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May 16, 2006
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um when will my kid evolve, i've had her since sunday but it says 0 yrs old and it is still a kid, my sister said to play tons of games which i have been but it wont evolve :rolleyes:

Rather than pausing it, just go to the Light icon, and select Pause, nothing will happen to it.


Your adult has a baby and it leaves at midnight, otherwise, it will be fine!

Hope I helped! :angry:


You don't need to pause a Tamagotchi at night. They go to sleep on their own every night at around 8 or 9 (depending on the age and kind), and you turn off the light for them, and then they wake up the next morning, again around 8 or 9.

YOUR tamacan be 0 or 1 too evolve.

ps: good teens are young mamatchi and young mimitchi

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When you pause your tamagotchi, You have to wait the normal growth time + The number of minutes you paused it. For example, for my kid to become a teen, and I paused it for... 3 hours, I'd had to wait 3 hours more than normal for a teen. Thats what the problem is. Dont pause it, set the time to 8:00 PM if it is a Kid, 9:00 PM if a Teen, And 10:00 PM if an adult... It will wake up in 12 hours.

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