Girls: Have you suddenyl gone boy crazy?


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I wish I didn't have freaking Harmone's X( *bangs head* MAKE IT GO AWAY! I wish it would go away. Yup, it happens to me. But it sucks *hit head somemore*

I wish I didn't have freaking Harmone's X( *bangs head* MAKE IT GO AWAY! I wish it would go away. Yup, it happens to me. But it sucks *hit head somemore*
Ehm, that was awfully weird. o.o

I honestly don't think I experience emotions like normal people. Sure, I love tons of people... but I'm not in love with them. Would I hug my best friend? Sure. Would I kiss them? Not on the lips.

I did this thing a while ago and it said my purpose on Earth was to show my love to others. So I'll fulfil it to my fullest. I don't think I'm 'boy crazy', however.

i know i have!!!!!!! there is this really HOT guy @ our public pool but i have no clue who the heck he his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, i went from bf to bf last year, and now, I have stayed with the same guy. My friend, on the other hand, has gone boy CRAZY! I mean, she checks out guys twice as old as her, and she checks out my bf, and she asked out a highschooler (she's in middle school) and she assumes every guy likes her. Yup, she sure has changed since 4th grade, when she was sweet. key word... WAS. :(

I didn't really go boy crazy growing up. Sure I had a few crushes, and yep I got rejected by all of them except for 2 of them (they came later when I was 15 and recently). I noticed the crushes that didn't reject me we would get pretty serious and it tends to turn long term. My latest "crush" as you may call it, well we haven't really gone past the friend level yet. He lives a while away so he's planning on coming up to see me hopefully in August. Then I think I can figure out where I want to go from there. The first crush I had that liked me back we were best friends, dated 2 years and went back to best friends.

I haven't gone boy crazy yet but it mostly because I have too much to think about. I'm like my sister she's 17 and she's mostly focusing on her future though once in awhile she'll say a boy is hot. XD I'll never be like my other sister who wants a crush because she says it makes school more "fun." I like who I am and when I find someone that I like..we all know what's gonna happen. o:)

im not boy crazy cos im not that type of person like i wouldnt talk about boys all the time although i see loads of hot boys and think wow hes hot i wonder whether he even knows im here which i usually(sp?) wouldnt do.

oh also im only 10 so i know you said 12+ but i thought i should post

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My friend has gone super boy crazy,it gets on my nerves cause She nearly likes every guy.

Hehe guess not.
Hot boys are just asking to get stalked.
I just turned 11 and im only boy crazy when i dont have a crush! my friend and i came up with this game called "Stalker",...... we suiggest different ways to stalk our crushes if they lived in our neighborhood!!! We email each other ideas when we get them its a fun ongiong game!!!

I can't stand boy-crazy girls giggling!!!!!!!! it drives me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just turned 11 and im only boy crazy when i dont have a crush! my friend and i came up with this game called "Stalker",...... we suiggest different ways to stalk our crushes if they lived in our neighborhood!!! We email each other ideas when we get them its a fun ongiong game!!!

I can't stand boy-crazy girls giggling!!!!!!!! it drives me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a little creepy! XD

But alright! XD LOL :)

Well my friend is. Even though she has a boyfriend she has about 6 crushes. I had a boyfriend, I broke up with him, and I do not regret anything. Still it's like every 5 days she on saying: Guess what?! I have another crush! I am only a few months younger than her and I am not even close to boy-crazy. I don't know why but everytime she says that I just feel annoyed.,

Well my friend is. Even though she has a boyfriend she has about 6 crushes. I had a boyfriend, I broke up with him, and I do not regret anything. Still it's like every 5 days she on saying: Guess what?! I have another crush! I am only a few months younger than her and I am not even close to boy-crazy. I don't know why but everytime she says that I just feel annoyed.
Well my guess would be the constant questioning why does she crush over guys when she is with someone maybe? I know I would get a little tired of hearing about this nonsense if my friend was already with someone :D

I wish I didn't have freaking Harmone's X( *bangs head* MAKE IT GO AWAY! I wish it would go away. Yup, it happens to me. But it sucks *hit head somemore*
*gag* Me also, it gets on my freaking nerves!

There was this really hot dude, and he's like: "It's mating season!"

I almost jumped him, alot of girls did. Roflmao.

And I'm 10... I'm creeped. 0.0

Well my guess would be the constant questioning why does she crush over guys when she is with someone maybe? I know I would get a little tired of hearing about this nonsense if my friend was already with someone :mellow:
Her reason is because her boyfriend is off somewhere in Europe and so while he's not there she goes off and gets a bunch of crushes. I alread think that having a boyfriend is good enough but having a boyfriend and about 6 crushes is a bit too much. I don't really think that she even likes her boyfriend. I think she only likes his looks.

kinda i guess since i was 8 at my day care there is this guy that I've always super liked but he's 1 grade older than me and i'm moving

Her reason is because her boyfriend is off somewhere in Europe and so while he's not there she goes off and gets a bunch of crushes. I alread think that having a boyfriend is good enough but having a boyfriend and about 6 crushes is a bit too much. I don't really think that she even likes her boyfriend. I think she only likes his looks.
Even if he's not in town I think she shouldn't be thinking about other boys. I don't have crushes, I only like my boyfriend I don't see the point in 'drooling' over other boys when you already have one :)

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