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it might hurt depending on how u take care of your body and hoe your body reacts sometimes you can get it for a day or two and never get it again till the next year. it happened to me. i only had it once in sep may 2006. havent got on eagain since

*Edit : please stay on topic. This is not a "chat" room.

Moss and string "chit chat" has been deleted :D

Thx - TM

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hi im a boy but hers a intresting fact that the teacher told us at the musem of anthorpology when a girl had her period they used moss as the tampon to stick up thare. NOTE: this was when tampons and stuff was not invented
Werriid. I thought hey used cotton( i got it of f a website) of wool but moss.... ewwWw

No-one in my class has had thiers yet..... I hope I'm first!
In 9 days I'll be 10!
I had mine when i was 11, but my best friend knows a girl who had her's when she was 9. Who knows, you could get it tomorrow.

It's not impossible, just a bit rare o.o'
I would have been scared if I was 6 and started mine x.x At that age, you wouldn't really know what it was.
wow thanxz for sayn that,is a good thing to know!(well not really....)

wow this topic really grew ALOT!!!!!well im ten and i sill dont have mine,and i hope i dont get it soon. :D

Uh.... I had it when I was 6 :)
that's a...uh...really rare thing o_o actually, i saw on the Maury show a 2 1/2 month old baby who had her first period. it was kind of creepy.

um...i think i have a yeast infection. how do i get rid of it once i had it checked...or is there a way to get rid of it without going to the doctor? i'm kind of scared, cuz i know that if i wait to long to get it fixed, i might not be able to have a baby (i've heard it can cause infertility).

um...i think i have a yeast infection. how do i get rid of it once i had it checked...or is there a way to get rid of it without going to the doctor? i'm kind of scared, cuz i know that if i wait to long to get it fixed, i might not be able to have a baby (i've heard it can cause infertility).
Uh... If you are so worried about it then why avoid going to the Doc?

You are right - don't wait too long.

Be sensible.

If you think you have an infection, ask your Mother about it.

If you can't do that, ask a qualified Pharmacist in the Drug Store.

If you can't do that, make an appointment and go see the Doc.


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Uh... If you are so worried about it then why avoid going to the Doc?
You are right - don't wait too long.

Be sensible. 

If you think you have an infection, ask your Mother about it. 

If you can't do that, ask a qualified Pharmacist in the Drug Store. 

If you can't do that, make an appointment and go see the Doc.

well, i didn't tell anyone, cuz until just a few days ago, i thought my boyfriend gave me an STD. i was wrong (i hope). it's a yeast infection instead (thank goodness!) and i want to tell my parents, i just don't know what happens when i go. i don't like...want it to hurt or anything. i'm hurting enough as it is from this mess.

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what is a yeast infection? and how do you get it? are there any signs that everyone should know about?

well, i didn't tell anyone, cuz until just a few days ago, i thought my boyfriend gave me an STD. i was wrong (i hope). it's a yeast infection instead (thank goodness!) and i want to tell my parents, i just don't know what happens when i go. i don't like...want it to hurt or anything. i'm hurting enough as it is from this mess.
Chances are they wont do anything to really hurt you.

What I imagine they'll do is give you a pap smear. It's not as much painful as it is awkward. I unfortunately have to get one on Tuesday to be able continue my birth control.

They'll more than likely prescribe you something to take, or tell you to go buy the right medication at your local drug store.

Also, if you think your boyfriend gave you an STD, most likely meaning you're already having sex, you might want to tell your parents. It'd be a lot worse for them to hear about that from a doctor than from their daughter.

I know it's awkward to talk to your parents about puberty/sex, but if it saves your chance of having kids later(if you want them), you need to talk to them about it.

I was wondering, can your period stop and start up again other than because of pregnancy?
How do you mean exactly?

A few reasons I can think of that would cause your period to skip is if you're really stressed out or have some kind of infection.

Also you might just be irregular if it hasn't shown up in a while.

When I first started my period, I had one when I was nine, and didn't get another for about 6 months. Then they started regulating.

If you think you might have an infection you should see a doctor, but otherwise it could just be stress.

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