Funniest phone conversations


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Well-known member
May 23, 2009
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Sure 'tis a mystery, young grasshopper.
What's your funniest phone conversation?

Mine was yesterday. I called my boyfriend, and when we were going to hang up, I said, "So, like I'll see you at church."

"Ok." I tried again. "I gotta go." "Ok." So, finally I decided to just say, "Ok, I gotta go, see ya at church. K, bye!!" and hung up.

And then another one was when my friend and I called one of her friends, and he lost his ipod, and then he started saying ipods are sexier than cell phones, and my friend, was like all, "Oh no you just didn't!!"

K, so what are some of your heelarious phone conversations?

All my phone convos are super awkward xD and I talk really loud when I`m on the phone. like, louder than usual o:

My cousins call me alot and tell me funny things in life that apply to our inside jokes.

I think 8 out of 10 times my conversations on the phone are pointless and funny. x33

There's the phone now... xD

If it's one of my besties calling, I'll usually be lol [Text speak, yes.] within the first few seconds of the conversation.

Very humourous people, my friends. xD

And most of the guys I hang out with are those typical funny boys who are able to make me laugh however I'm feeling.

My cell phone hasn't been working for months though, so all the calls I receive are on my home phone.

Well you know how your ear sometimes presses the buttons and the phone goes beep?

my frend was talking, and she accidentally kept pressing numbers, so it sounded like she was swearing a lot, and it was being censored 8]

so we talked like that the whole night :)

Not me, but when Jen was over my house once;

We stalked this one guy we know, and then Jen prank called him.

Jen: Hello.

Him: Yello.

Jen: Would you like a free phone with extra credit?

Him: Errrr, no..

Jen: Okay then, goodbye now!

Him: Bye?

It was insanely hilarious. :D She put on an accent.

Ksenia, I can't believe you don't remember our HT game.

Or maybe you did but didn't post it.

Anyway, Ksenia and I play a game where a girl from TT loves a boy from TT, and Ksenia plays that girl

and we fight over who he loves more.

She even puts on an accent.


Ksenia, I can't believe you don't remember our HT game.Or maybe you did but didn't post it.

Anyway, Ksenia and I play a game where a girl from TT loves a boy from TT, and Ksenia plays that girl

and we fight over who he loves more.

She even puts on an accent.

You think I wouldn't remember that?

We haven't played that in ages though. D: It's epic fun though.

My accent really sucks. I dunno how we even came up with this game. :0

Me and my friends were on a 3-way call last week. :)

1: "I'm eating crackers!"

Me: "Imma go find some food. Cause I like food."

2: "I'm still trying to figure out what to make my sister for supper. I think I'll just throw a hotdog at her and become the evil hotdog girl.

1: My crackers are goood.. yummmyyyyy


I found it ironic that one of my friends mentioned her crackers just as my dog got into the cracker box. xDD

When Grace phoned me one time and she found some cranberry juice and we just laughed for ages. (inside jokes)

And another time me and Olivia phoned her and Oliviabroke about a whole packet of spagetti and Grace said it sounded weird...

Oh, my friend called a few weeks ago and she heard my cat in the background, and thought it was a baby. And she called my cat demented

What's your funniest phone conversation?
Mine was yesterday. I called my boyfriend, and when we were going to hang up, I said, "So, like I'll see you at church."

"Ok." I tried again. "I gotta go." "Ok." So, finally I decided to just say, "Ok, I gotta go, see ya at church. K, bye!!" and hung up.

And then another one was when my friend and I called one of her friends, and he lost his ipod, and then he started saying ipods are sexier than cell phones, and my friend, was like all, "Oh no you just didn't!!"

K, so what are some of your heelarious phone conversations?
Hahahaha I remember that. We are still fighting over that, and he offered for us just to forget that and call the fight over. I said nope.


I actually made him a paper that stated, "Your ipod may have BROUGHT sexiness back, but my cell phone INVENTED sexiness!" I put it in an envelope and I'm going to give it to him. xD



Anywayz, I think any of the conversations Tori and I have over the phone a funny. We drift ALL THE TIME! It's unbeleivable. We will be talking about school one minute, and the next minute we are talking about something the total oppisite, like phones, tamatalk & youtube, electronics, etc. Sometimes we will be talking about something, drift through a ton of topics, and start talking about how much we drift.


Also once last school year Tori and I called our crushes and her boyfriend. Her old crush said he had to go eat, her boyfriend had to go eat, and my crush had to go eat. xD

I hate talking on the phone. I hate talking outloud in general.

But when I do talk on the phone, theres alot of akward silences. And I end up laughing in the middle of them. Thats not reall that funny though, so yeah.

idk but all my friends wanna talk about is boy

what they like in a boy

what they think boys look for in a girl, yada yada yada

thats the only thing thay talk about, boys boys boys!

its sooooooo annoying!

but i deal, i just have to wait for me to come to that age, i guess

It went something like this:

Madi: My potato looks like a penis.

Me: No. A bumhole!

Madi: Oh yeah... Andy's sooo gross.

Me: Yeah I know!

Madi: And his pubes are like, up to his bellybutton.

Me: Madi. Gross. Aren't you EATING?

idk but all my friends wanna talk about is boywhat they like in a boy

what they think boys look for in a girl, yada yada yada

thats the only thing thay talk about, boys boys boys!

its sooooooo annoying!

but i deal, i just have to wait for me to come to that age, i guess
Lmao. Kinda funny how you're username is tama+boy cra-z.

Um. Gosh. I don't know where to begin. I think most of my most funny moments are on the phone. Too many to list. D:

But, one of the funniest was something I put in my Favourite Quotes topic. Cba to type it all out. ;D

And, my one friend was talking about some Italian boys she met in Russie Italy, and one was called Lorenzo, and I love that name, so every now and then when she was talking, I'd be like, "Lorenzoww."

Then I found out he flies on RyanAir.

"Lorenzoww on RyanAirr."

It sounds better when I can say it in the funny accent. :3

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