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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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We've all heard about Facebook and Myspace. We've all heard about terrible things happeing on the news. But the truth is, that doesn't happen to most. What are your opinions on Facebook and Myspace? Is it safe? Or is it unsafe?

Just wondering what other people think.

well i have a myspace.and nothing ever happens to me.

its perfectly safe=]] unless you push it a lil.

I have Myspace, but I hardly ever use it.

There is a multiple amount of ways to stay safe on Myspace/Facebook:

-Set your profile on ''private'' so only your friends can see it.

-Don't provide in-depth inofrmation about yourself (real age, hometown, address, phone number, ect.)

-Don't talk to people you don't know

As long as you follow some safety guidelines, I think Myspace is pretty safe. It's not Myspace putting people in danger; they people are the ones putting themselves into danger.

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I don't have MySpace or FaceBook, so I don't really know. That's why I'll give you my opinions on BEBO!

On Bebo you can make your profile private choose how much information you put out there. You don't have to say age, work, email, phone, address, etc.

In my opinon, Bebo is a pretty safe website unless you go posting where you live and that around the place.

From what I've heard, MySpace and FaceBook are pretty safe unless you actually give the information.

But I wouldn't dream of signing up... The MSN guy is there.

I think that only people who give out all of there information like address,phone, etc. I have a myspace but its on private ;) so only my friends see it and no other 80 year old man! There are sick people in this world and we all have to be careful.


It's only unsafe if you play it stupuid and spill out all the info about yourself.

It is as unsafe as you make it.

Some people make it very unsafe for themselves. I have read some peoples MySpace's where they have put their school/workplace and like exact location ie: home address. Why anyone would do that is beyond me. If you play it safe, there isn't really a problem. :angry:

Yeah, also on Myspace, girls get harassed (from what I heard).

I know, jappyx! It's soo dumb .__. I mean, people put their picture, phone, name, and more stuff that could be totally unsafe! Even I know not to do that!

Also on Myspace, people impersonate celebrities ._.

Ohmygoodness. There was this girl my friend dance wtih who posted her home and cell phone number on myspace and then didn't have her myspace on private, so then this stalker dude found out her information and started calling her and when she wouldn't answer her cell, he'd call her house. It was that bad.

And nothing on the internet is completely safe. Just be careful what you put out there.


Ohmygoodness. There was this girl my friend dance wtih who posted her home and cell phone number on myspace and then didn't have her myspace on private, so then this stalker dude found out her information and started calling her and when she wouldn't answer her cell, he'd call her house. It was that bad.
And nothing on the internet is completely safe. Just be careful what you put out there.

Oh wow man, I would have been TOTALLY scared.

i have a myspace...i dont put anything personal...my location is Bloody Hollows on myspace......haha...who wants to go there!


Unsafe. People think its a dating site and always give out there address.

Nothing has ever happened to me on MySpace.

My friend made one, but then he became stalked and he was too young to have a MySpace.

Unsafe. People think its a dating site and always give out there address.
Read my one post.

It's safe as long you don't play it stupid. If you play it stupid and post every single information about yourself, then it's unsafe.

Common Sense is the key.

Read my one post.
It's safe as long you don't play it stupid. If you play it stupid and post every single information about yourself, then it's unsafe.

Common Sense is the key.
Starman.exe has a point.

Play it safe, you'll be fine.

Mess around and you'll go through trouble.

Oh and those chain letters.

I never repost them.

Their not true.

I have read a whole mess without reposting and I'm perfectly fine.

People tend to poke out Myspace and those other blogging sites as dangerous. What they don't understand is that every website is dangerous. If you put pictures, names, adresses..etc. Your going to get hurt. Anyways mostly what I said is what Starman.exe said, so yeah I agree. :/

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