FullBlownWitch's Tama-Go Log


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Alright guys, after getting the answers I was hoping for in the last post I wrote, I have decided that I am going to take Yuuta to the dating place and get him all hitched, then have us a baby, eh :)

See if maybe I can get a baby girl, so that I can get a few characters going outside of the same one, over and over because I'm too anal in my care-taking, LOL.

I'll post pictures tomorrow or later on tonight if I can manage to grab any :)

GOOOOOOOOOOOD morning, my fabulous readers!!


Sorry for not updating last night, I had plans to but they fell through when I collapsed of exhaustion... quite literally.

So I'm feeling better and am fine now - and have some updates :)

Not last night, but the night before, I took Yuuta to the dating place and he fell madly in love with the Agetchi there; I kept saying she's bad for him because she's looking old and might be a nag, but he looked at me, flipped me off and said that I'm almost 2 years older than my husband so I have no room to talk. Put me in my place - SUHNAP.

She was a little Momoirotchi, then about an hour of constant care and hilarity at how animated she is, she evolved into a Rolutchi. And then first thing this morning, she got really scared and screamed her face off until I told her she can date soon if she allows the evolution, and she settled down to become ....

SABOSABOTCHI!!! (The little cactus looking thing) How retardedly cute :D

I don't have too many pictures for you, unfortunately, my bad. I just have been a little distracted with everything else going on, and in the midst, taking care of my little Ayaka.

So, here we go!! :) With the pictures! All two of them......


Hey guys


How are you all??

I don't have much of an update, because I suck... LOL.

This morning, I got up, and Ayaka woke herself up by evolving into Perotchi!!

:) So cute. I've got some pictures for you, in a little bit.

We then went to her fathers/grandfathers' place, it was quite neat, he gave us some food, and they talked for a little bit too. Fabulous.

I got two of Ayaka's happy symbols too, it was cute and thrilling.

She had a fruit sandwich, put some little pink ears on, and then danced for joy and squealed all over the place to little Happy Signs and flowers in the background. SO CUTE.

Now, here are the pictures I was telling you about :



EDIT - I don't know what's going on with my frigin formatting, but I've spent the best part of 10 minutes trying to fix it, even in the regular formatted version; Can't even get it back to what it was originally, and just short of deleting the entire post... deal with it.


Good morning my lovely followers <3

How are you all?? Well, I hope, since you're all so fabulous!!

Today will be pretty full of updates, since I have to stay put all day to wait for the Bell Technician to arrive to fix our internet. Sigh. This morning, Ayaka woke up and was screaming at me, for no reason, so I took her to the park and we sold the carrot that she grew yesterday. And then we went into the garden and planted a retro red star plant, to hopefully achieve the very last happy symbol that I can get for her, and chances are she'll end up getting her Adult happy symbol tomorrow anyway, so kind of a two birds with one stone deal tomorrow :) She's only four today, and honestly, if I had had the symbols already I'd be getting her all hitched and off to the races.

But, that won't be happening just yet. She was dirty as all sing this morning, I felt so bad. I walked her little butt upstairs and got her in the shower and soon she was all squeaky clean, how lovely. She gained a bit of weight the last couple of days. Every time we go out running and playing, she gets so frigin hungry!!

So I take her out and give her some more rice or food, and then I try to get her exercising again; what a vicious circle. So I think she's doomed to have the 26 lbs figure... Not like it makes a difference, she looks the same... hahaa. And as a woman who has curves that get fawned over - we're pretty hawt

;) hahahahahhahaa. I might have some extra pictures or videos kicking around to be uploaded :) brb.

There's the game. I apologize for the crappy quality, I didn't realize that the settings on my phone were at their lowest and it was pitch dark, and there were a bunch of kids walking by... so... don't pay attention to the crap they're saying. lol.

I totally just realized that no one is subscribed to me, but I've had quite a few views on my stuff... hahaha. That's just pathetic, eh.

I'm still waiting here for the guy to show up... BORING. And Ayaka is just lazing around. She doesn't seem to want to go to the Restaurant or anything, perhaps her father/grandfathers house, but she seems to be in a funk with me, it seems.

