Girls: Have you suddenyl gone boy crazy?


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i suddenly feel like jumping for joy(im eleven)because i have made my lifes decision! stay single all of my life and adopt a baby from china! And i mean it!
O.O That's crazy! You'll change your mind later. I used to never want to have a baby, but now I do. Trust me, you WILL NOT stay single all your life, no matter what you say now.


haha i admit i am boy crazy.

any bot who seems cute or hot i shudder when he gets near me haha

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It can happen to -12 to! Take me for example I'm already MAJORLY crushing on a boy and I'm 10!

Oh my gosh, yes! At my school, at the beginning of the year, there's ALWAYS a new crowd of hot guys. So I'll be thinking of how I want to go to school to see my friends, then I think, "Oh, more cute guys! Ohh, must get to know one before they meet someone else..." So yeah. I really am.
ya i know! but this year there arent any new cute guys! at all!

I know one girl who like is like OBSESSED with a guy. I am not TOO boy crazy but I am crazy about 2 guys. Dylan Sprouse and Josh Hutcherson. They are both so beautiful (in the guy way)

P.S. People who like each other don't call them 'hot'. They call the one they like 'beautiful'

No... Though I will miss a couple boys I knew my previous school year, because I moved and won't be going back to school with them. :'( They were my guy friends, though..

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Come to think of it, and this is kinda weird but funny...

This kid I've known since kindergarten, who had a crush on me in second grade through fourth, well, last year I got word that he had a crush on another preppy, snobby girl... Talk about jealous rage... It surprised me that I was jealous, because he was really just a friend.. Somehow I didn't think she deserved him.. XD I got over it. but now I miss him. :'(

I really just got over the boy-craziness the first of this school year. I loved the thought of a boyfriend until I got to seventh and realized that the boys in my grade are all complete and total jerks. Then, after three months of loathing every boy I know ('cause they're jerks) I stumbled upon Johnathan. He asked me out. He is a grade older than I and is very sweet actually. I said yes. Now, exactly 5 months and 12 days later, We are still together and happy as junior high couples get
Good Lord above! Did I really write that? It's amazing how opinions change over a few months! I really have never been that emotionally attracted to males. Seriously, though. I only have ever been physically atracted to a handful (at most) of cute guys. I really prefer females. Johnathan turned out to be a needy, nuerotic jerk. He never really cared about me. He just wanted to raise his popularity status by having a suposedly cute girlfriend. Besides, now I have a new sweetheart. Her name is Shelby! I know that we both care very deeply about eachother. Everthing around her just seems so natural. We have already kissed and we hold hands and cuddle often! She is like my dream come true! :p :D

P.S. All of the boys in my school are still jerks! ^_^

i suddenly feel like jumping for joy(im eleven)because i have made my lifes decision! stay single all of my life and adopt a baby from china! And i mean it!
Baby from China? w00t! I find that awesome. I would love to adopt a baby from China [if I ever even want kids that is >.> <.<].

Cool. ^^

Not YET. It'll probably happen some day, though... *shiver*

I have no crush at the moment~

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