Fear the Gun.


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Fizz looked at her. "Didn't you bring any?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She shrugged to herself, and remembered she had her iPod with her. She turned it on and started listening to Muscle Musem. "Honestly, what kind of song title is Muscle Museum?" she muttered in thought.

Kat smiled mischievously. "Perfect." She made sure Fizz's cell phone was out of the bag, and then she took it. Standing a foot or so away from the door, she gripped the bag handles tightly, and swung it with all her weight at the glass portion of the door. The bag shatter the glass, and Kat dropped the bag. She carefully maneuvered her hand through the broken glass, and unlocked the door. Then she smiled. "My dad's a cop; I know things."

Kat smirked at Morgan. "Oh, I know. Watch your step, there's glass", she said obviously. She open the door and went into the classroom. "OH", she muttered. She pulled Fizz's phone from her pocket. "Here you go. By the way, there's no service". The room was empty. "Of course the one class we break into has no one in it. Oh well. Let's look around for anything helpful." She began rummaging through the desk of the teacher. There was one file cabinet that needed a key. She searched the desk; Bingo. There was a tiny key in the back. She unlocked the cabinet. "H*LL. YES!" She exclaimed, pulling out a black hand gun from the drawer. "Looks like this professor thought ahead"

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Urgh, I gotta go after this post ):

Morgan chuckled and said, "Well, well, well. Looks like we won't get to have an orgasm. Congrats, Fizz." She crossed her arms and asked, "Your dad taught you how to use a gun, right?"

The gunman had heard shattering glass, and was starting to head towards the noise.

[i do too! see ya tomorrow at school!]

Kat nodded proudly. "Oh yes. Pistols, magnums, shotguns; you name it. I can do some serious damage with this baby!" She was excited to put her skills to the test.

A strange feeling shot through Katherine. He's coming...

Fizz rolled her eyes. "You can have one if you want, just don't get me involved" she said, shaking her head. She froze. "Did you hear something?" she said to the other two.

"Close the dxmn door!" Kat hissed. "This is it. Shut up, get behind me, and wait. And if I tell you to run, Run. I'm the only one with protection and I won't put you guys in danger."


"This may sound crazy," Elsbeth suggested, " but we have to attack him before he shoots anyone else. Does anyone have any special talents or abilities that could help? I know judo and karate, mastered the 18 disciplines of ninjutsu, and I know some medical tricks. I also have a door unlocking device in my purse." Elsbeth rummaged in her leather bag and pulled the small wooden trinket out to show them.

Fizz was sharpening her drumsticks with a pencil sharpener. "Okay." she shispered, shoving all her stuff except for her now spear/knife like drumsticks.

(Seeya~ . BTW, Do you two go to the same school? O: )

Elsbeth immediately took one of Fizz's sharpened drumsticks, drew her emergency kitana from a secret compartment in her bag, and quickly unsheathed the small sword. Elsbeth ran toward a tightly-locked window and sliced through it with a swift kick. The glass shattered. She put the drumstick in one hand and threw it dart-style with razor-sharp accuracy as it flew out the window, and soon after it was thrown, a piercing yell echoed from not far away. Elsbeth gripped her sharp kitana and stood waiting for anyone or anything who dare cross her path.

Fizz gasped. "Oh well, I'll buy a new pair" she grumbled, referring to the now lost drumstick.

(me and bethy? yeah we were like, bff's for quite a while)

Kat looked blankly at Ellie. "Wait, I just caused a huge commotion and smashed the door in, and you have a door un-locking device!?" She hissed. She watched as Fizz and Ellie practiced with their defense weapons. "Stop making so much noise you guys! I swear I'll use this on you", she waved the gun around.

They all heard a yell, and all four girls fell dead silent. Kat cocked the handgun and put her finger on the trigger. The bast*rd wouldn't have a chance if she could get the first shot. She got up moved swiftly behind the door. She put a free finger to her lips in a "SHHH" motion. "Trust me on this..." She whispered.

Fizz nodded and mouthed an appology. The yell sent a chill through her spine as she tried to stay calm. She was scared because she knew there was a chance of death, but was excited for the thrill of it all.
