Fear the Gun.


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Kat rolled her eyes. "F*ck the stupid police you guys. Don't you think they would've been here by now? This is up to us, and since I'm the only one with the gun, this is my choice. If I kill the bast*rd or not, it's on my conscious not yours." The gunman writhed on the floor, and he was still holding his wounded leg. "I hope that hurts", Kat hissed.

Elsbeth tossed her phone to Fizz. "Call the police," she said, and glared at Kat, "Just in case."

"And as for you..." She turned her attention to the gunman.

"Tell me everything. Spill it. NOW."

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"d**n, i'v never been in crap like this," replied Seth,"Did he just randomly start killing people or what?"

Without hesitation, Fizz flipped open the phone and dialed 911. After a second, someone picked up. "Hello. 911 emergency, how may we help you?" a young lady asked. "Yes, hi. May we have the police service?" She asked politely, crossing her spare fingers. "Yes, hold on. What is your name, what is the situation, and where is the address" she replied grimly. "My name is Fizz Hamill. We have a gunman at our college and he's already killed some people. We've managed to de-arm him" she informed the lady. "Okay, where are you?". "Were at -Insert name here- at -insert number here- avenue" she explained, biting her lip nervously. "Alright, keep calm. The police will be over soon" she finally said, Fizz sighing in relief. "Great thank you" she said dismissively, snapping the phone shut and tossing it back.

Fizz looked at the boy. "We don't know. I don't even know when he came here, I was at drum practice" she replied, before eyeing her ruined, bloodstained drumsticks. "I'll need some new ones"

Fizz scowled darkly. "Yeah totally. Let's just garb this guy and throw him in a cell ourselves then" she retorted, wiggling her fingers sarcastically.

"Alright, so what do we do with this guy while we wait for the police?" said Seth.

Fizz thought. "Hmm, I never really thought about that" she muttered, pondering, but her mind was blank. "I got nothing"

"Well then i guess we just-," Seth was interrupted by a loud shot coming from the floor above the group,"There is another gunman!?!"

Fizz froze. She started to get scared. "A-another one?" she stuttered. "We've already dealt with one"

Katherine froze. "Shyt..." She cursed to herself. "You guys need to stay here. One of you take that", she pointed to the gunman's gun that was laying on the floor a few feet away. "I'll check upstairs".

Before anyone could protest, she took off running towards the stairs, but walked up them as slowly and quietly as possible. She cocked her gun again What am I doing? She thought.

Seth picks up the gun and runs after Kat. He looks at her and said,"One of the top rules in any hostile situation is never go alone, I have had Marine training and I am backing you up."

"I have the gun! The girls can't keep that f*cker down without protection!" She hissed. "One of them needs it! And for the record, I work alone." She didn't want to be in any responsible for the others to get hurt.

Seth runs over and kicks the gunman in the head, knocking him out cold. He tosses the gun to Fizz and walks swiftly to Kat. "I will not let you go alone. I know what I'm doing."

"Here. Take a rope." Elsbeth tossed a rope to Fizz. "Tie him up. Squeeze as much information out of him as you can. Oh and gag him. Bound him tight." she said, pulling more of the rope from behind the classroom door.

"I was about to say the same to you," Seth says as he walks swiftly by her side,"My name is Seth by the way."
