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I think you just told us all that you have gotten it by saying that it's not scary...
I just looked at that thing that bell sprout posted, and I'm just turning eleven yet I, according to the table, am up to age 12 in terms of puberty. I've got a bit more than small amout of pubic hair, and am having to wear a sports bra to stop my breasts from hurting when i run, horseride or bounce on the trampoline. I just recently had a massive growth spurt(sp?). I'm not sure about the body fat being 21.6%, but i will go weigh myself now (we've got one of those electronic scales that can measure body fat).

Can anyone explain this? Is it normal, or am i just special?

EDIT: My body fat, according to my scales, is 20.5%
Hi Miffiy,

Can you tell me which topic it is that you need clarification on?? Is it the body fat issue or your puberty progress??

i dont use evil tampons because my mom used 1 onece and it got lost and she couldnt pull it out so she got it removed(the hard way)so i use pads B)

I friggin' hate my Mom. She had to leave me only about 2 weeks after I got my period.I didn't tell her, either. It's been about 3 months since my first and I haven't told a soul on this planet. I dunno why I'm so worried though... maybe a male trying to expain puberty drives me away?

I dunno, al lI know is that I only have one pad left that I stole from my mom before she left so I have to tell somebody soon... x_x
Not necessarily.. do you have an allowance? Are you able to obtain money freely?

One of the huge steps in growing up is being able to buy pads an tampons on your own. You can usually buy them in health section of Coles or Woolworths (or whatever type of grocery stores they have where you are) or at the local chemist. If you are feeling embarassed remember that these same people who are serving you will have to serve old ladies and men with incontinence pads too! They have seen everything! B)

If you don't have an allowance and can't get out on your own to do your personal shopping then you will have to tell some point down the line. I guess the thing there is that it will become the norm. Your father (I'm assuming) will know he's got to deal with a teenage daughter in puberty and will have to buy sanitary items in the shopping just like when your mother was around. It may be awkward because he will probably feel he has to teach you something about it... but that stage will pass until you are in a position to take care of yourself that way.

Yeh, but when am I going to be able to buy pads? Should I walk home one day fro mschool this week and buy them then?

Heh heh.. .schemes rule xD

I'm actually not scared of buying pads at all. I see people bu ythem all the time and I could care less, because I know that they are a part of life. So if I pu that into perspective, people should care less when I buy them, too.

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i dont use evil tampons because my mom used 1 onece and it got lost and she couldnt pull it out so she got it removed(the hard way)so i use pads B)
Tampons can't get lost... it is biologically impossible. The only thing that may happen is that the string attached to the tampon comes away. If this is the case then usually tampons are able to be reached by squatting down and a little finger work (the same way it got up there to begin with). Some women may have longer vaginal passages which may possibly put the tampon out of grasp meaning that they will have to see a doctor to have it removed. These are amongst the rarer cases and shouldn't prevent you from using tampons if you are wanting to do so.

Yeh, but when am I going to be able to buy pads? Should I walk home one day fro mschool this week and buy them then?
Heh heh.. .schemes rule xD

I'm actually not scared of buying pads at all. I see people bu ythem all the time and I could care less, because I know that they are a part of life. So if I pu that into perspective, people should care less when I buy them, too.
You can buy them whenever you feel comfortable doing so... if that is after school on the way home - go for it! B)

my mom got that tamp lost all up in there so she had to have like surgery to get it out  B)
As I said.. it can't get lost.. it is biologically impossible. The vaginal passage leads to the uterus. The entrance to the uterus (the cervix) is only ever the size of a pin head except during childbirth (when there would be no reason for a tampon to be there).

Refer to: Ask Ms. KnowBODY

NHS Direct - Common Health Questions - Can a tampon get lost inside me?

Can a tampon get lost inside me?

Tampax Questions and Answers - Can a tampon get "lost" inside of you?

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Well, it's more the stages of puberty thing...
The link that I have provided you with (Puberty Stages of Development in Females) is just a general guide... think of it as the "average" so to speak. So, it doesn't mean that at exactly 12 years and 4 months you will start your period... it just means that generally girls will start at around the age of 12 years. Some will come a lot earlier and some will come a lot later. The guide just gives you a rough idea of what order things will happen in and roughly when it generally happens. B)

There are so many different factors which dictate the onset of puberty and then menstruation that is impossible give a "one size fits all" description.

Basically, if you haven't started menstruating at 18 y/o then you need to see a doctor... until then... no worries. :D

Tampons can't get lost... it is biologically impossible. The only thing that may happen is that the string attached to the tampon comes away. If this is the case then usually tampons are able to be reached by squatting down and a little finger work (the same way it got up there to begin with). Some women may have longer vaginal passages which may possibly put the tampon out of grasp meaning that they will have to see a doctor to have it removed. These are amongst the rarer cases and shouldn't prevent you from using tampons if you are wanting to do so.
I've had issues with the string being unable to find x.x' I learned that if when the tampon is still in the aplicator, to pull the string out a small bit and then insert the tampon. That way the string is longer and easier to find.

could someone help me please?

ok well My mum and me went shopping because my mum says I have too be ready when I do start and we cant find any that fits me! We bought so many! But none of them fits. Do you have any ideas of what ones could fit me for a 11 year old?

could someone help me please?
ok well My mum and me went shopping because my mum says I have too be ready when I do start and we cant find any that fits me! We bought so many! But none of them fits. Do you have any ideas of what ones could fit me for a 11 year old?
What kinds of things were you trying? Pads or tampons?

Tampons will always feel a little uncomforatble the first time you try it, and it'll feel like it doesn't quite fit right.

I recommend Kotex regulars. The box had flowers on it, but there will be a blue box that says regular on the front.

Those ones are pretty small and can usually fit small.. eh.. people.

Ohh pads! and I wondered how old do you have too be when you where tampons? I know you where them when your period is really bad.

Ohh pads! and I wondered how old do you have too be when you where tampons? I know you where them when your period is really bad.
No specific age for them o.o' Any age is fine. I usually wear them even if a period isn't too heavy. I prefer them to pads.

As for finding pads that fit, I personally think it's best to get long ones just in case of weird movement you might make. Like if you're laying down it'll catch whatever might drip whichever way. Also thicker pads are best for night, and usually a thinner pad during the day depending on how heavy the bleeding is.

I guess just keep trying out different sizes and types until you find one or two you're comfortable with. Just know that at first, almost everything will be awkward. x.x

The link that I have provided you with (Puberty Stages of Development in Females) is just a general guide... think of it as the "average" so to speak. So, it doesn't mean that at exactly 12 years and 4 months you will start your period... it just means that generally girls will start at around the age of 12 years. Some will come a lot earlier and some will come a lot later. The guide just gives you a rough idea of what order things will happen in and roughly when it generally happens. :(
There are so many different factors which dictate the onset of puberty and then menstruation that is impossible give a "one size fits all" description.

Basically, if you haven't started menstruating at 18 y/o then you need to see a doctor... until then... no worries. ;)
Thanks. I sort of understood that it was a rough guide of the "normal" stuff, I just didn't think that I'd be one year infront of the "average...o_O

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