Embarassing Moments


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Well, I ripped my pants at school camp in grade 6... So embarassing, but its funny too.

Oh wow, haha I've had sooo many!


-In third grade, I was walking down the hallway and everyone started to sing that song from spongebob about ripped pants. It took me a while to realize that they were aiming that song at me. I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, sure enough, my back pocket had ripped off completely and everybody had just a lovely view of my underwear. That was quite embarassing.


-My best friend and I were changing into swimsuits and my crush walked in...yikes!


-I had accidentally put on my pants backwards somehow, and wore them that way for about an hour. Many people had seen them by that point.


-I was rushing to get out of school because I was about to miss my bus, then fell on my butt because the locker room floor was all slippery.


That's all I can think of so far

I have a LOT.

Alot in band. *Handslapface*

Mr.Hanna was waiting for me for Flute Lessons, and I had to close my locker, and I slid while doing so...

I nearly tripped over Melanie/George's Bari Sax case. xD

Me, Carrie, Danielle and Hannah were practicing SW:RM & IJ, VERY LOUDLY! While a kindergarten summer play was going on, we were so embarrassed.

And once in Trombone lessons, Mr.H wanted me to play High Bb[i FAIL at high notes, mind you] and I tried...And it sounded like a duck.

Taylor tried out my trombone....And I was so embarrassed because she doesn't even PLAY trombone! [she plays Clarinet.]

Once I failed[like...BIG TIME] on a Eb scale, and Scott whispered to me "Good Job". *Headdesk*

And in Jazz Band, me[Flute],Andrew[Trombone] and Everett[Clarinet] had to tune to Bb. But I played the loudest and George and Marcus were all ".______."

And I once went to talk to Mr.Hanna about this song we are playing in Jazz, and I thought the chorus was rehearsing, and I told him Good-bye, and I almost fell on the floor because I was so worried that Ms.T would yell at me.

Once in Chorus, Mrs.D came in and yelled at us. "I'M SO EMBARRASSED! THOSE 4TH GRADERS LOOK UP TO YOU!! RAWR!!! D:<" Embarrassing.

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I was at the pool when my bathing suit ripped. I think it was because I didn't wash it after I went to the beach. The salt must have eaten right through it. I was embarrassed, and I had to wear a towel around my waist the rest of the day. My friends kept asking me why I wasn't coming in, but I just said I was cold...

Now that I think of it, that was a pretty bad excuse. When I got home, I was relieved.

There was also a time where I was walking and tripped over a desk. It was just right in the hallway and my books went everywhere. Stupid me. :huh:

One time I accidently walked into the men's resroom at Wal-Mart.

Enough said.

The people in there were nice about it though.

Last year, my friend, *M*, told *Boston* that I liked him. Here's how it went. (note: this is not MSN or AIM -- this is at school)

M: Hey, Austin!

Me: -runs up- Don't!!!!!

Boston: What?

Me: Nothing, nothing, she doesn't want anything!! -puts hand in M's face-

Boston: What?

M: -makes motion that I <3 him-

Boston: -confused smile- -walks away-

Me: o.o


Last year, my friend, *M*, told *Boston* that I liked him. Here's how it went. (note: this is not MSN or AIM -- this is at school)
M: Hey, Austin!

Me: -runs up- Don't!!!!!

Boston: What?

Me: Nothing, nothing, she doesn't want anything!! -puts hand in M's face-

Boston: What?

M: -makes motion that I <3 him-

Boston: -confused smile- -walks away-

Me: o.o

Ugh, that happened with me and Scott. D:

Amanda: Hi Scott!

Scott: -____-

Amanda: I like PIE!

Scott: WTF?

Amanda: I know somebody who likes you!



Okay, we were at a buffet. There is a place to put your dirty dishes, and when you are ready for more food, you grab a clean dish.

I didn't know, so I reached my hand into the dirty dishes pile and took out a plate, and it still had mushy remains of food on it. I dropped it and it made a huge bang. People looked, but at least the plate didn't crack. I never made that mistake again. :blink:

Here's another one, this only happened 2 weeks ago.

At HPE my class was playing handball and the ball was hit to me. I went back to square up the shot, but instead the ball hit me in an unfortunate place. I think you are getting what I'm talking about. But the embarassing thing was it stayed there. Like, it hit me in the crotch area (I'm a girl, so yeah) and STAYED THERE. Like glue or something. It took me a while to realise, when i saw it I was just "OMG!" -flickballaway- -throwballatrandomperson-

And then, that earnt me the most embarassing nickname ever. "Ball in crotch"


I was at school and at lunch.My class was excused to recess, and I got off the table and ran a little, I slipped and tried to hold onto my friend so I wouldnt fall but I made her fall..we fell on top of each other.... :D


I was walking over the park, to see my friend, when suddenly, someone runs past me, splashes a puddle, and dirty water flew all over me. I was all, "IMA COMIN TO KILL JOO NOW!"

And I punched him, he ran away. :3 Though, I was still covered in muddy water. D:

I fell twice during the play xP

During the Sunday matinee I fell backstage REALLY REALLY loudly at the most quiet scene xDD

Then during the Friday night show I wuz walking backstage from my scene and slipped on water and fell backwards.

BTW all the times I fell was because there was water. We built a pool onstage for the show :D

Here's another one, this only happened 2 weeks ago.
At HPE my class was playing handball and the ball was hit to me. I went back to square up the shot, but instead the ball hit me in an unfortunate place. I think you are getting what I'm talking about. But the embarassing thing was it stayed there. Like, it hit me in the crotch area (I'm a girl, so yeah) and STAYED THERE. Like glue or something. It took me a while to realise, when i saw it I was just "OMG!" -flickballaway- -throwballatrandomperson-

And then, that earnt me the most embarassing nickname ever. "Ball in crotch"

Same with me. Except I'm a dude... :(

So many people still make fun of me. :p

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