Eye color?


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^ that's pretty much my eye color, except i have really long black eyelashes.

My eyes are greyish blue, and in some light they look a bit green.


(No, I don't usually wear that much makeup.)

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Brown. Dark brown.

I'm so jealous of my sister. She has grayish-blueish-green eyes. They're so pretty. It's not fair -- she got the best genes.

My eye colour is Hazel.

My friends always say I have brown, blue, or green.

My eyes are very dark charcoal. I like to call them black, but it makes me feel like a idiot -_- Even when I take pictures, you can't see the pupil. I can't find a picture because I don't have a camera and if I search it, it shows bruised eyes (lol)

I was born with blue eyes.

But they turned green over the years.

And now they're all patchy.

It's mainly green-grey-brown, but about a quarter of each eye is blue right in one spot.

I'll take a picture when I can. xD

I used to have one blue eye and one green, but they changed both to greenish brown.

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