Fear the Gun.


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"I can't wait to break a bad guy's ribs in with this pair of high heels!" Elsbeth said with a snicker, imagining the whole scene to herself. "I'll kick his gun out of his hands and then... AND THEN...." She smiled to herself. "I'll go all kenjutsu on him. The whole works. He deserves the justice. He deserves ALL the justice!!!!" Pure adrenaline flowed through her whole body as she began to devise a plan to bring this criminal the punishment he deserved.

Fizz was twirling her drumsticks around. "Dunno what I'll do with these" she murmured.

Morgan took off her heels and dropped them into the garbage can. She motioned for the others to do the same. "The first thing we need to do is make sure we aren't heard. Heels are a dead giveaway, and if we have to run- there's a more likely chance that you'll fall." Morgan cracked her knuckles and said, "Let's go down this hallways first," she looked to her left, down yet another dark hallway.

Fizz took all the stuff that would rustle out of her bag and dumped it into the can as well. "I'm lucky I'm wearing sneakers' she said, nodding at the plan.

Kat was wearing her grey fuzzy boots; she could run just fine without taking them off. And she had nothing with her. Then she took a deep breath and said "Let's rock this b*tch".

Morgan started tiptoeing down the hallway, looking left and right every few seconds. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. "I f`cking hate silence.." Morgan murmured to Fizz and Kat. A gun fired from what seemed to be only a mile or so away. Morgan's eyes grew wide. "Run, b`tches!" Morgan practically sprinted down the hallway, glancing back only once to see if everyone else was following. She skidded to a stop and ran into a bathroom, which was, thankfully, left open.

Fizz gasped and followed the others, surprised. "What the hxll!?" she said, obviously freaked out.

Morgan leaned up against the wall, catching her breath, coughing quietly. She really had to stop smoking. "Obviously, that was a unicorn." Morgan said, her voice oozing with sarcasm. "It was another gunshot, ya' dumb`ss."

The "unicorn" comment made Kat snicker. She was slightly our of breath from when she used to smoke. "That shyt was crazy. But we need a battle plan if we're gonna catch this guy and not get our heads blown off."

Fizz cocked her head to the side. "I knew, it's called being surprised" she said, before sighing, and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay, so the gunman" She snickered at the word, it was the title of her favorite song "is near. What do we do to escape?" she said, and froze when she heard another gunshot.

"Maybe if we could get back in the vents? And spring on him from above?" Morgan whispered. She looked around, and spotted another vent. She attempted to pry it open, but it barely budged. "We need to catch this guy by surprise..." Morgan paced up and down the restroom. When they heard another shot, she jumped slightly, but was soon back to her pacing.

"No, that couldn't work. There's a possibility of him hearing us and he'll shoot. Even if he does hear us, when we go to attack him, he'll shoot at us" Fizz declared. "But, if you're willing to try it, I'm in"

"I have absolutely no clue what we're going to do- it's not like we even know what he looks like. Maybe we should have an orgasm- that'll throw him off, and we'll probably be able to convince him to stop." Morgan suggested, half kidding, half serious.

Fizz rolled her eyes. "You're joking, right?"

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Katherine raised her hand. "I'll do it!" When she got nothing but awkward looks, she sighed. "So Morgan can make jokes but I can't? F*ck it. Lets just find the guy all ready. Maybe..." Her mind was processing a plan. "Maybe, we should find... victims. I could tell if they got shot recently or if the shooter is long gone from the area. It's worth a shot."

Fizz nodded. She noticed a locked door and started rummaging through her pencil case, finding some scissors. "What's the use of these?"

"Can either of you pick locks? That's not my forte. I have a bobby pin and or credit card though, so...if the scissors don't work we always have that option." Morgan said, shrugging. She looked over at Kat again and smirked. Who cared if they were in danger? Shouldn't she have one last hook-up before she died?
