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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Okay, I know that there are a lot of friend problem topics, but I need help.

Well, I'm not a person to turn the whole story around and make the friend seem like the bad one. I will try my hardest to be honest, and real. I wont over-exadurate(sp?) anything, and I'll keep it in my full point of view with fairness to both sides.

Lets get down to the basics, the abriviations(sp?) for each friend in the story:

M = Friend I'm having problems with

K = Friend whos sticking by me on this whole thing

A = Friend whos sticking by M on this whole thing

I hope these letters don't confuzzle you.

Alright, here's the story:

Me and M were best best best friends. She started gossiping about me, for about 6 months we took a break from our friendship. During those 6 months, K was M became best friends. Just about 2 weeks ago, me and M became best friends again. But, me and K have discovered things.

Are you fallowing me? Good.

K told me that M has been acting like my friend, but gossips about me whenever she's around K

I told K that M has being gossiping about her, whenever M was around me.

This was not right...

We decided that she has been calling us names, and other things. We weren't trying to gossip, but as we figured these things out, we got mad.

The next day, me and K hung out all day. We didn't really say much to M, but we didn't completely ignore her. But we mostly hung out with a lot of other people. Is that wrong to be nice to M, but give other people as much attention? I didn't think so.

M got mad.

M told A (remember A?) that we were being mean. But I cant thing of 1 bad thing we did... At all! We said hi and talked to her, just not as much.

A didn't give us a chance. She was sticking by M.

Today, she's just being a bully. Literally. No joke. BULLY

When I walked by her, she did that fake cough and said "Backstabber" so it was like {*cough* backstabber *cough*}She was with A when she did that. I turned around --luckly this wasn't in class, but it was outside of the school, us 7th graders have to walk outside to get to another class on the other side of school)

So, I turned around and yelled "I can hear you, retard!" I maybe shouldn't of said that, but she was plain mean...

She walked inside and laughed as hard as she can. A didn't say anything.

Then, after science, me and K were leaving the room. K dropped her book, and bent down to pick it up. While she was down there, M set her binder down, used both hands and pushed K to the floor. Again, A didn't say anything.

And later, in another CLASS, I walked by her, and she did the same cough thing but said: {*cough* jack a*s *cough*} I turned to her and did that same annoying coughing thing and I said {*cough* I can hear you! *cough*} she turned to A and said "Duh she can hear me, or she'd be f***ing retarded!" Then, a girl whos not my friend walked by M, came back next to me and said "M is talking about you... a lot..."

Then, later on the bus, A told us that M's taking it too far, and she wont tell her why she's mad at us. She says she wont stop cussing about us, and it's really rude. She apologized for not letting us give our story...

This is upsetting me >.> What should I do? :)

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Okay, I know that there are a lot of friend problem topics, but I need help.
Well, I'm not a person to turn the whole story around and make the friend seem like the bad one. I will try my hardest to be honest, and real. I wont over-exadurate(sp?) anything, and I'll keep it in my full point of view with fairness to both sides.

Lets get down to the basics, the abriviations(sp?) for each friend in the story:

M = Friend I'm having problems with

K = Friend whos sticking by me on this whole thing

A = Friend whos sticking by M on this whole thing

I hope these letters don't confuzzle you.

Alright, here's the story:

Me and M were best best best friends. She started gossiping about me, for about 6 months we took a break from our friendship. During those 6 months, K was M became best friends. Just about 2 weeks ago, me and M became best friends again. But, me and K have discovered things.

Are you fallowing me? Good.

K told me that M has been acting like my friend, but gossips about me whenever she's around K

I told K that M has being gossiping about her, whenever M was around me.

This was not right...

We decided that she has been calling us names, and other things. We weren't trying to gossip, but as we figured these things out, we got mad.

The next day, me and K hung out all day. We didn't really say much to M, but we didn't completely ignore her. But we mostly hung out with a lot of other people. Is that wrong to be nice to M, but give other people as much attention? I didn't think so.

M got mad.

M told A (remember A?) that we were being mean. But I cant thing of 1 bad thing we did... At all! We said hi and talked to her, just not as much.

A didn't give us a chance. She was sticking by M.

Today, she's just being a bully. Literally. No joke. BULLY

When I walked by her, she did that fake cough and said "Backstabber" so it was like {*cough* backstabber *cough*}She was with A when she did that. I turned around --luckly this wasn't in class, but it was outside of the school, us 7th graders have to walk outside to get to another class on the other side of school)

So, I turned around and yelled "I can hear you, retard!" I maybe shouldn't of said that, but she was plain mean...

She walked inside and laughed as hard as she can. A didn't say anything.

Then, after science, me and K were leaving the room. K dropped her book, and bent down to pick it up. While she was down there, M set her binder down, used both hands and pushed K to the floor. Again, A didn't say anything.

And later, in another CLASS, I walked by her, and she did the same cough thing but said: {*cough* jack a*s *cough*} I turned to her and did that same annoying coughing thing and I said {*cough* I can hear you! *cough*} she turned to A and said "Duh she can hear me, or she'd be f***ing retarded!" Then, a girl whos not my friend walked by M, came back next to me and said "M is talking about you... a lot..."

Then, later on the bus, A told us that M's taking it too far, and she wont tell her why she's mad at us. She says she wont stop cussing about us, and it's really rude. She apologized for not letting us give our story...

This is upsetting me >.> What should I do? :)
Well what you should do is find a teacher/councelor/parentorgaurdian and tell them!!! If someone is harassing you, it's not OK!!! This conflict needs to be resolved!!!

but if you are like my EXbff Amelia here is what she would do.....

Say those things back and do nothing about it. Just be rude to each other.

I would personally choose the first one. :eek:

Kay I got rid of the spammy posts in this topic since they aren't needed now with your full explanation.

Anyway my advice is explain you and your friend K your side to the story, then I suggest you guys cut contact from her completely for a while. She's acting like this to get a reaction and you guys are giving her one. I'd nip the bud before it gets bigger. I know it'll be hard since you guys were once friends but it's her loss losing friends like you and acting like that. Some attention seeking people are just like that: if it's not about them then all heck breaks lose.

Been there done that on my end. Never would even attempt being that girl's friend again. She loved spreading rumours. She loved making me feel like garbage and I had enough after a while of this. I suggest you guys do the same and spend time with one another and others who give you respect.

Oh my. Well about what you are doing, its okay. You were mad, you called her a name. So what. She was doing/saying way worse things that really hurt you. That probably didnt hurt her at all. Okay now on to M, Boy, this girl is mean! D: I would talk to an adult. Even my friends and I try to work out our problems, this is just unexceptable (sp?). She should not be calling you names, being a bully and pushing your friend. Try to keep it private that you tallked to an adult, or it could make matters worse. About A, if she really isnt doing anything that mean to you, try talking to her and try to become friends. Stick with K. She seems to be very nice and is helping you through this. And the best thing of all, IGNORE. If the bully sees that this is not hurting you, they will get mad and stop. Bullys just want attention. If you show them its not bothering you, they will stop.

Good luck and hope things work out. ;D

Sounds like my so called "friend". Girl thinks she's my best friend and this entire year all she's been doing was talking about me and calling me names.

I recommend either telling someone about it or ignoring her.

If I were you, I'd just ignore her...this girl is plain M-E-A-N. And if you give this girl the satisfaction that you are actually listening to her, you're just feeding the flames. Whenever she does the *cough* thing, just pretend that you didn't hear ANYTHING at all. I'd just hang around K if I were you..she seems loyal. :(

Good luck!


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