Funny Moments When People Have Hit On You


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Oh god :p


I have a bloke on facebook that always pops up on chat and calls me things like 'gorgeous' or 'sexy'

And I'm just sitting there going 'Is this a joke?'


He dated one of the popular girls in my year at school so I'm not sure if he's doing it for a joke because I was unpopular, or if he's actually trying to hit on me.


Either way, he's doing it wrong. I hate the guys that think I'll want to go out with them because they sit there trying to pick me up by calling me sexy and beautiful. He just makes me laugh at his stupidity.


It's called MAKING FRIENDS and getting to know each other FIRST instead of popping up and being like 'HEY SEXY WE SHOULD GO OUT SOMETIME ;) '


The answer is no! :D

Well I don't have my mom to he'll me, since normally it happens at school! Lemme check... Oh yes. So 2 guys are both named Nick, so we'll say Nick1 and Nick2. Over txt convo

nick1- heyyy

me-umm hi?

Nick1-still no? (he likes me lol)


Nick1-okay I'm gonna give Nick2 ur #,k?


nick1-does ur mom hate me?

Me-wut r u tlkin about?

Nick1-well ur friend tld me tht ur mom saw a txt I sent u and tld u that she thought I was creepy...will u tell ur mom I say hi?

Okay so if that wasn't weird enough...

Nick2- hey

me-is this Nick?

Nick2- yeAh.

Me-oh okay just makin sure

nick2-will you go out with me?

Watttttt?? Okay we never even dated b4! Just sit next to eachother in reading!

Nick1- ya there?

Me-well someones plan backfired


Me- ur lik buddy just asked me out

nick1-noooooo! Did u say yes?

Me-ugh no


Alright so how desperate can he get? He's acting like a 10 year old.

Me-umm sry no I dnt like you

nick2-of course

Most akwardishh txting convo i've ever had!


I'm only like five feet tall, so people think it's okay to throw me around. And this guy I know literally pinned me on the ground and wouldn't get up until I promised to go to prom. Haha. I'm of course, not going, considering I ran away as soon as he got up.

thankfully nothing like this ever happened to me yet *phew*

baecause i'm not very pretty, and because i'm a tad underdeveloped

and because i live in a village where everyone knows eachother (but i do go to the city often)

i do get little kids (ages 2-9 :D ) hitting on me sometimes. I had this 4 year old kid say "i have a secret to tell you!" me: "what?" him (whispering) "I LOVE YOU!" Me: "uhh..... :eek: okay....."

thankfully nothing like this ever happened to me yet *phew*

baecause i'm not very pretty, and because i'm a tad underdevelopedand because i live in a village where everyone knows eachother (but i do go to the city often)

i do get little kids (ages 2-9 :D ) hitting on me sometimes. I had this 4 year old kid say "i have a secret to tell you!" me: "what?" him (whispering) "I LOVE YOU!" Me: "uhh..... :eek: okay....."
Me too, sister, but it'll happen eventually, I promise.

I was dared to give this guy a lap dance last night. o_O Awkward....

Oh my gosh! A guy... we'll call him "A", anyways, after exams were over he came up to me and gave me his number. I didn't know him but because I wanted to go home I took it and said thanks!! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!! So I went home and a few weeks over he found me at my locker and asked me out!! I told him that I didn't really date but that I would like to be his friend. He didn't really say much and then the next day he totally ignored me when I said good-morning.

I guess he didn't like being rejected.

Ahahaha xDD, these stories are hilarious and creepy at the same time. o_O

I don't think I've ever really been hit on thankfully. Sometimes these stupid and annoying guys in school would be like "Wanna go out with me?" and "You're beautiful!" and "so-and-so has a crush on you!" and I'm like "*rolls eyes* yeah right. -.- *walks off*" I know they don't actually mean it because I'm not really that pretty, and they're mean, and they've been in our classes for years so it's obvious. They just wanted to tease me. D: One time in class we had a free period and the teacher was out so the teacher's aid person or whatever was watching the class, and the same guys kept asking my friend and I for our phone numbers and all that junk, which once again wasn't for real, just to annoy and tease us. The teacher's aid guy (who's usually pretty nice) didn't do anything, but our normal teacher would have told them to stop. >_>

People can be so stupid sometimes. *shakes head*

This one isn't funny. This guy I met like two weeks ago has hit on like three or four times since we started to talk. He's not creepy or anything but he was a big flirt whenever we talked. Well we were talkig last Friday and I told him to have fun with his friends since they had plans for the weekend. He was shot in the face the next morning and died. :(

Never really been hit on, but today I was taking a walk, and some guys drove past me and threw money at me and were all like 'HEY THERE.' ._.

edit: oh and once I was at my friend's school waiting for him, and then this random chick and some guy come up to me and the chick's like 'my friend thinks you're hot, you should give him your number.'

I was like ._.

edit2: also ever since I was little I've had old asian guys checking me out, and they're all 'ouuu we like the half asian girls'

so creepy D:

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The other day, I was walking through town and I could have sworn some teenagers wolf whistled at me

I look like a teen o_o

Once I was at a grocery store and this old dude grabbed my hand and asked me if I wanted some candy oh my god it was the scariest moment of my life it scared me forever...I was only like seven.

Well... come to think of it, yes.

many times during middle school and once during high school Random Girls would always come up to me or Nazo and ask us to be there friends and stuff... am i really that great?

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