Also - My cat, Loo, is freaking sh*t over here. Meowing and crying and running all over the apartment; up over the furniture and all around the place. Hahahaha. What a goof.

Alright, I'mma leave you for right now, since my cat is going ape.... *facepalm* I need to calm whatever is going on in his head, perhaps it's been all the cleaning and rearranging, therefore he has more room to run around....................... I don't even know. hahahaha. I'll be back later guys!!

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Hey guys!!

Sorry for the delay in posts!! My bad!!!

Just wanted to ask one thing - My Ayaka, the little Perotchi, doesn't have the third happy sticker, because I can't seem to get it. It's the little retro red star plant, which I planted, and grew, but she didn't do her little happy dance. I don't want to marry her off if I don't get that little sticker. :(

Anyone know if there is a way to get it?? I don't want her dying of frigin old age or something, lol.

I'm uploading some pictures as we speak, so I'll post them here, asap.

Bear with me!! :D

Okay, so for some reason nothing is uploading. I've been trying for about an hour now to fiddle with the way it's uploading and to see if it will actually go through, but it's not working.... Something is causing the operation to force a close. Hmmm... This is upsetting. Very upsetting. I'll have to see if I can do it before I go to bed, or tomorrow morning, but I might need a different way to upload besides TinyPic and PhotoBucket.. they keep frigin off on me.... GRRRR. *&@$)!$&% !!!!!!!


Well over 3k views, and SIXTEEN votes!! Thanks guys.

I'm still depressed that it's only FOUR STARS, because based on the fanmail that I've been getting, it should be MORE.


Oh well, I love doing this log, regardless of how crap someone might think it is!!

GOOOOOD MORNING, my fabulous tama-lovers. How are you??

:) *I'm serious, comment or message with how you are, I truly want to know; I hope you're all well. It's a lovely Tuesday, and for some, almost Monday*

I feel rather silly, because I made up statuses and posts about how I couldn't get Ayaka's last happy symbol; Found it this morning by using the item that came OUT OF the Retro Red Star seed package... *facepalm*

So, I got it this morning, because I was trying out the new toys I had grown from my seed packages, and after using some Ball In A Cup looking thing, she jumped for joy and just about wee'd herself, as did I, LOL, and we went on our way to being happyhappyhappy.

I've got some things to do this morning, so I don't think I'll take her to the dating place just yet, perhaps when things settle down, I'll make sure I have the spare hour to take lots of care of her infant.

I am hoping to upload those frigin pictures this morning before I even start all that stuff, because I'd like to have them up!! Grawr.

Alright guys, here are the pictures! 3 days worth!! Gah. The formatting on them is a little weird at first glance, so I'm going to try and make them a little more evenly spaced for you.






Hey guys,

I've just finished marrying Ayaka off, and we wound up with another beautiful baby girl :) I shall name her..... Misaki. Beautiful blossom. Fabulous. I am going to give her some care misses, just because I don't like winding up with the same characters every second generation due to taking such good care of them. Yes, it is good of me, but it's still frustrating. So, while she's in baby stage, I am going to upload all the pictures of the marriage.


Aaaaaaand, who is the lucky bachelor????? Anyone wanna try and take a wager, before I set up the next post with the rest of the pictures???

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Misaki turned into a Rolutchi, again. So I am going to give her lots of care misses, I think, because I don't want to wind up with the exact same characters, just because I do really well in taking care of them, grrr....

I renovated the entire house today, with Misakis' help.

She asked me over and over to post pictures. We went from $28k GP, to $13k GP. It looks amazing, though. We're both quite happy with it.

The living room


The kitchen


The Toilet room


The shower room


The bedroom


So, what do you guys think??

:D Approval??

Hey guys!!

Sorry for the delay again - I'm still running around all over the place trying to get stuff sorted.

So yesterday, my Misaki evolved into the little green cactus girl again!! I gave her a couple care misses, like... legit ones, and she still evolved, so I'm assuming I had done them too late for them to have taken effect.

