Embaressing moments...


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Speaking of being confused with a boy, that happens to me often.

Once I went rollerskating with a small group of friends to play hockey, and this old-ish but totally in shape man self-invited himself to play hockey with us.

He gave us all "a bad feeling", for whenever it looked like someone was going to lose their balance, he'd be right next to them hugging them till they fell over.

He crashed into me quite a few times too. Anyway, he confused my name, thought I was called "Michael", then thought I was called "Ginés" and thought I was a boy. XD

Finally though, I think he realised I was a girl and started calling me "pretty" or something, so we were all feeling quite a bit uncomfortable. Finally, one of my friends bent a bone, so we decided to go.


As for actual embarassing things... I've been through quite a few, none too grave, but one I can remember is:

This happened nearly a year ago, after the Christmas holidays, this new kid came to our classroom (and is now my best friend). So I decided to help him catch up in maths to what we had done already, and the tutor said I could change desk-partner and would be able to sit next to him, and I was somewhat-very happy about that.

So, when the class ended, and I had seen him leave, I jumped up very high and yelled very loudly "YIPPEE!!! THEY ARE CHANGING MY DESK-PARTNER!!" to my other best friend. All of a sudden, someone behind me tapped my shoulder, I turned round and it was the new kid, asking if I would still be helping him tomorrow.

"Of course-of course"

Luckily, I don't think he heard me, (or he probably did, but said nothing).

I was at my friend's birthday party last year, and all the kids from our class were there. So of course, I forgot how to ice skate because I had not done it for five years! So I had to use one of the little walkers :[ But when I retaught myself after 20 minutes, I started skating circles around everyone :3

There was a bumble-bee in the classroom in grade 4, and it landed on my desk. I let out a LOUD scream. It was embarrasing, but I laughed it off. I mean, those kinds of things happen to everyone. We just have to deal with them calmly. =D

Well i was at school.I was wearing my mood necklace when all of the sudden IT TURNED PURPLE!!!!!!!!(Witch means luv)i was infront of my friend.She said"eew"!!It was so embaressing!!(Cause i`m a boy)

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This was just at the end of 6th grade (I'm in 7th now) :p

Okay, both 6th grade homerooms were going on a field trip to this special museum. There were lots of stuff, and a plane simulater like the army's simulater or whatever. I was in a group with all my friends. None of my friends wanted to go, because it's high up, and your in like a small thing and there is a screen in fround of you and a controll stick next to you. You move the controlls up, and the screen faces the sky, and the thing your in goes up, and you point down, the screen faces grass (in the virtual thing) and your literally facking down. You can go upside down, left right, high, everywhere! It's weired hanging upside down

Only one girl wanted to go with me. We wated in line, but we had to eat lunch, so we ate lunch and we got back, and water FOREVER!!!

Then we finally got on. I tried controlling it, but I got scared, and I yelled: "AHHHHH!!!! GET IT!! GET IT!!! HELP ME!!!!!!" and my friend grapped the controll and made us go EVERYWHERE, and it was fun and I laughed, and laughed and laughed


we ended up almost not catching the bus to leave. We ran out the door, and got on the bus near the back. Like 5 min later after it started driving I'm like "Oh no..." my friend's are like "what?" I'm like "I think I'm sick" and they scooted away. XD then my friend patted my back a lot to be nice XP and I got sicker and sicker. I broke down crying!

Then my teacher (a strange, funny, strick boy one) looked back and he's like "Is everything okay?" I'm like "NO!! WAAAAA!!!!!!!" My friends said "She's sick!" he helped me over to the fround seat next to him, and I was crying like a little baby (Everyone in the whole 6th grade heared, and the filled bus was silent) I cryed and cryed. He said "It'll be okay, but I'll get a bag just incase" he reached for a bag and he was opening it- TOO LATE

I threw up on the floor and his shoes XD XD XD

I cryed and cryed as the person behind me saw and whispered to everyone and they passed it on. When the bus came to a stop I ran out and laid down in the office for 10 min 'til school was over.


Later I asked my friend "how bad was it?" she's like "well.... You did cry a lot... and when we got off the teacher was on the floor cleaning the mess *caugh* puke and saying 'ew, ew, ew, ew' over and over"


Ok,yesterday me,my dad and mom went to an Italian restaurant.My science teacher passed two times,but it was too late to talk to her.When we stepped outside,I saw a woman that looked similar to my teacher,so my parents said to go to talk to her.When I went up to her and said "Hi miss _______" It turned out to be another woman!!I was ready to go and kill my parents (as a joke :p )

My brother has this Transformers card game thing, and he kept asking me to play it. (which I didn't want to, because he always wins xD) I was drinking a glass of coke, and he kept tapping me on the shoulder. I stop drinking, turn round, put my fist in front of his face and proclaim that I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Megatrons, and I will obliterate him if he doesn't shut up. He raises his eyebrows and tells me that Optimus Prime is an Autobot, not a Megatron I say "whatever, same difference", try to walk out of the kitchen in a dignified way and trip over the bin.

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