can't believe some of you have only thrown up once or twice. I've thrown up literally, over 200 times. I always get the stomach flu at least once a year, and then I throw up non-stop (well, until I have absolutely nothing else to throw up at least. No food, no water, nothing) and then I just gag until I stop, or get some more water or food, and throw that up again. And my stomach flus always last for at least three days. So, I probably throw up at least 100 times for each flu. And then I also throw up about once a week because of something like the toothpaste making me feel sick, or there was hair in the sink, or something.

I've thrown up at school a few times.

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I can't believe some of you have only thrown up once or twice. I've thrown up literally, over 200 times. I always get the stomach flu at least once a year, and then I throw up non-stop (well, until I have absolutely nothing else to throw up at least. No food, no water, nothing) and then I just gag until I stop, or get some more water or food, and throw that up again. And my stomach flus always last for at least three days. So, I probably throw up at least 100 times for each flu. And then I also throw up about once a week because of something like the toothpaste making me feel sick, or there was hair in the sink, or something.
I've thrown up at school a few times.
I've thrown up so many times I can't count either! I remember these few nasty little tricks we all used to get home, and when you vomit, the kids at my school actually go over and ask if you are Okay and rub your back.

It was in Grade 2, before a test, Josue and I were freaked cause we hadn't studied. So him and I, we shared his dunkaroos, I had half and he had half. We chewed them up, drank water, then 'Vomited' all over the floor, we were sent home. I've done that many times. XDD

Another time, I hadn't really been feeling all dandy all day, I was prettymuch sleeping through the whole day. Near the end when the bell rang for last recess, I vomited going down the stairs. My crush and my bestfriend, he still is and always will be, went over to me and hugged me. He's like: "Are you alright, Zoria?"

I sware, I didn't vomit again. 8D At least untill I got home, cause he took me home.

And when I was in... i think Grade 3, my friend Kassandra vomited all over the carpet, we couldn't sit of the carpet for 3 days. X-X

Ive been sick in the School Hall twice, The Dinner Hall once, in a school bin about 10000000000000000 times :unsure: and in the school toilets twice. Most people know when to stay away from me cos the sides of my face go a light greeny colour and im really pale. so people just go the other way when im walking down the corridor when I Look Ill :p


I can only remember getting sick twice at school as a kid.
I was in the teachers building at this private school I went to and I threw up in their tiny little trash can they had at their desk. They weren't very happy about it either. xD Sorry but I don't remeber the grade but I do know it was in elentary school

I was in the fifth grade when I started feeling sick and I went to the nurses. After spending a while in there. I was sent back to class. Well on the way back I ended up puking on the hallway floor. The jantior was sickened by it and was covering his mouth. I was sick for about a week. x_X After that I was afraid to vomit and thats how my vomiting phobia began. Last time I vomited was when I was in the nineth grade which forchantely I was at home.
Im Scared of being sick in the night cos I feel... Alone and my parents just say go back to bed when I tell them I feel Sick, And I dont like being sick when theres loads of people around or in public. xC

Yeppers, not much, but then I got downstairs, to the room where you wait to be sent home and I just BLEAGH!!

I got chicken pox at christmas. XP Not Nice.

The last time I threw up was when I had stomach virus last year X_x I hated it so much I got it when my sister had it then my brother got it >____<. But at least we are all better. :)

And when I was at Disney World - Last month - I almost did after riding splash mountain LOL

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I think I have emetophobia too. Whenever sombody vomits, I cry and I start shaking really bad. Then the image stays in my head for about a week. Sick, isn't it?

I haven't thown up since 2003. The night before I ate WAY too much poporn before bed, and in the morning around 6 I sleptwalk into the bathroom and then I woke up and threw up into the toilet. o.o' Then I told my mom I wasn't feeling well but I didn't tell her I threw up, so she made me go to school. I guess I was too embarassed to tell her. I was only in 2nd grade, too. I was fine after that though.

I think I remember when I got my expander on, I spit up a little bit on the orthodontist. But only because she made me gag.

Sadly, very sadly, yes. wah! And the sader part is i've actually thrown up at school, in classroom, two times. One time

it was in 5th grade, I was running and then I came to class. I was so tired and my stomach was hurting, so after that I

realived that throw up was rising into my throat. I ran to the door and left the classroom. I went straight to the

bathroom and threw up there. Then I went to the office and blah, blah, blah, you know what's next. The other time was

when i was in 8th grade and I was running in P.E. I drank water when I was done and then I went to my other

classroom. I had an upset stomach and then I started chokeing up and then I ran to the bathroom and threw up and

then I went to the office and then blah, blah, blah, you know what's next. (what was next was that I had to go home)

I did once. It was in about 4th grade I believe.

This one kid was sick, and he threw up on his desk, then this other kid threw up because he saw the vomit, then I ran to the garbage can and threw up because I saw vomit.

Chain reaction. lol

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