I've so far given her about 2-3 misses now, so here's hoping she doesn't become Perotchi again, not that that is a BAD thing, persay....

Anyway, busy as crapola today, so I'm gonna head off, just wanted to update you a tad.

Hellooooooo my darlings!!!

I've got a tonne of pictures for you!! :D

My little Misaki is a grown woman(tama) now!! <3 Bless her.

We went on a HUGE excursion today because she was so radiant and happy; full of energy. Fabulously hilarious!!

Because of that, we got all of her happy symbols!! She was ecstatic!!


Hanging out with her Grand-Dad.


Hey guys, how are you all??


I had a bit of a scare with my iD L today.

Well, two actually. And it's almost lead me to tears, as well as thinking very hard on some things...

While on the bus to go out and about to the interviews I had, someone tried to steal my purse. My iD L was in the side pocket of my purse, as I didn't have the available pockets to keep it there. So, off went all of my things, including my iD L. THANKFULLY, I live in such an amazing city, because the bus driver got out of the bus, along with just about every freaking person ON the bus, and they all took off after the guy that snatched my purse. After being tackled, and beaten a bit, haha, the guy gave up my purse. Unfortunately, HE THREW IT. Which caused the entire contents to fly out and spill onto Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Which.. if any of you want to google or already know it.. is one of the busiest and hectic streets in Metro. This was also at 8am, therefore RUSH HOUR traffic. My iD L, as well as my bottle of perfume, went rolling and skidding into the middle the street. The perfume bottle was demolished when a bus ran over it. My iD L...

Well.. It's in good condition. A few scratches and nicks out of the paint the top cover. But I screamed bloody murder towards the car that was trying to ease through the yellow light, to stop so I could go pick up my iD L. All I could think of was how I spent almost $100 for it and I couldn't handle paying for another one, or handle the upset of some idiot causing the tragic accident.

Because of this.. I start shaking every time I pick it up and use it. EVERY TIME. I start panicking, and shaking like no tomorrow.

I want to keep using my iD L, because I love it SO MUCH. So much it's crazy, haha. I also know that I am so fond of it, and the classic, authenticity of it... that I would never forgive myself if something happened to it. And yes, it's just a "toy", but they're a huge part of my life, and my happiness...

I'm truly panicking, and unable to deal with the fact it almost got run the frig over.

Because of that - I am considering (especially since we're going on a 3 day trip starting Saturday) packing up my iD L in the original packaging, and starting up my V4 to take with me, and to use on a daily basis. It's not colour, it lacks features, etc etc, I know some of you would completely ditch my log and rate it horrid stars, if I take away my iD L, but I cannot handle something happening to it.

When compared to pricing, let alone sentimental value, the V's win out by almost $50 in some cases over the iD L... and still plenty fun.

I don't know guys.

Today was such an eye opener. I can't believe that happened. I'm in shock a little bit. But I would like honest opinions please.

PLEASE message, or comment, to let me know what you think before I pull the plug so to speak, on my iD L.

On a lighter note - the interviews were amazing. I should be back to work by the end of next week


Cheers, guys xxxx

Good evening guys


I want to send a huge thank you to all those that responded so quickly to my pleas during my last post and the last many hours.

I realllllly appreciated the input, as well as the advice. Honestly, I was panicking beyond all realization, and the support you all gave me was astounding. <3 Thank you so much.

I have decided, with input and through sentiment, that I will be logging my V4, as well as using it constantly from now on. My iD L... I love it so much that I actually shed a tear, LOL I'm pathetic, when I came to the decision to take the batteries out and put it back in the boxes and packaging.

So sad. And I know that quite a few of you, based on the messages I receive, will stop reading my log and be very upset with me. And more than likely rate the log poorly. But, instead of being hateful and upset with those people too... No worries. I appreciate that you were honest and shared the desired opinions that I had asked for.


So, in about 20 minutes, if not less, I will be uploading the pictures that I took of my v4, Angel. Remember her?

:) I figured I'd download her straight as she is, and continue the chain of her lineage. Woot. Let's see how long she'll stay 3 years old though eh, LOL.
