Girls: Have you suddenyl gone boy crazy?


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No. But I have a feeling all the girls in my school, now that we're all going into middle school, will obsess. And I will tell them they are creepy. And they shall freak out, squeal, and throw a hissy fit. :mellow:

OMG! The words 'boycrazy' and 'Shatagama' just go together! No matter where I go, there's always at least one guy I get a crush on. Like, when I was on my hoildays, there was this really cute guy there and it was only when I was leaving that I realised he was 8! But at the moment I have a crush on...let me see...four guys. And one of themis my brother's principal!

Even if he's not in town I think she shouldn't be thinking about other boys. I don't have crushes, I only like my boyfriend I don't see the point in 'drooling' over other boys when you already have one :)
That's what I think too. I mean it isn't very good to cheat on her own boyfriend (would that be considered cheating? Well I don't know but to me it does.) She really only seemes to care about how the guy looks. Not about personalaty or anything just about looks. The only time I will ever get another boyfriend is when....I feel it's the right guy. Not just every boy that walks by you. (Although I gotta say...when I went to the movie theater with my friend there were a lot of cute guys.) But still....I didn't have a boyfriend at that time, so I don't care. And I still don't have one.

OMG! The words 'boycrazy' and 'Shatagama' just go together! No matter where I go, there's always at least one guy I get a crush on. Like, when I was on my hoildays, there was this really cute guy there and it was only when I was leaving that I realised he was 8! But at the moment I have a crush on...let me see...four guys. And one of themis my brother's principal!
Your brother's principal? Er, isn't he a little old for you? o_O

Your brother's principal? Er, isn't he a little old for you? o_O
Having crushes on teachers, principals, celebs etc...aren't too unusual. I had a crush on Jason David Frank on the oldschool power rangers since I was in elementary school XD! Sure he's older than me, but didn't stop me from celeb crushing there for a while. I still think he's gorgeous for his age.

*embarassed* I've always been sort of nervous around all boys. I got my first crush at six (lol!) but I usually have a crush on a guy for a whole year or two. I never randomly stop liking someone, after summer vacation, next year at school I just don't....find them attractive anymore. So I've never been "boy-crazy" since I usually just like one guy at a time. But this year I liked three guys! :p Erm....four actually. And I still like one of them... xP And oh yeah, I get millions of crushes on cartoon characters. xD It's so stupid. LOL!!

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Girls who are 12+, have you suddenly gone boy crazy and are started to get crazy about boys? (If you're straight)? I have. Almost everywhere I go I see a hot looking guy. Is it just me or are ther other girls going through this too? I find it odd that I was never like this before. 

That never happened to me or any of my friends We dislike boys, they're our main pet peeve, and It's been that way for a long while. ;)

:( Camelle :D

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im 12 next jan but i am already boy crazY every day i wear make up and i love boys!!!!!!!

[SIZE=21pt] muhwa![/SIZE]

i got my first boy friend at the age of 4!

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Get this, whenever I'm in the living room, I watch guys through the windows (if they walk by) and once they get out of view, I run upstairs to watch them out of my windows :D

And my ex-best friend (we drifted apart) switched schools and is in the big school and I talked to her once and she had like 20 boyfriends last year :D . I told her by the time she's 17, she'll have dated all the guys... :mimitchi:

No, I dont like any guys right now... we actually went through a craze in gr. 4 (Just my class). It was very stupid. To date I've had... 4. All the guys in our school are jerks, and frankly, they aren't very easy on the eyes. I really dont see the need for one in public/middle school.

Not Really, I got my first boyfriend when I was 11 and I wasnt really interested in boys then. Im not now, If I get asked out and they are nice I go out with them.


I really just got over the boy-craziness the first of this school year. I loved the thought of a boyfriend until I got to seventh and realized that the boys in my grade are all complete and total jerks. Then, after three months of loathing every boy I know ('cause they're jerks) I stumbled upon Johnathan. He asked me out. He is a grade older than I and is very sweet actually. I said yes. Now, exactly 5 months and 12 days later, We are still together and happy as junior high couples get

Get this, whenever I'm in the living room, I watch guys through the windows (if they walk by) and once they get out of view, I run upstairs to watch them out of my windows :p

And my ex-best friend (we drifted apart) switched schools and is in the big school and I talked to her once and she had like 20 boyfriends last year :p . I told her by the time she's 17, she'll have dated all the guys... :D
Oy >__>

Definitely. I had a best friend who was a boy who I never even THOUGHT of liking, but suddenly I started liking him (I wasn't even going to the same school as him anymore!). I told him and he liked me back, but things were too akward that way. Now we're just friends, but I still KIND of like him more than that. It's perfectly normal, just kinda weird to go through =.=;


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