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^ Nope. 8D

Well, I attempted one day in December, with multiple tampons. And then earlier this month, I tried again, but failed. xD

So two days worth of attempts, months apart.

Guess what.

Mother nature brought me a gift this morning. D':


I really hope it ends before next Saturday. Me and my youth group are doing a free car wash in our area and I don't wanna have a soggy pad with water. That's in 5 days. The worst should be over.

hey does anyone have any advice, on how to ask my mom for tampons for the first time? It will be my third period soon, and I want to try tampons. I'm not sure how to ask my mom though. I'm not even sure how she will react, because my sisters used to / or do use tampons, but they did when they were much older.

Also, will anyone be tampon buddies with me? Love ya guys <3 <3 <3 if u have any advice, please share it with me!

hey does anyone have any advice, on how to ask my mom for tampons for the first time? It will be my third period soon, and I want to try tampons. I'm not sure how to ask my mom though. I'm not even sure how she will react, because my sisters used to / or do use tampons, but they did when they were much older.
Also, will anyone be tampon buddies with me? Love ya guys

How about:

"Uh Mom...? Can I ask you something? Do you think next time we're/you're at the store we/you could buy some tampons as well as pads for me? I'd like to try them out and see how I get on with them instead of pads. Please?"

That would probably work for me. It's polite and tells your Mom everything she needs to know. If she is against you using them because "you're too young" try not to argue with her. You might want to say something like:

"OK, but I don't understand why I am too young. Please can you explain it to me? You see, I didn't know there was an age limit on tampons (I've never seen anything like an age limit on the pack info)"

Some parents do feel that tampons are "inappropriate" for very young girls who are just starting their periods. If it's a personal thing like that, you are going to have to respect your Mom's wishes. Maybe you should discuss tampon use with your sisters if they have already tried them out. You can also check with them what age they were when they tried tampons first and what made them wait instead of trying them earlier.

As for tampon advice... that is what is already being posted in this thread when tampons are discussed. If you read through some of the comments you'll see that all members are sharing experiences, info and advice - the info is meant for everyone :p If (when) you get tampons and try them out and you're getting no where (even after reading and following the instructions) you might want to post a specific question - although again, if you read through some of the more recent pages of this topic, this has already been discussed by several members ^_^

Edit: One last thing to add; If you are too embaressed to discuss periods and tampons / pads with your Mom, you might be too young to be experimenting with tampons.

If you can overcome your embaressment and talk with your Mom like a young woman about these things she may respect that and feel that you are acting in a mature and sensible way and be more willing to let you try tampons. Everyone's situation is different but acting sensible is usually a good approach to dealing with parents :unsure:
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Well, today I got a nasty surprise. It came D:

I use pads. I use two for when I'm at school. Otherwise it usually leaks and thats not cool when it leaks at school.

Today I got my pre-period. It happened in Target (how wonderful)

Well here's the story:

My mom and I went to Target for stuff. Then I felt like I had to use the bathroom. So, I went to bathroom and as I wiping the seat and putting on the toilet seat cover, I felt like I had to really use it. So I did my business, then I look in the toilet and I see that my....crap had red and orange stuff on it. So I wipe my beheenie and orange stuff is still coming off of it. I had no idea what it was. So I went home and told my friend who already had hers and she told me it was my pre-period cause hers was just like that. Now I'm gonna get my real period in 2 or 3 months. Yay.

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Haven't had mine yet. I'm 10. My mom already bought me pads. :0 I've been getting discharge since December, I shave my armpits, and I use training bras (size large 0.0). I figure it'll come when I'm 11 or so. :3

Today I got my pre-period. It happened in Target (how wonderful)
Well here's the story:

My mom and I went to Target for stuff. Then I felt like I had to use the bathroom. So, I went to bathroom and as I wiping the seat and putting on the toilet seat cover, I felt like I had to really use it. So I did my business, then I look in the toilet and I see that my....crap had red and orange stuff on it. So I wipe my beheenie and orange stuff is still coming off of it. I had no idea what it was. So I went home and told my friend who already had hers and she told me it was my pre-period cause hers was just like that. Now I'm gonna get my real period in 2 or 3 months. Yay.
You don't want to have period. Trust me. D:

Got it once in like september or something and it never came back =D yay...

My mom thinks I have problems...

I used pads 'cause tampons are scaryy...

I tried. Couldn't D:<
Haha, me eitherr. :D

I need to figure it out though. It's going to bother me until I accomplish this, and it will make my life much more convient once I do. x.o

Today I got my pre-period. It happened in Target (how wonderful)
Well here's the story:

My mom and I went to Target for stuff. Then I felt like I had to use the bathroom. So, I went to bathroom and as I wiping the seat and putting on the toilet seat cover, I felt like I had to really use it. So I did my business, then I look in the toilet and I see that my....crap had red and orange stuff on it. So I wipe my beheenie and orange stuff is still coming off of it. I had no idea what it was. So I went home and told my friend who already had hers and she told me it was my pre-period cause hers was just like that. Now I'm gonna get my real period in 2 or 3 months. Yay.
Okay, this may sound gross, but it isn't your pre-period. The red and orange stuff is from your...waste itself. It isn't really related to you period. If you do get your period in the next few months it could just be a coincidence. But the red and orange stuff when you wiped your behind isn't because of your period, because of the feces itself.


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